Capcom has announced that its Resident Evil 2 and 3 remakes, along with 2017's Resident Evil 7, are all being upgraded with next-gen goodness. All three titles are coming to Xbox Series X|S later this year, with visual enhancements for the new consoles.
All three games will be getting new "cutting edge features", including ray tracing, higher frame rates and 3D audio support. These Resident Evil games were all developed using Capcom's modern RE Engine, which also powers Resident Evil Village.
There's no release schedule in here, or any further details on what the next-gen versions will deliver. We do know that the update will be free for existing owners though, and a free upgrade will also be coming to PC players when the next-gen versions launch.
This has turned out a bit of a surprise to be honest! There's been so much talk about Resident Evil 4 Remake, not to mention upcoming Village content, that we didn't expect anything like this. We'll take a free upgrade though, and we're equally intrigued as to how these versions will shape up.
Will you be dipping back into any of these three RE games later this year? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 32
Very cool, Sony should take note of this, not every upgrade has to cost 10$.
Well, I guess I can hold off on beating RE7. Great game from what I've played, btw.
Awesome news! These are some fantastic games. Makes me want to replay them again.
@Medic_Alert Snap! Err… apart from the coward part, it’s the backlog I was looking through behind the couch.
EDIT: to be fair I did try the Resi7 demo on PSVR that was enough to put me off horror for life 😂
Thanks Capcom!!!
Now all i need is an LG OLED and a Series X...
these games are all members of my shameful, shameful backlog, so i'm excited to dive in whenever later this year is lol
Awesome. Hopefully we get some RE Village DLC this year as well...
Excellent news!
RE2 and RE3 Remakes already looked pretty damn good, so can't wait to see more examples of how they've improved them.
Also great news for Series S owners, as you unfortunately play them using Xbox One settings right now, so will be great to actually see the upgrade over that.
Damn I have just finished playing REVII on my series s last week.
Good to know that RE3 and RE7 are getting 3D Audio.
Resident Evil 2 already supported it; but it wasn't the best 3D Audio implementation. RE3, for some reason, didn't support it at all.
It came back in RE8 - though to actually enable it was completely strange as you had to both set your output to surround sound AND turn on virtual 3D audio (which isn't virtual on Xbox - at least on home theater systems - thanks to Dolby Atmos and DTS:X).
I am not sure what is up with Capcom as in Resident Evil 2, you can literally set your audio output to Dolby Atmos, but in RE8 you had to do the 2 settings.
Maybe RE8 was more generalized in its settings because it supports Windows Sonic, DTS:X, AND Dolby Atmos where RE2 only supported Dolby Atmos for 3D Audio? I don't know. It just would have been nice to know before I got through my 3rd playthrough of the game.
Anyways, I look forward for a more optimized 3D Audio experiences now that 3D Audio is more prevalent on both PlayStation and Xbox - rather than being somewhat one-sided before where only Xbox had a broad 3D Audio capability and Sony's implementation on PS4 was ONLY if you had the Platinum Headset (and even that was more limited to first-party games).
As you can see, I love 3D Audio - LOL!
Guess I'll be beating RE 2 Remake for a 9th time
@Medic_Alert get them played!! I loved all 3 of them (when I finally got into RE7)
@PanFriedSoup Same & RE3
Alright 👍 snagged 2 & 3 during the last sales. Will wait for the new-gen upgrades before diving in.
Resident Evil is one of my favourite franchises ever so I'll happily replay the free remasters. Thank you, Smart Delivery!
PS: I can't believe the hate RE3 Remake gets, I like it as much as RE2 Remake. Actually, it's 7 the recent game that disappointed me. It's not bad at all but it's not much RE.
@Rural-Bandit I have been patiently waiting for LG to release their new 42" models, so hopefully late this year i will have both 😊😊
Well I got my plans to play these fun as hell games again in the future.
The free of charge under the headline is very misleading. I was like oh snap then oh never mind.
@Luigisghost669 It should be "Free of fees!" @Kezelpaso
@Rural-Bandit how much of a difference do you see in your OLED? I also have the C1 but mine is the 77 inch. I got it the weekend of Super Bowl. I noticed the black levels are so much better and it’s a beautiful tv, but other than that, I’m not seeing much of a difference. Now I do work a lot so I haven’t had much time to use it yet, but I’m curious how much of a difference you’ve seen compared to your last setup?
@Banjo- it should have said free upgrade. Free of charge means free games.
@Rural-Bandit @EvilSilentFrame Well I have a 14 inch portable with a built in VHS player with Video+.
Don't be jealous guys. 😂
@Rural-Bandit I went on a tv shopping spree/return. I originally bought the LG 8K tv. I wasn’t impressed. The black levels were more like grey levels. The letter box lines when watching a movie were bothering me. I could see almost like clouds or what I think is called dirty screen. For that kind of money, I wanted a good quality tv. So I returned it and got the Sony X85J 4K smart tv. Again I wasn’t impressed. Same thing with the black levels and the cloudiness in some of the corners of the tv. When watching movies, sometimes the title screen would be flashing. Playing games, I had to adjust the brightness way down to remove the dirty screen and lost a lot of what I was supposed to be seeing. I returned that and got the LG C1. I notice some difference in colors and black levels, but that’s about it. Again, I haven’t had much time with it yet. The 4K 120 FPS, I am not noticing a difference. Maybe in time I will. I remember the jump from DVD to Blu-ray and thinking there was no difference. Then I went back to an old DVD and that’s when I noticed it. At the moment, it looks the same to me. I am looking forward to getting some game time on it soon. Horror is one of my favorites and as most of them are dark anyways, I can’t wait to see how they look on that tv. I’m just hoping I’ll see a difference because right now I’m wondering if I made a mistake with that tv.
@__jamiie too funny! You’ll have to invite us over to enjoy your tech setup sometime!
@EvilSilentFrame If you want me to copy you any tapes then let me know mate. I'll need to dig out my multi-SCART but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. 🙂
Will thus affect psvr support too?
Cmon Capcom, announce 4make already.
@Rural-Bandit Whilst I share your enthusiasm for your C1 (and use one myself), I would point out that the reason there's so much investment in making oled brighter is because is far too dim to do decent HDR in a room with some windows. It cant even reach the HDR10 standard.
My main room has a lot of light, and so I can use the C1 at the back, where it is darker, but it just doesn't cut it at the front of the room where I still use a 3 year old led so it can be seen when its not night!
The new panels coming out in the next few years will be the ones to cover all basis, and I'll buy another OLED then for the bright end of the room, though I wont chose an LG again.
@Rural-Bandit thank you! I will look into that when I get out of work later today.
@Rural-Bandit looks like a beautiful tv. I do have to say that when I was at the store looking at the tv’s, I remember thinking how good the colors looked on the Sony OLED TV’s. Maybe it also has to do with the videos they choose to show when displaying the Sony TV’s compared to the LG videos. I probably would have gone with one of the Sony TV’s but when reading up on the Xbox series X, the LG C1 checked all the boxes of what the system could handle. I didn’t want to spend that much but I decided to go ahead and do it anyway. I don’t think I’ll be getting the new Sony tv in the video, but yes, it’s a beautiful tv. I think it when those comparison videos start coming out, it’ll help illustrate just how good that tv is. Thank you for sharing that video, I appreciate it!
@Rural-Bandit thanks for that mate, I have my beady eyes on this set as its the start of this new tech.
I think this is the stop gap until micro led become affordable
I'll also check out Samsung's own TV based on this tech when it comes, but I've always rated Sony's processing, particularly motion handling, as best in class so all else being equal I'd buy a Sony.
I've taken to buying the TV I want a year after they release - you can normally get them at significant discount as new models launch xD I could be buying that set next year then - exciting!
Unrelated, but RE7 was robbed from being GOTY.
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