We recently learned that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge would become the first Limited Run game to get a physical release on Xbox, but there are many others on the way in 2022 and 2023 as well!
Announced earlier today at the LRG3 Summer Showcase, the likes of DOOM 64, A Boy and His Blob: Retro Collection, River City Girls 2, Shadowrun Trilogy, and Tetris Effect: Connected are all getting physical Xbox versions.
Here's the full list of Xbox games announced at the event:
- A Boy and His Blob: Retro Collection (PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox)
- Bill & Ted's Excellent Retro Collection (PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox)
- DOOM 64 (Xbox)
- LUNARK (PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox)
- Plumbers Don't Wear Ties: Definitive Edition (PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox)
- PowerSlave: Exhumed (PS4, Switch, Xbox)
- River City Girls 2 (PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox)
- Shadowrun Trilogy (PS4, Xbox, Switch)
- Spidersaurs (PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge (PS4, Switch, Xbox)
- Tetris® Effect: Connected (Switch, PS4, Xbox)
Limited Run says the physical copies of these games "are scheduled for release in 2022 and 2023," with more details to be shared in the coming weeks and months, although a few already have product pages on the official website.
Notably, pre-orders begin for the standard and Collector's Editions of Tetris Effect: Connected in just over a week on Friday, June 17th. It's also already been confirmed that TNMT: Shredder's Revenge's physical edition will be available at major retailers at launch, and details on a Collector's Edition for that game (hopefully also coming to Xbox!) will be revealed in the near future.
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Will you be picking up any of these Limited Run physical editions for Xbox? Tell us in the comments.
[source limitedrungames.com]
Comments 30
This is awesome news! I’ll definitely pick up TMNT Shredder’s Revenge and River City Girls 2!
They are a terrible company. Truly. I feel for any Xbox owners that get sucked in like ps4 and switch owners did.
One of the worst companies I’ve ever had misfortune to be a customer of. Horrible grubby people that run it too.
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Retro Collection 🤣🤣
I always thought those games were terrible
And they resisted the urge to do Shantae right away.
I'll probably get River City Girls 2, since I missed the Playstation release. Even though I prefer to have my beat em up games on Switch or Playstation instead, because of controller preference...
Other than some long wait times I've never had anything but good results from Limited Run Games.
It's a crying shame Doom 64 hasn't received any of the id Tech engine upgrades like other Doom games, particularly splitscreen multiplayer. It wouldn't be hard to insert multiplayer spawn points in the WADs either.
@Scummbuddy their customer support can be pretty bad. I had to return a damaged collectors edition from them and they demanded that I return it first and have it inspected before they would even consider to send me a new one. Usually takes forever for them to respond too.
Plumbers don't wear ties? Who asked for this 😂
@Solidchief They're also releasing "Plumbers Don't wear ties" so the games' quality doesn't seem to be a requirement for release.
Tempted by Doom 64 physical, even though I have it digitally on both Switch, Xbox and the original N64 Cartridge🤣
I've only played Doom 64 so I'll get the physical for the collection. Please publish an article when we can order these
Still dont understand the attraction of physical ownership, why waste all that plastic and effort? The only reason I ever thought made sense was to ensure offline play, but with the current drm shananigans, even that doesnt make sense....
Notice how they will release different PS4 and PS5 versions, but only XBOX version? this means it will be the XBO verison and we will download he series x version via smart delivery. this is horrible for us who want a real physical nexgen version.
Why is this even a story. Yet again NA only.
Limited run don't produce games on the proper side of the equator
@Titntin i don't understand the digital craze, you own nothing just borrowed code. Least with disc's you can play them whenever you want
@Resi32 except as the recent drm issue highlighted, you can only play if microsofts servers let you. You also own nothing except borowed code which you still need permission to play, you've just wasted physical resources to achieve nothing.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but having a disc means literally nothing.
@Titntin i mean its supporting the physical industry so it does mean something, unlike the digital only cancer.
@Resi32 It doesn't mean anything to real developers at all.
If you wish to support manufacturing plants that print discs, the pamphlet printers, plastic case manufacturers and the haulage companies burning deisal to transport them all, then good job, you can do just that.
Im not on a personal mission or anything, but if I can do just a little to stop us consuming the planets resources with no reason, then I do so. Consuming media that can be consumed digitally in a digital only space is one change ive made which had no drawbacks for me, other than finding new things to put on shelves that formaly held lots of unused dusty media.
Since the revelation that any disc only plays if ms servers are up and allow it, I had thought the last genuine reason for this plastic consumption was gone, but im obviously wrong on that front. I still hope more people choose digital consumption in the future, just from an ecological viewpoint. I dont understand why you think its cancer? You are no freer because your code is committed fo disc, indeed, the code you pysically own is out of date from release day onwards, meaning your disc is a physical key to a digital game. I dont understand the attraction of changing discs and having a drive running while playing, but its a free world.
@Resi32 @Titntin actually just yesterday MVG did some experiments on his channel and found that some games for Xbox boot from the disc like Balan Wonderworld. I would assume all of the Limited Run games would as well.
It’s around 7:30 mark. 100% playable offline. =)
@mousieone Thanks! Didn't know this.
If I wanted Balan Wonderworld, I'd have an advantage having it on disc. I'd still buy it digitally, but I would understand those who bought it physically because of this.
I do think its a shame that you cant play what you own without corporate over-sight these days, or at least for most titles. For me it only underlines a decision I made on other grounds some time ago.
But I am aware that many good people still bought physically because of the illusion they could play regardless of server status, and I'm genuinely sorry that's not really the case for many titles.
Thanks again for the linkl!
@Titntin I can see the problem in regards to Xbox, but with Switch titles (that aren't downloaded required), most boot from the card directly. I get nearly everything physically for Switch, plus it saves on SD card space.
@Titntin it might shock you to discover that xbox series x and ps5 aren't the only consoles ever made. And I can tell you for free good luck finding a digital copy of a lot of classic games which thanks to the disc industry you can still put in and play. A novelty that will be lost for future collectors and nostalgia fans if people like you get their way.
@Resi32 Unless you are unable to read, you will know full well that I have owned and played every gen of console - and long before the west came to accept it, I had to import my games from Japan long before games imports became a viable business.
..... and this particular conversation is about buying physical copies of current games, why change what you are talking about?
I have every single game ever made, for any system, completely archived together with artwork and release info. My collection goes up to PS2/360 atm as I wont archive games until they are at least 2 gens old and would not get my money anyway. Also I need another 12TB of storage for all the PS4 stuff - hopefully that will be cheaper by the time I archive PS4!
Archiving games in this way, free from any manufacturers over sight, is the true way to preserve this industries output. Its also digital
So if you are missing any really old titles, I wont need any luck, I will have several versions of it. You want an obscure Jap release snes horse racing title? I'll have all the versions of it.
As people have pointed out(thanks Evil C), older systems and switch cartridge's are all still able to work offline, so people buying for those systems still have that as a reason to stay physical - though I only own two switch carts and the rest is digital - no surprises.
You can buy your games how you want. Sorry I pointed out that your doing it for no reason seeing as how you are still tied to online authentication - that's obviously annoyed you, but we are simply discussing the point of buying physical here. It was on point and not mentioned to annoy you, its a genuine issue.
@Titntin oh I get that. I usually don’t buy Xbox physical myself unless it’s for collecting aka goodies. Same reason; why bother.
Dang, was really, really hoping for a Psychonauts 2 physical release. Only chance since Xbox don't give a damn about physical releases anymore. Can but hope.
@Stocksy I order games from this company for a friend of mine pretty regularly (he doesn't want to put his cc online), and there's never been an issue with their products aside from the long wait time to get the games in the first place.
Getting doom 64 limited run one sealed one for my personal enjoyment.
Thank you for your very informative post! I had no idea it was so simple to play offline, and of course I appreciate why people would prefer this option - its always good to have a fall back position, especially if you suffer from poor connectivity.
Thanks again for shedding more light on this, appreciated!
So having looked at limited run, the import cost for UK is well over 10 quid. Its a complete and utter rip off to us non yanks.
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