A game developer has apparently received a death threat, alongside lots more abuse, after a tweet he made a few days ago suggesting Flying Wild Hog's Trek To Yomi will have been much more successful on Xbox Game Pass than it would have as part of any PSN sale.
As reported by GFinity, the developer, known as Chris, made the tweet on May the 6th and, rather unsurprisingly, was immediately subjected to the ire of upset PlayStation fans and others who disagreed with his opinion. Alas, Twitter gonna Twit.
In the wake of the reaction to his post, Chris was quick to clarify his position saying that;
“I didn't post this because of freaking video game consoles. I posted this because I was thinking about my personal experience working with Xbox and knowing how big Game Pass deals can be, it's just a cool thing.”
However, the damage had been done and many replies seemed to automatically assume that Chris was a developer on Trek To Yomi itself, which he is not, something he went on to clear up in a later response. He also shared with his Twitter followers that he had received a death threat and troubling message telling him to commit self-harm via the Xbox App to which he responded;
“To whoever sent this; I hope you get the help you need. I'm not even mad at you, I genuinely hope you get some professional help because this isn't normal behaviour.”
Today the developer issued a final statement regarding the issue on Twitter thanking people for supporting him during the onslaught, as well as his friends, family and co-workers.
You really can never be too careful with what you say on good old social media!
On a brighter note, Trek To Yomi has been well-received since its release, with our own review calling it a "stylish Samurai Action With Real AAA Polish"
Have you been playing Trek To Yomi? Let us know in the comments!
[source gfinityesports.com]
Comments 39
Twitter really is one of the worst things in the world.
Well he made it sound like a fact and he made it sound like he was part of the team in the first post.
Imagine the more games that go onto gamepass and in the future if streaming becomes the normal will microsoft give all the thousands of games that release every generation a lot of money? Otherwise how will these companies make money?
Pathetic fanboys sending death threats over video games. Honestly got nothing better to do.
@UltimateOtaku91 It's been addressed several times. Each dev/game has different avenues if they are on GP. It depends on what the dev wants, but most indies appear quite happy with the amounts they get, and the funding is known to help considerably. Mike Rose has gone on record saying the GP amount they got for one game paid for the console ports. MrMattyPlays has an interview with him with LSM that while doesn't get into the specifics does actually clarify a lot of questions like these. And while yes it is okay to worry about an all streaming future, I think we're a bit far from that. Your concerns are noted, but personally, while an all digital future is a possibility, I don't see an all streaming one in my lifetime. Not with Nintendo around.
That said, I agree with you that he made it sound like he worked on Trek to Yomi, then said in another tweet around that time period that he didn't. My issue is that for some reason people seem to think you're going to read all of their tweets even the ones not part of the thread. Therefore, they leave out information assuming you're going to go through their entire tweet history. Yes, in a tweet he said he didn't work on the project, but in that tweet he did not. However, death threats, which he has received, are never okay. People need to go pull weeds in my backyard for an hour before posting on Twitter.
A really great game. I played it for the cinematography and story and surprised I made it to the end in three sittings. Perfect length. Pacing could of been a bit better.
This developer adds his perspective on his dealing with indie games and game pass and people jump on him. I wish these people that act super tough and super intelligent online got a dose of their own actions. It’s just games.
@Chaudy They're sending death threats?
For this? Lol.
Well the game is an indie game, and one that had average reviews, so I don't think it was going to sell.
It seems reasonably clear that he's saying "Trek to Yomi was a Game Pass promoted game, our game wasn't and we still did really well from Game Pass, so imagine how much they must be getting".
I can see how people mis-read that as "I work at the Trek to Yomi developer" - but regardless, people losing their minds because someone said something nice about Game Pass is ridiculous, they seriously need to get a life, games are about enjoyment not sending death threats to each other!
I'm so glad I never got into any social media platforms growing up.
There are a lot of deeply stupid people out there, and a large percentage of them are on the internet now.
Receiving death threats from a video game fanboy is laughable. They're too scared, fat and lazy to go outside, let alone trying to accomplish a feat of violence.
@Royalblues don’t leave because of them. I agree with you that fanbase is the worst, I’ve been saying it myself for ages now. There are more good eggs than bad here, try and ignore obvious bad ones who drift over from PS.
Its completely ridiculous that people do this stuff, and it can never be condoned.
BUT, anyone saying something contentious on those sites and not expecting a back lash must be living under a rock.
Its not right of course, but we all know its a fact. Its why I dont use twitter or ever use FB. Unfortunately its hard to get away from this stuff and even on pure and push, there are more people looking for a soapbox, than enthused gamers looking to connect.
You cant hide from human nature, and we always look for a fight even if there's no reason to have one. Shame really, a person can be amazing, but people are stupid.
@ShadowofTwilight22 Pretty sure they were talking about leaving PushSquare not PlayStation.
@MiGke I didn't mean my comment to seem like I'm justifying death threats because I don't and those users should be banned on twitter, I was just pointing out that his wording on his original comment could of been worded better to avoid all of this.
My comment about gamepass was in response to his comment about trek to yomi receiving a lot of money to be on gampeass, as if true then surely Microsoft pay similar sums to other indie devs, in which case if there is ever a all streaming future with thousands of games on gamepass then that's a lot of money Microsoft would have to pay out.
Fervent fanboyism is toxic and despicable, just as it is in football where you have d-heads racially abusing and sending death threats over missed penalties.
Frankly, there are idiots like this on all sides, I think it just seems worse on the PS side because at this moment that is the larger fanbase, and those with something toxic to say always shout louder (I still remember the godawful "360 frat bros era). In all honesty, I probably skew more towards PS just because more of the sort of the games are on there, but I'm not so moronic that I can't see that MS are doing some great moves and I love my XSX and Gamepass, in fact I haven't turned my PS5 on for over a month (but that's just because I happened to get Elden Ring on XSX, and nothing is getting me away from that anytime soon!)
@ShadowofTwilight22 you're right and I regret I did, twitter can easily block those accounts but people just create new ones with ease to do it again, I think instead of blocking accounts and emails they should start blocking IP addressess instead.
Or add a filter which when toggled will remove all posts that contain offensive words or malicious worlds like "kill" "bomb" "murder" etc
And only allow users who have a twitter account for over a year be able to message people directly
His comments make sense to me. The Developer gets MORE money out of putting their game on Game Pass than they do from 'direct' sales where they have to 'pay' money to the Platform Holder and that Platform Holder also takes 30% as the 'retailer'. Take off taxes and/or Publishers cuts, the Developer gets 'little' back compared to what they are being paid to release on Game Pass. Chances are that the 'price' point too will put people off of buying it at/around release.
I am glad that I don't do Social Media!!!
@RevGaming it's not a bad game, but because it's a samurai game it gets compared to ghost of tsushima, the amount of reviews I've read and watched online that reference it are ridiculous, for staters it has no where near the budget of GoT amd it's a different genre.
For the type of game it is and it's art direction its pretty good, a 7.5/10 from me
@UltimateOtaku91 Like I said in other posts. I only have free time to play what I think it's above average games.
@RevGaming so if God of war Ragnarok scores a 7/10 you won't play it?
@GunValkyrian Do you really see it like that? Genuinely?
I'm in every camp and always will be, but I've thought this last couple of years that its been the complete opposite!
Recently Sony was destroyed because the servers were down for a single game for 48 hours. The fall out in the press went on for quite a bit and it became a big story. This weekend we had the microsoft DRM issues where people effectively had their whole consoles 'bricked' by MS DRM policy, but you can barely find a word said about it in comparison.
I still think MS gets away with a lot more than Sony, but that's because they have a more savy and better connected communications team so you could argue they deserve it! Sony need to up their game on coms...
Still, we will all see things differently, I was just genuinely surprised as I hadn't heard many express your view
@UltimateOtaku91 hell no lol
@UltimateOtaku91 I'll even make fun of sony, the studio and ps fans if it gets a 7.
Even if the first one js my favorite game of last gen
@Titntin barely find a word about it !?! Several prominent Youtube channels mentioned it, it was trending one Twitter, and it was covered on a number of sites including this one. I can provide links if you’d like. But trust me it got covered. Jez from Windows Central kept posting about it all weekend.
I swear you guys don’t bother doing research
Yup it barely got covered. You want more?
@mousieone My comment was not meant to offend, but obviously did, so I appologise. I didnt mean to suggest the issue was not covered in the specialist press, it would have been weird indeed if it had not been covered at all.
But here in the uk, the servers falling over for GT7 made national news, BBC, several news papers etc, and generated headlines in the specialist press for a week. In comparison, for an issue that I would suggest is far worse, I dont think the coverage has been as extensive.
You really didnt have to post links.. I never denied that there was coverage.
Again, im just sharing an observation and my own take on it as I thought we were in a safe place to have an adult discussion, particularly given the threads subject matter. I have no hotline to the truth and would not seek to devalue your opinion simply because its different. Peace
Edit. For full disclosure, I DO play GT7 and consider it the best driving game ive ever played. I also thought the critiscm was far too vitriolic, but im certainly not butt hurt by this, its merely syptomatic of the nets propensity to turn everything brown!
@PhhhCough I'm in this comment and I don't like it 😂
I remember I once got a death threat at my work (I work in licensed trade) and a person I had refused service to earlier called up and said they where going to come down with a shotgun. My reply was I'll see you soon. These Twitter cardboard gangsters are just that. Would they ever say something like that to someone's face?
@Titntin Did you ever stop to think maybe because PlayStation is much more popular in the UK, it’s going to get more coverage? I mean Elden Ring probably sold more copies than there are Xbox consoles there. Not to mention right now Elon Musk and the BitCoin issue are more newsworth than gaming right now. I can tell you The last major outage was covered in the nightly news here in the States.
And no there was no hurt. Also, I’m not a child. Many forums require you to back up statements like the ones you posted. “It seems doesn’t hold much water with the bigger picture”.
One of the most beautiful games I've ever played. LOVING it. Hats off to the devs.
The internet seems to consist of 3 distinct things.
A collection of the stupidest, most abusive people on Earth all gathered in one pseudo-metaverse.
Badly AI-generated informationals with inaccurate, conflicting, and copied information that seems to be Google Translated through 3 different langauges. This is a new phenomenon and now accounts for an equal amount or greater amount of internet content than socials.
Corporations using it to siphon data from passers by.
That's it, that's really all the internet has to offer in 2022. It was a useful tool in 1998. The internet really just needs to go the way of Myspace now.
PlayStation fanatics have been the joke of the gaming industry for awhile now so sending death threats over a tweet is frankly not shocking at all…and more on the expected side these days.
I guess I’m not in the right places to see the same level of toxicity from Xbox and Nintendo fanboys. But I also know it’s a numbers game…and there’s simply more unstable people on PlayStation than Xbox because there’s more people full stop. The success of the ps4 took many of Xbox’s unstable … hell, the two most prominent YouTube Sony fanboys used to be Xbox fanboys before the PS4 became so successful.
I guess it’s not as much a problem on Nintendo, even though it has the biggest install base, because most have it as their secondary console? And their games don’t cater as much to the minds that enjoy ripping off limbs and stabbing zombies in the head.
Of course psychologically it’s natural for people to gravitate to a sense of community and belonging. It’s ultimately why there’s fans and followers of anything in life. And it’s also natural to defend that if it’s under threat. But let’s not pretend it’s natural to get upset and threaten to kill someone or suggest they kill themselves over them writing they believe a game will make more money on gamepass than a PlayStation sale. That’s just a very fragile mind on display that could do with some help.
I'm sick of obviously fake death threats being used to create sympathy and exposure for gaming devs. Make a good game and you don't need to do this bs.
Just report, block them, and move on. I hope twitter new management will outright ban peoples that tweet death threat on it's platform.
I'm going to post about Tesco making more money from potato sales than Morrisons and watch the death threats roll in from the Morrisons hardcore.
This verbal assaultt is utter Bull, this developer & studio need not explain themselves to anyone. The decision & comments made are theirs to make and need to reason other than their own. Everyone else can just take a hike .
@RevGaming Days gone got 6/10 on ign and some above on others but I thought it was an amazing game the numbers from journalists don’t mean anything major there simply a way of informing you about the game from there personal opinion but when you or someone else plays they may disagree and it’s a 10/10 or 1/10 themselves, you cannot criticise people for liking a low score game or for hating a high score one till you personally played it and can form your own genuine opinion.
@grant4evergamer Nobody has time or money to experiment each game that it's added on the ps store. It's why the scores are so useful when it comes to making purchase decision and what you will invest your money/time in. The only reason I may play Days Gone is because it's free.
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