We got our first look at gameplay for Hogwarts Legacy yesterday, and it looks fantastic. It also got a release window of Holiday 2022, so guess what? It's already being compared with Xbox's Starfield, which also launches this Holiday.
Many of these "comparisons" are people spouting things like "RIP Starfield" on Twitter, which obviously is ridiculous, but we've also seen some actual, formal debate about the two games on social media. The vast majority believe that the two games really shouldn't be compared, and some have even pointed out that Starfield might affect Hogwarts Legacy.
We really can't see how Hogwarts Legacy will have any negative effect on Starfield whatsoever, especially considering the latter is launching on Xbox Game Pass, but the other way around makes more sense. It'll be interesting to see what exact date is given to Hogwarts Legacy, as if it's anywhere near Starfield, consumers might not be so interested in forking out full price for the game when they're busy with Bethesda's latest epic.
Then again, you could easily argue that the two games have very little crossover whatsoever:
In any case, the real story here is that we're in for a huge treat this holiday with two potentially amazing games arriving on Xbox in the last few months of 2022. Let's hope Hogwarts Legacy turns out to be the Harry Potter game we've always wanted, and Starfield lives up to the massive hype on Xbox Game Pass.
What are thoughts about this? Let us know down in the comments section below.
Comments 47
Hogwarts Legacy does not exist in a vacuum. There are important discussions being had about the views and opinions held by the creator of the Harry Potter universe – views and opinions which we do not agree with.
Our goal is to create and foster a positive environment for people – all people – to discuss and celebrate video games, not to amplify ignorance or provide a forum for unconstructive arguments. As per our community rules, we do not accept any form of hate speech on our platform.
I mean all media competes against eachother for people’s time. I see some overlap here (gamers on Xbox or PC having to choose where to spend their time) but so excited for both of these! I hope they are both successful assuming they are quality products when all is said and done. I hope one doesn’t suffer because of the other. I disagree with that “Agent 47’” comment as I am someone who wants to play both.
Starfield and Hogwarts, my two most hyped games this year.
That's a strange comparison for sure. I'm pretty confident both games will do just fine commercially.😂
I think the market audience for both games are different enough, and with Hogwarts Legacy being on pretty much every console and PC, I’m not sure it’ll be necessary too effected by Starfield. Just like Starfield won’t be impacted by Hogwarts Legacy.
From my perspective, I don't have to choose between one or the other. If they both released on the Same day, I'd maybe have to choose which I think would be the best for my money - but Starfield isn't competing for my 'wallet' as I can play it free anyway at launch. If anything, it perhaps would make more sense to play Starfield with Game Pass and pick up Hogwarts Legacy sometime after when the Price of admission drops.
Having 'great' new games at launch effectively free of charge means that I can wait for games to drop in price, wait for the inevitable patches to fix the bugs, the performance issues and any other things they need to 'fix' etc.
It also means that I can 'buy' games I may of missed, opting to spend my money on something else (like Starfield, Forza Motorsport etc) instead of buying Hogwarts Legacy. However, knowing that I don't have to budget for those games may mean that I have the budget to spend on 'Non-Game Pass' released games instead.
Point is, Game Pass can both 'help' or 'hinder' other games. The fact that I don't have to 'budget' for Starfield means that I can still play it but also have the Budget for Hogwarts so 'helps' in that scenario, but the fact I can play 'free' quality games means that I can wait for 'any' game that doesn't do enough for me (inc its Performance, bugs/issues etc) to justify its Price point.
Considering the 'greed' of some Publishers, expecting £70 for a Game is never going to Justify a purchase to me, especially as it will drop in price (often quickly if it's not 'selling' well) which tells me it was way over-priced in the first place. So many games are 'rushed' to release and you pay the 'highest' premium price to have the worst experience - until its 'patched' and some games, particularly 'Live' service, you don't even get the 'full' game at launch...
Its less of a concern when I haven't spent £50+ on a game. I haven't got money invested in it before I started and if it 'needs' fixes, I have more patience. I'm not 'angry' when a month or two later, the Price is now less than half what it was etc
Starfield is an Xbox exclusive, Hogwarts is multiplatform.
Hogwarts seems well in development, 10 minutes of gameplay and looking good. Showed many aspects of the game from exploring to combat.
Starfield where is the 10 minutes of gameplay?
Can Starfield even compete with Hogwarts, new ip Xbox exclusive no footage.
When we see something of Starfield, it’s gameplay, it’s quality, it’s game mechanics etc and a confirmed release date then we can talk, until then it’s just another game on the Xbox studio list as that is all AAA wise we have from Xbox studios.
Agree or not that is the facts and reality as of today.
I'm looking forward to hogwarts a lot more than starfield how can people be excited about a game we literally haven't seen gameplay for and knowing Bethesda starfield will be broken in one way or another on launch.
Come on Xbox where are you.
Sony great start to 2022 HFW & GT7
Nintendo good start with MK8 track dlc and Kirby end of March.
You would not believe Microsoft have all the money and all the studios, don’t forget they had studios before they started buying more.
If I owned Xbox I would be micro managing game studios and developers and kicking some candy arse.It’s like they have lost the plot of game development management and that games sell gamepass and also consoles and consoles sell gamepass.
At the moment if it wasn’t for chip shortage and situation around the world, Xbox would be in a very low third place and even with the situation they are still third.
God sake just get your act together as a company, even the series x is not rushing of the shop shelves quick. We have various stock in stores and online in the UK for about 2 weeks and you can still easily buy one.
It's Playstation fanboys who are making that comparison
It won't stop starfields release but honestly hogwarts legacy will be a much bigger launch and more popular and have bigger sales figures, and will be THE game to have this Christmas.
If anything Microsoft should try hard to bring the release of starfield forward by a couple of months to avoid it or delay it until after Christmas
I doubt they are very similar other than having limited open worlds. But that's hard to say as we haven't seen much about Starfield.
It is true that another meaty, well done, RPG with a major IP coming out at the same time is not preferable, but Starfield will do well off being free on GP.
BOTW definitely seems like a better comparison... personally I would choose Zelda over Starfield in the short term and wait for the inevitable patches 😂
Interesting, but I don't think either will suffer.
Personally I'm not champing at the bit for either title. Starfileld because there's been so little information about the game, and I'm not going to just get hyped about what I imagine it'll be. Plus Bethesda hasn't had a stellar record in the past decade.
And Hogwarts because, again, there's not too much info about it, and also that franchise is dead to me after a set of lacklustre movies, and the author being a really horrible person.
I mean for some people they are not wrong. Ill probably grab Harry potter on PS5 and wait on Starfield at a later date. Assuming both of these games actually get released this year. But also Forspoken is in Oct so its about timing
Let’s agree BOTW2 if releases, hands down
Highest review score, biggest seller.
Simples, we don’t any analyst or article to tell us that one.
People who own only a PlayStation obviously won’t get to play Starfield anyway. The majority of Xbox users will be able to play Hogwarts for “free” through GP. I really don’t think there’s much of an issue of the 2 games releasing close together.
I am 100% positive that Hogwarts will outsell Starfield on the PlayStation. Absolutely no doubt, and If anyone would like to bet otherwise, I'll take that bet..!
In all seriousness, I do think there will be some sales 'harm' to both titles. Some among us that are only able to make one significant purchase at a time, and so that will be to the initial detriment to the other title.
Those on the PlayStation, have only one option, and so unsurprisingly, Hogwarts will sell better over there. Starfield, on the other hand, may not get the initial sales, because of its availability on the GamesPass, which in turn may give the appearance of it being outsold by Hogwarts (which is probably going to be the case), thought which of the two will be the most played, is potentially a completely different matter...
Starfield does have a confirmed release date, @Dezzy70. 11th November.,,
Hope both are great, Starfield you get with gamepass, so not have to buy that, and will definitely buy Hogwarts, my wife and eldest daughter are serious Potterheads...
Elden RIng has been one of the biggest releases of recent memory, selling a massive 12 million copies. Which is just 10% of the PS4 install base, or about one 5th of the xbox one install base (if you assumed every copy sold on just one platform). And we have new tyitles like Ghostwire and Wonderlands coming up (both I assume will do well).
What on Earth makes these people think that the gaming community is a monolith that only plays the same games as each other?
By the way great to see Sony providing all those nice gameplay video's for us , Hogwarts , Trek to Yomi...
Starfield will be huge. Single player Bethesda rpgs always are
And what about breath of the wild sequel if it comes out in November 2022 maybe it will impact hogwarts too!
Well the two games can't even be compared! But I wouldn't be surprised if Hogwarts Legacy sells more copies than Starfield at launch (mainly because of gamepass but also because Harry Potter is a massive franchise).
Personally, after seeing the trailer yesterday, I am super excited for the game. I have 0 excitement for Starfield since they showed us pretty much nothing for it and I associate Bethesda with messy/buggy games most of the time..
Fair enough did not know it was totally set in stone
Hopefully we will have some gameplay with variety very soon.
Gaming is all year round not just June announcements and Christmas game released.
That’s why Xbox doesn’t get good momentum throughout the year and gets forgotten and drags behind the competition.
We get reminded in June Xbox exists
And a game or two at Christmas to remind us again.
Oh god why are you quoting that cringe sad fangirl Andrea?
Fall is going to be tough again. Any game will have trouble in that period.
Forspoken, Starfield, Gotham Knights, Hogwarts, maybe Suicide Squad and Callisto Protocol could be around that time and that's not including annual games.
We might get a surprise Re4 remake too.
I don't entirely disagree with that, @Dezzy70. The one thing I would say though, is that I think that'll all change starting with Starfield. After that, we will see a lot more AA and AAA releases on a much more frequent basis, and so more gameplay reveals to match. We know of many, many games in development that are due to come out during the course of the next year or two. Whilst sometimes it is good to see early reveals, other times it leads to hyped expectations and then disappointment when the realisation that the game is years away (the new Perfect |Dark is a great example of that. Apparently a AAAA game, but it is still clearly in very early development, and maybe as much as 5 years away from release). Personally, I'd rather see games revealed at the same time as their release dates.
On a side note; whilst Starfield maybe the only AAA game we have a release date for, I fully expect to see the new Forza released this year, and just possibly a new Gears, though that might just be wishful thinking...
Normally I wouldn't think so. But at this point we've have Harry Potter that we've seen full gameplay and systems in. Then you have Starfield that we have pretty much no info on.
Aside from the quite obvious thing of being exclusive to X-box.
"Bizarrely" is right. The internet makes such ridiculous comparisons.
I don't see a comparison here tbh, both games will do very well. But. The potter franchise does have quite a huge fanbase, so loyal gamers and casuals will indeed be looking at buying it. Games like that always do well due to the nature. Unfortunately we haven't seen starfield in action as of yet, but previous Bethesda games are genuinely well received so I can't see this being different.
Either way, both will sell very well and the only winners here are us gamers.
I love Harry Potter more than I love Sci-Fi, and still think it is StarField that will steal eyeballs away from this Potter game.
I’m definitely buying Hogwarts day 1, may wait a bit on Starfield. I’ve been waiting for this type of Harry Potter game for a very long time!
i don't even own a PS5 yet. and i been loyal to Xbox as a brand for 20 years now. but after the amazing presentation that i saw. on YouTube while watching the PlayStation state of Play. it's my honest opinion the Hogwarts Legacy is GOTY contender. and could potentially slaughter Starfield this holiday season
Normally I'd go with the, "they're two different kinds of games".
But have say the target audience for both them probably the same. Nothing wrong with playing one for awhile then finally going to the other later. In case of a bugthesda game, better off waiting a year or two before even install it, anyway
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I plan on getting Hogwarts Legacy, but not until it goes on sale. Not spending $70 on a base game; did it for Ratchet & Clank and didn't get that value out of it. Enjoyed the game and got the platinum, but it wasn't worth $70, more like $50.
I'll be buying both day 1.
Both look fantastic and will be completely different and engrossing experiences.
It's just a matter of which to play 1st.
Lol I wonder what kind of people are saying rip starfield...totaly not insecure ps fanboys
RIP Starfield
Your Sony Pony
@Chaudy I suppose it was fanboys comparing elden ring & horizon forbidden west aswell then ?
Obviously Starfield will be Game Pass day one on Xbox, PC and Cloud.
The numbers FH5 and Halo Infinite did were crazy. 18m+ and 20m+ respectively during launch.
Hogwarts Legacy won't come close to that due to being a full priced retail game, regardless of the IP popularity.
I can see this doing VERY well on PS5 though, since I think the reason PlayStation is marketing this game is to try and push it as their big holiday release, since they don't currently have anything announced for that period.
Never cared for Harry Potter in the slightest. Not read the books nor watched the film's. This Hogwarts Legacy game however... This looks GOOD
The only reason people are comparing these is because one is XBox exclusive and the other isn't. In fact, isn't this the first major game releasing that would have come to Playstation had the studio not been bought by Microsoft? That's why some people are anxious to tear it down. Honestly, Harry Potter is still a huge franchise and Hogwarts Legacy is multiplat so it's a safe bet it'll sell more copies but so what? Starfield will still do very well and it is silly to compare them.
Wait til the Quidditch World Cup DLC is released.
Plenty of games are always releasing and they will pretty much always find their market regardless of each other, most of thos talk is just fanboy nonsense as they're desperate for whatever platform exclusive to fail so they can get a few Twitter likes.
For myself I couldn't care less about Harry Potter, I never read the books and have seen some of the films but only really enjoyed one of them. Where as Starfield is a game I've been looking forward to for some time as a fan of Elder Scrolls and Fallout
Starfield was never going to be a threat to HL in 2022.. I'd be more worried about BOWT2 now
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