For those who aren't aware, NVIDIA's GeForce Now streaming service works with the Microsoft Edge browser on Xbox, allowing you to access over 1000 games via cloud streaming - and there's even a free "Basic" subscription offer.
However, those who hoped they might be able to play PC ports of PlayStation games on their Xbox got a rude awakening last year when Death Stranding was added to the service but wouldn't show up on the Xbox version of Microsoft Edge, and now the recent re-release of God of War is (unfortunately) doing exactly the same thing.
It's not exactly a surprise that Sony doesn't want Xbox users taking advantage of NVIDIA GeForce Now to play PlayStation games, but it's interesting to see that God of War has been deactivated on Xbox so quickly all the same.
Interestingly, there are still some current PlayStation exclusives like Kena: Bridge of Spirits that can be played on Xbox using GeForce Now, but in terms of most first-party Sony titles, don't expect to enjoy them this way anytime soon.
Any thoughts on this? Let us know down in the coments section below.
Comments 95
Sony depend on console sales and all that comes with that a lot and exclusives help them with this.
For them to be playable on a rival console could be disastrous for them.
It is why they have taken so long to even release on PC and that was forced due to Microsoft’s approach of play anywhere.
It’s the same with Nintendo and their consoles really do depend on Nintendo exclusives ie Mario Kart etc.
Why would they? That's as ridiculous as me asking to stream Halo to PS5 via Xcloud.
Did anyone really expect this? Guarantee the 'Sony anti-consumer' comments will soon appear on Twitter and YouTube though.
Bet they don't when Starfield doesn't come to PlayStation which was in development way prior to the acquisition.
(Which also isn't expected.)
Well this should be obvious and don't blame them, you can't stream Nintendo or xbox games on playstation either....
Granted, if Microsoft had their way, you would be able to stream Xbox games on Nintendo and Sony platforms.
"don't blame them, you can't stream Nintendo or xbox games on playstation either...."
Except the reason for that, is not because MS is blocking Sony from streaming Xbox first party games. It is Sony!!!
Of course, I would expect nothing less from one of the biggest Sony apologists on PureXbox 🤣🤣.
@GADG3Tx87 Not silly at all.
MS provide full XCloud service to anyone with a browser.
Sony are the people stopping you streaming GamePass games to the PS5, not MS.
"Xbox got a rude awakening last year when Death Stranding was added to the service but wouldn't show up on the Xbox version of Microsoft Edge, and now the recent re-release of God of War is (unfortunately) doing exactly the same thing"
Nooo, I'm truly shocked and would have never expected such a ( scummy) move from Sony😉.
If game streaming takes over, and it really seems like it will, I hope eventually Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo games can be streamed on any platform. But for now they've still got too much interest in console sales, so that's reasonably not possible.
So I suppose Microsoft aren't blocking Bethesda games on PlayStation by buying them when they could just put them on disc or digital.
Let's not pretend otherwise. Because streaming isn't their only option if they wanted their games on other platforms that bad.
No GoW on Xbox, No Starfield or next ES and FO on PlayStation.
"That's as ridiculous as me asking to stream Halo to PS5 via Xcloud."
And why would that be ridiculous, is it because you follow the console wars doctrine?
Because it's exclusive. If I had it on PlayStation why would I need an Xbox? And after the acquisitions everyone here was raving how exclusives are great and 'just business' and keep asking/hoping for more acquisitions.
So Xbox fans want PS games on Xbox but when MS get a publisher Xbox fans be like 'lol, exclusive, deal with it'.
@Sol4ris Sony do an awful lot of scummy things. But I really don't think you could argue this is one of them
@GADG3Tx87 You can play GamePass Bethesda games on any device with a browser.
iPhone, Android, PC.
If you can't play them on PS5 because Sony blocked it from having a functioning browser, you only have Sony to blame.
"If I had it on PlayStation why would I need an Xbox?"
I know it has been said ad nauseam, but Microsoft does NOT use consoles sales as the only metric for success. Selling their services, GP and Xcloud is just as important, it's time people recognise that.
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Lots of arguments going on about Console wars. Meanwhile I'm still thinking does anyone have a good enough connection to stream games like of God of War without any lag? If you do then that's so lucky
"Sony do an awful lot of scummy things. But I really don't think you could argue this is one of them"
I guess you're right, but one more "scummy" move(or not) it's neither here nor there 😉.
Sony not wanting their exclusives on their main competitor's console isn't surprising here. But there's a surprising amount of mental gymnastics involved regardless.
They want their exclusives on their consoles....but release them on PC.
They claim streaming services are unsustainable, but then put their games on a streaming service that competes against their own streaming service that already runs on PC.....
Then they proactively work with said third party to block running that company's product when running on specific pieces of hardware outside their control....
Why not just retain their own games for their own subscription streaming service that already runs on the target platform rather than going through bizarre gyrations to put it on third party services and then restrict the content from running on platforms that third party runs on that their own streaming service already doesn't?
This would be like Microsoft working to put Game Pass into Apple Arcade, and then blocking it from running on the iOS version of Safari.
It seems like they created their own problem, then tried to solve it by selectively alienating potential customers in a way that looks bad rather than just streaming it exclusively on their own service in a way that looks good.
TL;DR: Jim Ryan does it again!
"Again, if Microsoft are sooo pro-comsumer, why not publish them via disc and digital to circumvent Sony? Because they could."
I don't want to blow your mind, but last time I checked PS5 is not an open platform, same with Xbox and Nintendo. Therefore Microsoft cannot publish squat on PS5 without Sony’s consent.
Regardless, we were discussing streaming options here, not circumvention strategies Microsoft can or should explore 😉. OK?
I can't play halo on my PS4 it's disgusting that Microsoft won't let me play their games on sonys console !
@Sol4ris they don't allow Microsofts streaming service which includes lots of 3rd party titles that can bought from the ps store why would they let people pay Microsoft to stream those games when they can sell them through their store front & take a percentage
@Would_you_kindly don't forget all the third party devs that have games on gamepass would be losing out on sales if gamepass was on playstation, meaning either Microsoft would have to pay each developer more money or Sony would have to cough up some money as well.
"They want their exclusives on their consoles....but release them on PC."
Major Bethesda releases like Starfield are going to PC/Xbox going forward, but not PS5. Console exclusivity is a thing.
"They claim streaming services are unsustainable, but then put their games on a streaming service that competes against their own streaming service that already runs on PC....."
AFAIK they claimed something like GP where exclusives hit the service on day one were unsustainable. There's no contradiction with them putting older games that have already sold the majority of copies they're going to sell on a premium-tier subscription. But you won't see, say, GoW Ragnarok on any version of PS+ at release.
"Why not just retain their own games for their own subscription streaming service that already runs on the target platform rather than going through bizarre gyrations to put it on third party services and then restrict the content from running on platforms that third party runs on that their own streaming service already doesn't?"
They want the games on PC, and probably received a payout to put it on GeForce Now, but don't want people on rival consoles to be able to take advantage of a loophole in order to stream them.
It's self-explanatory, regardless of whether you agree with the move or not.
@Chaudy I use xcloud steaming on my tablet when my TV is occupied and it runs quite smoothly, I'm from the UK and are with virgin media for my Internet on the lowest package which provides 100mbs. And I've also used Google stadia streaming for far cry 5 in 1080p and that was also smooth.
"I can't play halo on my PS4 it's disgusting that Microsoft won't let me play their games on sonys console !"
I can't play Halo on my PS4 it's disgusting that Sony won't let me play Microsoft's games on their console ! (via streaming).
There, fixed that for you
I can't play xbox games on my nintendo switch so Microsoft are so "scummy"
But I also can't play Nintendo games on my xbox so Nintendo are also "scummy"
Wait, but sony are also "scummy"
Wow, who knew, all three of them are "scummy" 😂😂
Or wait, or is it because all three are protecting their console IP's by locking them to their own consoles to give them identity and protect/produce sales.....
This has upset way more people than the number of people who actually wanted to play Sony games on Xbox.
@Chaudy I'm in your same boat: nobody I know run Stadia or Geforce Now without issues... and at the end they give up.
Keep in mind I have nothing against game-streaming, only I can't afford them.
Buy a playstation, xbox and nintendo, problem solved. NEXT!!
@UltimateOtaku91 The funny thing is that, since Psychonauts 2 is on PS4 and The Show is on Xbox Series and GP, you CAN technically play Playstation games on your Xbox and Xbox games on your Playstation. And games from all three on the Nintendo Switch.
But I get where you're coming from and mostly agree.
After all, if Microsoft wasn't interested in locking down exclusives to strongarm people into their ecosystem, they'd be making damn sure their big releases were all going to Playstation consoles as well.
@Ralizah The PC situation for MS is a little different in that the memberships, not the consoles are their main product, and also that "PC" really means "Windows" which is their own platform. Yeah, Sony can target Windows to not miss that marketshare, but in competing on Windows, they're directly competing on one of Microsoft's platforms, either way, while Nintendo does not. I.E. undermining their exclusivity intent.
It's not that I think putting games on PC is a bad idea specifically. It's that them putting their games on Microsofts "other" platform is a broadside against the whole exclusivity only claims. I know there's the "but consoles and PCs are different markets" claim, but the whole point is MS is trying to redefine it so it isn't, and Sony's playing on their turf now, but only putting their toes in while pretending they're not at all. It's the rhetoric, not the business strategy I contend with.
GFN though, is still strange. If they had no sub service of their own it would make sense. But they have their own. They even just raised the price of it with the Plus+ changes. And that guarantees exclusivity within the PS family of services and control of where it goes (PC only.) So why engage with GFN only to come up with ways of restricting it on platforms it supports? It's a weird move. If the headline were "Sony keeps GoW 2018 on PSNow/Plus, which continues to work only on PC and PlayStation consoles", there would be no headline, and the whole thing would make sense.
I know why they don't want their games on competing consoles and do want them on PC. What I don't get is why they're putting those games on third party services that reach competing consoles and then actively breaking support for it rather than just keeping PS games on PS's PC subscription? if they want market reach, cool. If they want exclusivity, cool. They're trying to do both at the same time and it's working out really strange, because they're just targeting the same market, through a reseller at a loss versus their existing direct sales.
It's just more Jim Ryan weirdness, no matter how you look at it. From a PS, XB, or PC perspective, it's a weird move.
"People who hate on Sony for anything..."
A case of, Pot kettle black?😉
"And entitled gamers who think Sony should be the only 1 of the 3 console platform holders...without console exclusives"
That probably sounded right in your head, but the irony is that Sony and it's fan(boy) base was/is constantly boasting about the importance of exclusives and only recently started porting games to the PC(unlike Microsoft).You can't blame people for mental gymnastics and then go on a exact bender yourself....🤣
It's quite disgusting and hypocritical and, at the same time, typically modern Sony, just like when they called Phil Spencer the day after the Activision acquisition was announced, worried about PS missing Call of Duty's 30% profit margin, the same company blocking old games on the Xbox version of Edge and moneyhatting Square Enix so third-party games skip Xbox for as long as they can pay for.
@NEStalgia Windows might be Microsoft's home turf, but it's such an open platform and hosts so many different storefronts and services that everyone treats it like a neutral middle ground. I suppose the idea is that the PC player base is totally distinct from the player bases for the consoles. I'm sure that's true for some people, but it has never been true for me. Nevertheless, that perception exists, and within that framework, it makes perfect sense for Sony to put their games on PC but not Xbox, and to restrict games on PC game streaming services from running on Xbox consoles.
Nintendo is pretty much the one company left in this industry that isn't interested in dipping its toes into multiplatform waters (not counting the freemium apps they have on mobile storefronts, of course).
@GADG3Tx87 You can play GamePass on ANYTHING except a PlayStation.
The fault is with Sony.
Sony strangling the sales of their own games.
They have a losing strategy.
That's why they are losing.
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Watching you all argue over this gives me joy
"if you didn't call out Microsoft for taking Bethesda games away from PlayStation...
...then spare me from your manufactured complaints about Sony not allowing God of War to be streamed to Xbox😪😪😪"
Nice deflection bud, but I can see how anything negative about Sony would just breeze over your head 😀.
@Ralizah I think that's kind of the whole point of streaming, though, or a "streaming future" that there's no need for a middle ground, the platforms are the services and the OS/hardware is irrelevant. That's how MS is approaching it. And the industry overall. And poignantly I think that's how Jack Tretton viewed that future when introducing Now based on his recent interview contents. And back before that various Sony execs in Japan intended to publish on Xbox and didn't view it as a direct competitor. It was Kutaragi and his Hindenburg sized ego that put a stop to that. And Kodera (Jim's predecessor) made himself the online services guy before retiring.
PS under Jim just seems confused. Jim's model seems to be the only one not really sure what to do with or how to leverage the value of having the oldest of all the streaming services of their very own. It's puzzling. All he's done with it so far is change the name and raise the price. And add the retro games he told everyone they shouldn't want to play, only in the highest price tier...
I think that's the thing. They were the first in the streaming war. They just made a marketing pageant of renaming their service and raising the price. And then they turn around and sell their exclusives to third parties to stream......instead of using their vaunted excluuuusives to, you know, establish the PlayStation streaming service........which is what the exclusives are supposed to be fore....establishing PlayStation platforms..... GoW is "Only on PlayStation". And PC, because it's a "middle ground". And on streaming. Someone else's streaming. And ours too. Sometimes. But on someone elses it's not on all the platforms they support. But you don't need to buy Playstation's streaming service to stream Playstation exclusives, but you can't stream them on other consoles....even using PlayStation's streaming service...
You're just not getting it. This topic is not about GamePass. If Microsoft wanted their games on PlayStation they could do it via digital distribution, because they already do it on Steam. They don't need Sony's permission.
The fact they don't do it is because they are blocking PlayStation users from once third party games, it's that simple, Microsoft do not want those games on PlayStation or they would do it, GamePass or not.
You're thought process is simply 'Sony bad, Microsoft good' because Sony won't put a in house first party game on Xbox which they would never be expected to do when they have a platform to sell.
But here people are saying, 'we want PlayStation games on Xbox but no-no they can't have our games'. While hiding behind the fact that GamePass isn't on PlayStation when it doesn't need to be. Because if GamePass was mandatory, then those games would not be available on Steam to purchase outright, as they also could be on the PlayStation store, Microsoft doesn't want it it's that simple, so stop making excuses, you can't have it both ways.
@Dsswoosh “That's why they are losing.”
Errr… How are Sony losing exactly! They’re ‘winning’ by just about every metric. Consoles sold, profit & revenue (from gaming), games sold, subscriptions, etc. etc.
There’s a serious amount of mental gymnastics on all sides in these comments.
Duh. This shouldn't be a surprise. Anyone with a business would do the same.
@GADG3Tx87 GamePass is how to play MS games if you don't own a PC or XBox.
MS literally let everyone play their games.
Sony have purposefully blocked Sony gamers from playing GamePass on PS5 because they've disabled the browser.
The best advice i can give you is ignore the PS5 and use an Android device if you don't own a PC or XBox.
That way you can play XBox games.
Good luck, have fun
@Sol4ris I think a lot of you get confused with anti consumer and doing regular business practices.
There's a gray area. Not everything is black or white.
I'm 100 percent sure, if any of you guys were the heads of sony, you would be doing exactly what Sony is doing here.
Oh, rest assured I'll loose no sleep over how Sony handles its games...... its just funny to see people defending them regardless of their actions.
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@GADG3Tx87 The reason that putting games on Disc on a rivals platform means that as Publisher, they get very little money back and its not encouraging people to join the MS ecosystem. Its 'printing money' for their rival as Sony would take a 'percentage' of the profits from every sale for publishing on their Platform. If its sold in their store front, 30% of the price goes to the retailer.
Exclusives, whether its Sony, MS or Nintendo are used to get people into their ecosystem.If you purchase a Game Pass subscription, regardless of whether that's on Andoid/iOS, PC or Console, you are in MS's ecosystem. It doesn't matter where you play, you are using their software, their servers etc in their ecosystem - regardless of who made the hardware.
MS doesn't 'care' whether you prefer to game on Console, PC or any device, they want you in their 'ecosystem'. The ONLY way Sony has of getting you into their ecosystem is via their Hardware. Yes you may get some 'old' games ported to PC once they have basically sold all they can to console owners because that game alone is almost irrelevant to console sales and has more 'value' to them in boosting their profits. But they aren't going to 'print money' for MS by releasing a 'native' port to Xbox and paying MS for every game sold...
If Game Pass was allowed on PS, then Sony would lose out big time. All those 3rd Party games that can be streamed for free in MS's ecosystem, losing sales from their own store (30% retailer profit margin) etc. Imagine being able to play MLB21/22, Plague Tale, Outriders, B4B, R6: Extraction etc etc on PS5 with Sony losing out on all those potential sales...
themightyant wrote:
Where did you get that from?
More PS5 than Series X/S sold at a loss yes, 19m vs. 14m.
More PS Plus subscriptions than Gold subscriptions? There were around 26m Plus subscribers last generation, the most successful for Sony since PS2 and Xbox had around 64m Xbox Live (not necessarily Gold) active users last generation. The exact number of Gold subscribers is unknown but...
More PS Now subscriptions than Game Pass subscriptions?
...PS Now has around 3m subscribers while Game Pass is nearing 30m.
More software sales? The best-selling PS5 games are Demon's Souls (1.4m), Ratchet & Clank (1.10m) and Returnal (0.56m) while Forza Horizon 5 had over 1m full-priced pre-orders.
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Erm, this is exactly my point, so why are people complaining about not being able to play GoW on Xbox but apologising the same thing for Microsoft? Mental gymnastics and fake outrage for the sake of outrage.
I was only pointing out that it could happen if they wanted it to while completely understanding why they and Sony don't. But other folks here can't seem to grasp that.
I did say ms are not expected to publish games on a rival console just as Sony aren't expected to, but people here seem to think they are entitled to play Sony games on Xbox while making excuses for ms.
From several people in this thread it's a 'Sony bad, MS good' comment section when both are doing the same thing.
Xiovanni wrote:
That's the thing that @NEStalgia explained masterfully and that makes Sony look so hypocritical once again. Also, it's not the same moneyhatting Square Enix to force third-party games to avoid Xbox for as long as Sony can pay for than acquiring and providing funds to game studios. I didn't complain when Sony acquired any of their studios except the eight that they shut down afterwards including my favourite Sony developer, Studio Liverpool, because my favourite Sony IP is Wipeout and I believe that Uncharted, The Last of Us and even God of War are massively overrated just because they play like movies.
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@Banjo- playstation now is going away and playstation plus extra/premium will be there subscription service, if even half the current playstation plus subscribers upgrade to either of those then playstation will have more gaming subscription subscribers than gamepass, also xbox live is the same as playstation network accounts which in terms of consoles there's more playstation network accounts. Then there's xbox gold which will be the same level of service as the playstation plus "essential package" which currently has 50 million subscribers which I'd wager is more than console "gold" subscribers.
Also to your moneyhatting comment, did you complain when Microsoft money hatted tomb raider? Stalker 2? The medium? The Gunk? The Accent? Dead Rising 4? Blair Witch? Black Desert? Turok? Hunt Showdown? And many more......
Please stop acting like Sony are the only ones doing it. Even Nintendo do it with games like shin megami, monster hunter and bravely default
@Dsswoosh PS5 are plenty in stock in UK? 😂😂
Please show where its in stock
@UltimateOtaku91 I didn't even have an Xbox when Rise of the Tomb Raider launched (the other titles are not all good examples of moneyhatting) and yes, I complained .
@Banjo- some of those games I mentioned xbox money hatting are good games though and especially the online ones which have big player bases, they also money hatted the first plants vs zombies garden warfare game, also why does no one ever mention Nintendo moneyhatting.
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@UltimateOtaku91 I mean that we have discussed this before and funding an independent game or releasing an indie game on Xbox first because Microsoft doesn't charge small developers a fortune unlike Sony is not moneyhatting. Remember all the interviews that reveal that small developers are charged too much by Sony and nothing by Microsoft. In regard to Nintendo, some developers release their games on Switch first because of the bigger userbase but then most of them come to Windows, Xbox and PS. Nintendo doesn't really need to pay for third-party exclusives. Remember Moon Studios that released their game on Xbox because they got funds and marketing from Microsoft and now that they're rich (by indie standards) they write ungrateful tweets disregarding Microsoft and licking Nintendo's a*** because Switch is the craze and flattering Nintendo means getting the fanboys' attention. The company that is moneyhatting aggressively is Sony.
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Some of y’all should just stay over at Push Square. I’m mostly a lurker, but these comment sections always go the same way, usually with the same folks leading the charge. It’s so predictable. Sony doesn’t need anyone white knighting for them on a small Xbox community lol
@Dsswoosh I'm in the UK & there's no PS5 in stock anywhere
GoW, Death Stranding etc are Sony games, it's up to them to devide what platforms to make them available on, some others might be in a contract with Sony, demanding exclusivity to the platforms Sony decides, but Kena: Bridge of Spirits never was Playstation-exclusive, it launched right into EGS on PC, which is where it is still Epic-exclusive, for a full year after launch, means it can't be made available on Steam, Windows Store incl Game Pass or any other storefront.
Plenty of sources!
Consoles sold. Both PS5 ahead and PS4 significantly ahead
Source: VG Chartz
No. PS Plus has nearly 50 million subscriptions. Xbox don't report Gold subscribers or most metrics, ever ask yourself why? But they weren't going to have more than 50 million with barely 50 million XBox One's sold.
Source. Push Square
Yes Game Pass has more than Now, I said ALMOST every metric not every single one. That is one of the few they aren't ahead on. Cherry picking the one or two that support your argument doesn't make it right.
Revenue/income in 2021
Sony gaming division - £24.87bn revenue / $2.63bn income
Microsoft Xbox - $16.28bn (Don't report separate income for gaming but not going to be higher with consoles sold at a loss, massive investments etc.)
Source Daniel Ahmad, VG analyst
Software sales
How do you think Sony gets those higher revenues? Game sales. DLC and MTX. As the leading platform they outsell Xbox on almost every game, look at the charts and platform sales split. Often 70/30 or more even in areas like the UK that also include digital.
But more specifically last time it was tallied last gen PS4 was 8.76 attach rate Xbox One was 6.55
Source VGSales Fandom with sources linked
The 3 you mentioned are PS5 ONLY whereas Forza Horizon 5 is cross platform. Make it a fair comparison or don't make it.
TLDR: Look I don't care which platform has more in any of these. I really don't, I play on all. I don't care about any one more than the other. I care about good games and good value (where Xbox IS definitely ahead!). But what I can't abide is the sort of uninformed fanboy BS being spouted here in this thread.
Xbox being behind is known by everyone, including themselves (source Microsoft admitted themselves that even AFTER Activision buyout they would be behind Sony and Tencent). There is NO problem with them being behind, it's good for us consumers, own it. Their future looks bright, they are increasing their market share, making lots of good moves, and on a great trajectory with Game pass, end of the gen they will be in a great place.
But facts are facts, they are behind right now. Don't lose sight of them in a bid to score points online.
Damn it! I'm just going to have to make do with playing it on my brand new Steam Deck then. (Let the downvotes rain down on me, mwuh-hahahahahaaaa)
Specifically blocking certain games on particular platforms is a scummy move.
Porting a game to a particular platform takes an investment of time and money, but this is a finished game that could run on a system all for the want of one line of code that blocks it.
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Your post explains perfectly what the Sony defenders on this article are incapable of grasping / comprehend .... nuts
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@Sol4ris And anything that Microsoft does doesn't make it any less scummy. MS does bad anticompetitive things too and should be called out on it, but two companies both doing bad things don't cancel each other out.
@GADG3Tx87 The reasoning behind this is perhaps understandable as its all about getting people into their ecosystem and not printing money for your rival, the difference here is that its Sony, who are 'Blocking' MS, not the other way round.
I am certain that if Sony weren't blocking MS, then Game Pass would be work on a PS because MS isn't concerned about 'where' you play, isn't concerned if that means a lost console sale etc because you are in their ecosystem. The fact that you can't play Game Pass on a PS is down to Sony blocking and the reason you can't play GoW via Streaming on Xbox is down to Sony blocking.
MS aren't blocking streaming to Sony Hardware, Sony are blocking it, MS aren't blocking Sony at all and would love to get Game Pass on every platform. I understand 'why' Sony are 'Blocking' - it makes sense in their business model, but that doesn't make MS as 'bad' because they would love to put Game Pass on PS as that increases their 'reach' and potentially their user base in their ecosystem. They are being blocked by Sony.
Streaming is very different to making, porting over, optimising, packaging, releasing, updating etc a 'native' version as that costs a LOT of money and the return is 'small' - the Platform holder (rival company) gets money. Streaming Game Pass means its running on their hardware (Series X chips in MS owned Servers) in their ecosystem and don't need to work on a 'port' or consider the PS5 hardware/architecture/Operating System etc.
As I said, I understand WHY Sony are blocking MS, but that doesn't mean that MS are as bad because they would love to get Game Pass on Nintendo/Sony hardware as that's the 'only' hardware that currently doesn't support Game Pass. They are NOT blocking Sony at all...
All 4 the sony players!
themightyant wrote:
The same thing I said. Did you read my comment? Also, not so "significantly ahead" anymore using your same sources (VGchartz).
themightyant wrote:
So you imply that Microsoft don't report numbers because they are low. Keep reading. You believe Sony's figure but you don't believe Microsoft's figures that included not just Xbox One consoles but Xbox 360 and Windows. Nice. In between, the figures were both from the same time last generation (as I explained). I used that particular time because both companies released data but both figures have increased. It wasn't until 2022 that Sony reached 50m Plus subscribers and you don't know how many Gold subscribers there are, so I used the Plus vs. Live active members when both figures were officially revealed and I used the official Now and Game Pass figures. But guess what? I have more up to date information for you and you're not going to like it. There were 100m Live active members in January 2021 (source: Satya Nadella) and there aren't 100m Series X/S consoles sold. Surprise!
themightyant wrote:
You said "subscriptions" and you know it's not cherry picking. I don't believe that you just forgot to be more specific when you dedicate a lot of time to compare sales and brands, it's almost your only topic. Basically, you lied when you said "more subscriptions" and then say I'm cherry picking because I reminded you of the almost 30m Game Pass subscribers which makes PS Now almost a flop (we'll see how the new Sony subscriptions go).
themightyant wrote:
I didn't say anything like that, I gave you current-gen examples of current-gen games sold, using your same sources. I used the data I could find to prove that you're not being fair.
themightyant wrote:
Again, Forza Horizon 5 had over 1m full-priced pre-orders. What exclusively current-gen game do you want me to use if there is little data about Xbox sales? I had to give an example because you are basing your information on PS data and assuming that Xbox software sales are lower when Phil Spencer said that sales have increased since Game Pass. And you are the one that tells me to not compare when I don't have enough data? Now that's the most hypocritical thing I've read on this thread. You are the one that started this comparison being deliberately ambiguous and without enough data and I just replied with examples but I unlike you, instead of assuming half of them, I use the few examples that have been reported to prove you wrong.
themightyant wrote:
I no longer believe that. You always pretend to be neutral but you are always calling people out for being positive about Xbox and calling everybody else a fanboy when you are always downplaying or even lying about Xbox when they do something better or are more successful. When you don't have data, you just make it up or make a generalisation that is not accurate like on this thread and all the others. I have politely corrected you in the past but after a few years is very clear to me that you're biased. That's not the problem because somebody can be a fan and that's not positive nor negative, the problem is that you pretend to be neutral and that you call others fanboy when they are positive about Xbox or when they state facts that are Xbox-friendly. You're not the biggest fanboy ever and you're not the biggest fanboy on this thread, the problem is that you don't play fair in spite of what you pretend but you show your true colours eventually.
Just a reminder to remain respectful when chatting to each other here. I understand there are different opinions, but let's please keep it civil while discussing.
Thanks! 💚
@Banjo- On being called biased. I get it. I really do. That IS how I come across here. I AM more critical of Xbox on here, just as I AM more critical of PlayStation on Push Square. I get called out as having Xbox bias there too.
So why do I do it? Because of the sheer amount of false information and fanboy guff on each site. So many people trying to justify their purchases painting false pictures and giving out false information. Someone needs to make a stand, play devil's advocate, and push back just a little, setting the picture straight. I think that's both reasonable and fair. Far better than a circle-jerk echo chamber of sycophantic Xbox praise. That's just not healthy.
I don't need 'likes' or other back slapping trinkets, I realise that this position will always be less popular, get a lot of blocks etc., but all I want is an honest BALANCED discourse.
Perhaps I overstep that line from time to time, but it's never malicious or personal. All information I provide I try to do in good faith. Am I 'right' all of the time? Absolutely not, no one is. I'll be happy if I get 50/50. lol
For balance I compliment Xbox, particularly Game Pass, FPS boost and Phil Spencer's leadership at every available opportunity and others I feel warrant it. I love my series X, it's a great machine. But it's not perfect, both it and Xbox have flaws. Those are worth calling out, as is any disinformation being spread.
Talking of which lets rewind back to how this message chain all started. A comment said
It's a straight out BS statement, lacking any basis in reality, they aren't losing by any sensible metric. (EDIT but that doesn't' mean they are winning every metric either.) So I replied:
Perhaps a little over-leaning the other way, granted, but FAR more fair than the original BS statement which just isn't based in any sort of reality.
@themightyant I guess I just fail to see the point behind expending all that effort for the sake of a balanced discourse. A niche Xbox community seems like a reasonable place for an Xbox circle jerk, just like a Sony community seems like a perfectly fine place for a PlayStation circle jerk.
If there’s an Xbox circle jerk in the comments over at Push Square, I could understand the response over there. It feels like there’s a PlayStation circle jerk in this community anytime anyone posts anything that could be construed as good news for Xbox.
It’s just annoying to see the constant retread discourse over and over again.
I understand that, it is tiring. To be fair I should have seen the false "Sony are losing" post and let it slide, but I didn't. I posted a quick response calling it out and thought that would be that. But then @Banjo- specifically asked for sources... so I gave them... opening up a can of worms in the process, mea culpa.
I admit some of my data is not completely apples to apples, unfortunately there just isn't enough data to compare everything 1:1 and some has to be inferred. Mostly that's because Microsoft don't release much in-depth data anymore and their annual reports unhelpfully block everything together.
I don't agree with the circle-jerk bit though. Echo chambers are never healthy and spreading disinformation is just wrong, as such i'll keep calling it out when I see it.
@themightyant And you calling it out won’t stop it from happening in the future. And then we’ll get to have this exact same thread ad nauseam until the end of time.
I wish I could just disable the comment section entirely. I love coming here for news, but my own stupid curiosity leads me into the comment sections every time. Some of the discourse is interesting, but I can always tell by the headline when it’ll be one of “those” threads, and who will be showing up for it.
So silence and a stream of disinformation is the better alternative?
To be fair I only bite 1 or 2 times out of ten, most I scroll past.
You can with a browser extension that allows you to add a personal Stylesheet to a page. For Chrome I use one called Stylus. Just add the following CSS to this website's domain.
I should do that too... I spend far too long in the comments here already!
@themightyant Good tip on the browser extension. Usually I’m browsing on my phone though, so it’s probably going to just be a matter of restraint for me, lol.
As far as silence and disinformation, I mean, I guess I can see your point to some extent. I would agree whole heartedly if this were a forum about politics or public health or some other topic that actually mattered in the grand scheme of things. But I just can’t be too bothered about disinformation in a video game discussion. I roll my eyes at the worst of it, but scroll by. It’s when people start planting flags and defending to the death their favorite plastic box that plays games that it just becomes so toxic and annoying to me.
But I willingly jumped into the conversation so I guess the joke’s on me this time, lol.
Ignoring the point of whether it's right or wrong for Sony to block the streaming of their games via the Edge browser on Xbox, one thing I have to point out is that you can't really compare GFN with Game Pass cloud streaming.
Whilst they are both at heart game streaming services, they operate in completely different ways. With GP you're subscribing and getting access to the library chosen by MS, so your game choice is through the subscription choices only. With GFN, you can either play via the free service, or subscribe for some streaming benefits, but you have to purchase the games through a service such as Steam to be able to play them.
With that in mind, Sony are effectively saying you can play the game you have purchased a license to play via any browser capable of using GFN except for the one on the Xbox. But then, they're a business and they have decided that is the best way for them to do business that will maximise their profits (same as MS do with their decisions and Nintendo do with theirs).
You're probably right. But how do I rewire my brain to truly believe it?
@themightyant If you do manage to uncover the secret to rewiring your brain, please let me know. I’d love to tinker with some of the settings up there, lol.
@citronaut I was shocked to hear there has been some success with electroconvulsive therapy, might have to fry it
Typical Sony BS move, they are so desperately stuck in the past, only think wining means more console sales. But then are also totally hypocritical by releasing their games on PC. I won't buy a PS5 just for Uncharted which is the only one I like. I still have my PS4 Pro jet plane for the current ones.
To me Sony are just incredibly short sighted. They'll learn as Microsoft steams past them this gen to a comfortable lead and it won't be in console sales, even though they are currently beating everyone in that area too.
@Dromosus What do you think of it? I have one on pre-order but undecided if I will purchase one once I am actually offered it.
@citronaut but the internet, Sony trolls MUST win, it is their reason for existing to defend their favourite plastic box, by a corporation that doesn't know they exist!
It's a shame for them that Xbox is moving ahead this gen.
@NEStalgia Very true comment there. Sums it all up quite well.
@S1ayeR74 I love it. It's the opposite of a Switch for better and worse. You can do so many things from emulation to playing AAAs but at the same time it's a bit buggy and unfinished on the software side. Locked down systems are more reliable and systems with more room for tinkering always come with bugs and weird stuff. Because I'm still playing Elden Ring on my Series S I've been playing Vampire Survivors and lots of ROMs on my Deck. I'm quite happy for this to remain as an Indie and emulation machine while I play the bigger games on my Xbox.
@citronaut Thank you for posting because I had already given up explaining my point (it's well explained above for those that are interested). The good thing about this community is that it's friendly in general terms and try to be positive about Xbox so stay with us 😊.
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