When Microsoft dropped the mic at E3 2015 with its backwards compatibility announcement, it was clear that a ton of work went into the program. Xbox One launched with no ability to play Xbox 360 games at all, let alone anything from the original Xbox. Now, of course, both libraries work on modern Xbox platforms in some capacity, although bringing those games over wasn't always easy.
Xbox's Jason Ronald recently took to Twitter to respond to fan requests about more back compat games. Ronald said that the process is complicated on multiple levels, and that some recent additions "took years of work".
Ronald also spoke about how licensing hurdles don't stop at the game itself, they include all aspects of development like music, voice acting, writers, the whole lot. In short, the team has always tried to do its best with adding games to the program.
Unfortunately, that program seems to have wrapped up with the latest batch of titles added during last year's anniversary event. Still, the program has been a huge success on Xbox, not to mention the likes of FPS Boost, a feature that's massively enhanced the backwards compatibility library.
What are your favourite back compat games on Xbox? Tell us down in the comments below.
Comments 35
Still wish we'd got Kung Fu Chaos but I guess the license rights would be a nightmare
Just be thankful for what we did get. It was a herculean task, going above and beyond what we should expect, and much appreciated. That doesn't mean we don't wish there was more too, that is only natural.
I sure do love when random twitter folk speak with absolute authority on subjects they know nothing about. 😃 Props to Team Xbox for even replying.
Back compat was an essential move for xbox. Its the only reason i still have one for my older games as i switch over after the xbox 360
Thanks Team xbox for they did with the program. Of course it would nice to got "everything" but glad that xbox did bring over what they could AND that they made the genuine attempt compared to its competition.
I love xbox BC, I'm still buying and playing xbox 360 games on my series x, like metal gear revengeance, d&d chronicles of mystara, and others.
Still holding out hope for One/Series X Enhanced for Fallout: New Vegas.
And more backwards compatible Sonic games, especially '06.
I love the backwards compatibility. Must be quite frustrating though when those games just get re-releases anyway, e.g. Far Cry 3/BD, Alan Wake, Mafia 2 etc. as they worked to bring them to Xbox One and beyond and they just get replaced.
I feel there may be space for one last batch should the Acti-Blizz acquisition go ahead. I have said before it would be great to get the Tony Hawk games etc. again depends on licensing though; especially the songs in that series.
I use BC quite a lot but the only thing that makes me think twice is the quick resume doesn’t exactly work well (if at all) for it.
But BC does help series feel a lot more “complete” on Xbox. You can play every (mainline) Dragon Age game, every Assassins Creed Game etc.
Of course it would be great to see EVERY game released on an Xbox console to be preserved and playable but that's not a reality. Even when MS acquires Activision/Blizzard and their Publishing rights, you know that certain games will NOT be added to Xbox B/C because of Licensing issues.
Games like Marvels Spider-Man games, James Bond games, Hasbro Transformers games for example are 'unlikely' because of external Licensing agreements that have expired.
One thing I miss from Games these days is the option to add your 'own' music as a soundtrack to games - particularly Car based games. I remember adding some CD's to my HDD and being able to play those 'in game' instead of selecting the 'licensed' list of songs categorised by genre based 'radio' stations.
I do understand that Licenses were issued for a set time or specific platform and that once those expires, the license holder gets 'nothing' from any subsequent sales of that software. If your a musical artist for example and have a song licensed by a dev, you get some money for every sale but once that licence expires, the Publisher is effectively selling their music without a License which could get them sued. There was some 'confusion' over whether Halo 'licenced' Marty O'Donnells music or 'owned' it but that seems to be resolved now...
Its different if the IP, Music, Writing etc is all owned by the Publisher which is often the case with in-house studios using in-house composers, writers etc but becomes much more complicated if they use 'external' options inc using Actors and their 'likeness' in game too...
There was a reason I kept my old OG Xbox, Xbox 360 (even though the 360 too had 'some' BC functionality) so that if I really wanted to go back and play those games, I could. I still have all my games too - although now, my OG Xbox games are in Storage. Its handy having 'some' old games on my Series X for convenience but the reality in my case is that I'd rather play XB1 era onwards games unless they have a Significant reason to revisit an old game (like a decent remake/remaster) or because a 'new' game is coming and I want to 'catch up' with the story...
@K1LLEGAL I agree about Tony Hawk. The Tony Hawk games (at least 3, 4, Underground 1/2 and American Wasteland) would be amazing to have again, especially after the news about the scrapped 3/4 project.
Literally in my wishlist, the only games that never came to BC were the Tony Hawk games and the Prince of Persia HD trilogy. Xbox did amazing in what they brought overall.
@K1LLEGAL It's not like quick resume works that well on a lot of new and X1 games either though
I love quick resume. It's the best feature. But....it's so hit or miss, I feel like it only works reliably with maybe half or less of games.
wish more titles were added but i really am disappointed with how few 360 games get a resolution boost.
you'd think out of all the ones that still run in original pixel counts at least some could have had a double to 1440p.
even a system option to double res with vrr to sort out the framerate could be ok
I think it's really amazing work. There will always be demand for more titles because people want full backwards compatibility and don't want to keep old consoles around.
So many more titles we can dream of but BC was the reason I got on back on board with Xbox.
I’m glad we got SSX3. Still play that on and off frequently. All the Star Wars games. Fight night champion. So many good driving games though BC. I still dream of Rallisport 1&2 and PGR - the punisher.
But we did get a load of rockstar classics and especially Max Payne 3. Masterpiece.
Thank you Xbox.
@mus422 Microsoft owns the rights and the company that made it.
The company that made it change its name the the guys that made HellBlade and Bleeding Edge
It was a great effort, and I'm glad that they've committed to having XbOne games being compatible with Series consoles, and hopefully they'll keep up going forward next gen so we're not going to lose any.
I've been considering getting a 360 to play that generation games and the OG Xbox games it plays (which is a greater range than on BX1 and Series).
@NEStalgia I mean, you are right… but without realising I just had Forza Horizon 5, Wolfenstein 2, Gears 5 and Danganronpa all on quick resume this week and all resumed okay. I was as surprised as anyone.
But with the BC games, some of them crash, and you 100% have to reconnect to 360 Xbox Live (if you want achievement time stamps).
They’re done such a great job so far, I honestly can’t say anything bad about this. Their backwards compatibility is one of the many great things about gaming on Xbox.
I love older games and thought Xbox did a great job. I wish they were still making more of the older games backwards compatible. Maybe one day they will. I really wanted Jet Set Radio Future and Fatal Frame 1 & 2 added to the list.
There are a few og Xbox games I'd love to see added , midtown madness 3 , azuric rise of perathia , project Gotham racing & Buffy the vampire slayer
The one game I wanted to see via BC is “Singularity.” I never had the chance to play it back in the day. I’m wondering if it will come to Game Pass once the Activision/Blizzard deal is officially complete. Does anyone know whether or not that can be feasible, or does adding older generation of games to GP the same as backwards compatibility? I’m not sure how it works.
@Would_you_kindly PGR and Midtown Madness are something that I have been longing for in the backwards compatible library. Right up there with JSRF.
@Scenes That was my first thought. I read that tweet twice to make sure it was not my mind but it wasn't my mind.
Backwards compatibility started with Rare Replay and that was the compilation that made me buy my first Xbox so I laugh when people say that nobody plays old games. Well, that was what Sony fanboys used to say until Jim Ryan changed his mind about old games. Since the first day, I've always played more on Xbox than on PS.
Yes, I'd like more backwards compatible games but I'm grateful for what we have. I'm still missing some classics like Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing that I have on Wii (ugly resolution and frame rate) and I even bought it on xbox.com in spite of not having an Xbox 360 LOL, so it's a digital purchase I will probably never play.
@EvilSilentFrame Project Zero/Fatal Frame 1 and 2 are my #1 priority because on top of being great, they're better than the PS2 versions. Jet Set Radio Future would be another awesome addition.
@Banjo- glad it’s not just me 😀 I was the same. I dropped out of gaming for 12yrs years Selling the 360 that had just come out and then got an Xbox One X a year or so before Series X came out.
One of the big attractions for me was all the 360 games I could play that I’d missed out on. I still play Left 4 Dead 2 more than anything, it actually got an update a few weeks ago lol. As great as all the new games are stuff like the new capcom fighting collection go straight to the top of my wish list.
I also love all the ACA Neo Geo games. They were way beyond my reach as a kid and I get a huge kick seeing them boot up knowing I finally have the power of a neo geo. 😁
@Scenes Yep, also the Neo Geo consoles and cartridges were really expensive. I started playing Sonic Origins last night as soon as it was unlocked and it's not because my backlog isn't gigantic LOL.
They did a good job but there was a few more games i wanted to play
@JayJ I really thought we'd get them because I thought they were first party games then again I've tried to emulate them on my pc & midtown madness 3 worked but not very well & project Gotham racing wouldn't even start
@Would_you_kindly Yeah, sadly I think the nature of licensed cars in video games is what's been holding those back. Same reason they aren't selling any of the Forza Motorsport games anymore.
@Banjo- yes, I knew you would agree on Project Zero 1&2. Looking back at some of the games that did become backwards compatible, I’m surprised those two did not. As for JSRF, I wasn’t surprised. It had music license that was going to be tricky to get around. That was the game that got me to buy an original Xbox. I was a huge Sega fan and saw how much they were supporting Xbox. So I went with Xbox.
How is Sonic Origins?
@EvilSilentFrame I'm hoping for remasters!
I bought Jet Set Radio for Series X recently but I haven't played it yet. I tried it on a friend's Dreamcast back in the day and it was cool.
Sonic Origins is everything I hoped for. My only complaint this far is that the Sonic CD opening and ending cutscenes haven't been remade to remove the VHS? damage and 4:3 ratio. I wonder how there's VHS? damage if it was a CD game.
I will write a mini review here:
@Banjo- I replayed Jet Set Radio about a year ago on Xbox. The controls were a bit dated but once I got back in the groove, I really enjoyed the game again. Always loved that series and was so disappointed when they didn’t come out with a third…. All these years later and there’s talks of Sega making a free to play type of Jet Set. Im not sure what to think of that yet. Not a fan of buy this and buy that. I’d rather just buy the game and have everything for it.
Glad to hear Sonic Origins is good so far. Yes I don’t get why CD would have VHS damage. That should have been something they could have fixed, but it is Sega. If they fixed everything and made it 100 percent perfect, then there’s nothing to fix in the future to repackage and resell again in the next 5-10 years.
@EvilSilentFrame Yes, there are Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio rumours, let's wait and see what they bring...
I love this feature. All I use the wife's x1 for (mostly) are the backwards compatible games and they play so well. Sonic cd, Comoc Jumper, Faery, Alice MW play smoothly and I love that they will all work on the X when I get one.
Still can’t understand how Crazy Taxi 3 high Roller didn’t make the cut.
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