How incredible would this be as a way to kick off 2022?! It looks like GoldenEye 007 is on the way to Xbox.
True Achievements has picked up a new achievement list for the game — 55 achievements for 1000 gamerscore. Some of the achievement images even appear to have leaked, as you can see in the tweets below:
Based on what we can see in these screenshots, this new version appears to be based on the original N64 release rather than the cancelled Xbox 360 remake, and TA has pointed out that the achievement list is different as well.
It certainly looks like this could be getting a release in the very near future, so watch this space...
Excited for GoldenEye 007 to finally be playable on Xbox? Let us know in the comments below.
[source trueachievements.com]
Comments 117
I never thought I'd see the day.
If Nintendo is the main reason the 360 remaster didn't happen (rather than MGM for example), the game coming to Xbox in 2022 makes sense given that Banjo-Kazooie is coming to NSO Expansion Pack in January meaning Nintendo and Microsoft have a deal to release N64 Rare games on Switch.
This is awesome, sooo many good memories of this game in 98.
Prior to Returnal, this was my favorite game of all time. My older brother and childhood friend played the multiplayer game for hours at a time my freshman year in college from 1997 thru 1998 ...
I for one am hyped.
It just can't be...
I can't believe it !
So the game could also be released on NSO+, then...
Just like the original Banjo and Kazooie, which is playable right now on Xbox and Switch.
That could be interesting !
The real story here is that it must have been Nintendo which blocked it to begin with and they passed the blame to MGM.
Meh, too late. The remaster has been available on the pc for a while now.
This game is legendary. I played for hundreds of hours on the original.
The multiplayer actually had really good options for modifying matches. We mostly played pistols only with one hit kill. We even bought a split cable so we could put the game on two TVs. We had them back to back and taped cardboard over half the screen so we could play 1v1 or 2v2 without being able to see what our opponents were doing. This was all before online play.
Thinking about it. I really hope this has online multiplayer.
I wonder if this will also come to PlayStation?
Nightdive studios perhaps? This could indeed have been made alongside Quake
It'd be a shame if it's the N64 original rather than the XBLA remake
@Snake_V5 I wouldn't put money on it, I'd assume its still Nintendo's game with maybe RARE having a stake in it, this feels like a collaboration between Microsoft and Nintendo to get this game out
@Leprecorn I dunno, Modern Vintage Gamer who works for them and did the Quake Switch port seemed pretty surprised by the leak
Presumably coming to gamepass too. Which would be superb. Will give it a play through for the 11,999 time and then 12,000 on the switch.
Nintendo's publishing rights expired in 2017 so Nintendo have nothing to say about this since then. Nintendo blocked the Xbox 360 version in 2008, though. Microsoft have always wanted to re-release the game so most people blamed MGM and Danjaq for keeping the game in limbo for 24 years now. If the game is re-released for Xbox, I would expect the cancelled Xbox 360 port which is basically finished anyway.
1997 controls aside, the game is one if not the best shooter I've ever played and the multiplayer was a lot of fun, much more than Mario Kart 64 or any other N64 game to me. This is one of the best games ever made. The Wii reimagining was disappointing.
@Snake_V5 PlayStation? Not possible because even if MGM and Danjaq agreed, the copyright of everything in this game but the title, characters and music belong to Rare now although the music itself was transformed for this game and it's awesome by the way. That would include the programming, missions, level design, environments, etc.
Awesome I can't wait
Great game...at the time. Can’t help but feel I would get bored with it if I played it today though. If released on GP I’ll be willing to give it another go.
I've been waiting for an official release. Glad they aren't making me play some hacked rom lol.
This was probably my favourite and most played game of that generation. I loved the Campaign and way they handled 'difficulty' and unlocked everything. The amount of time I spent with friends & family sat around the TV playing MP - even sub 20fps wasn't enough to put us off.
That being said, I wouldn't buy/play the game today. I remember being blown away by how much the Characters looked like the Actors but now its 'ugly'. I tried to play 'Perfect Dark' via Rare Replay and felt like every minute I spent in that game, it eroded a bit of the 'positive' memories I had of the 'months' I spent playing this.
Its not 'just' this, but I find that with all 'old' games I loved - playing them today makes me wonder what I ever 'enjoyed' about playing these. I know that it was cutting edge then so it was 'new' and 'fresh'.
I think its great that these are made available as its an important part of the 'history' of Video Games and should be available for those that missed out, but having lived through the entire life span of the industry, I played these games when they released and would rather keep my 'rose-tinted memories' intact of playing these...
While GoldenEye does have some twin-stick control schemes (by plugging two N64 controllers in) I always preferred to play it with the default control scheme, but that’s horrid on modern controllers as they always map the N64’s C-buttons to the right analogue stick and it’s always horrid to use.
I’ll probably buy this just from curiosity but I’ll likely just carry on playing GoldenEye on the N64 as it’s perfect on there.
Unless it is that remaster but finished I can't see a reason to play this, it has aged horribly. An upscale, full modern controls and tolerable framerate would be the minimum required.
The way Perfect Dark was done is the ideal.
@BeautyandtheBeer The Perfect Dark Xbox 360 remaster is awesome: 60fps, clear and improved graphics, modern controls... They should release the cancelled Goldeneye 007 Xbox 360 remaster.
Is it Goldeneye N64 or Goldeneye 007 Wii or Goldeneye 007 Reloaded xbox 360 ps3
What a start to a new year , I don't care if they updated or not to be honest either way I'll play it , with achievements so happy
Bro we need dual stick controls. Can't go back!!!!!
Finally, this looks hopeful. Great way to bring in the new year.
I am not calm.
The 360 remaster is all I want and need. Something very faithful, but touched up.
And to people complaining, it's not always about you. New releases are always coming out. You have yours.
But stuff like this is still really cool, for both older players who want to go back and re-experience this content, and new players who are too young to have had the chance the first time round.
I explicitly bought 3D All Stars, against my own policies, specifically so that my son could experience games like Mario 64,and he loves it. It doesn't look pretty, it doesn't play as smooth as modern games, but it's all new to him. And he's not shallow enough to judge games on polygons and particles.
And quite frankly, with modern games being microtransaction cosmetic filled, and half finished trash, I'd pick a janky but completed classic any day.
This is good news for those that like this stuff but for me I can't stand old graphics and controls which I recently found with fable anniversary and mario 3d all stars. This is why I prefer remasters/remakes of old games and hopefully this gets one too
Oh man, if we get the 360 remaster all these years later…I hope we do!
Day one. Don't care. I'm pre ordering. Just give me a link.
I double dipped on both Turok and Turok 2 when they released for consoles (Xbox and switch). I'll do the same with Goldeneye and pretty much all the gems from the N64 era. Rare replay was actually the reason I bought an Xbox one back in 2015 (jet force gemini and conkers bad fur day being too good to pass up, already had the 360 versions of perfect dark and Banjo Kazooie). I had originally pre ordered the Arkham knight ps4 console, then rare replay was announced at E3 or something, so I canceled my ps4 pre order and bought an Xbox one. (I did get a ps4 later when street fighter V dropped)
@UltimateOtaku91 I am assuming that at a minimum, the controls will be redone similar to perfect dark. That N64 control scheme is terrible.
@Richnj How old was your son when he played Mario 64? I'm hesitant to let my son (7) play it now. It's a very difficult platformer. I want to introduce him to it eventually, but I don't want to scar him lol.
My favorite N64 game after Resident Evil 2 but console FPS have come a long way since then and GE hasn't particularly aged well. If this remake/remaster does in fact happen, I can look past the rough edges and enjoy the game, I'll definitely get it for sure. But I could see younger audiences saying 'this is what people went on about all these years?' And I couldn't fully blame them. A lot of 32/64-bit era FPS don't stack up by today's standards, even if I do like going back to revisit some.
I've got dibs on Oddjob. Heh heh!
@Banjo- I couldn't agree more. The Perfect Dark Xbox 360 Remaster is superb and hopefully (if this is true) Goldeneye will have the same polish. I played Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Turok 2 a little TOO much back in my N64 days but have no regrets.
I really hope this is true.
@NotoriousWhiz He's 5 and he does struggle, so I have to help a lot. There are parts I still struggle with lol. He really likes Banjo Kazooie too, but we both find that harder. And he's just started Ratchet and Clank PS4 which I can thankfully put on an easier setting.
Though I never completed many games when I was young, stuff like Sonic the Hedgehog and Mario 64 were special because I actually managed to complete them. Then there's stuff like Wonder Boy that was too hard for me as a child but I completed it easily when they Remastered it. So for me, it was just about the trying.
@species8472 Don't have any. They are awesome games. Let's hope that they officially release the cancelled Xbox 360 remaster of Goldeneye 007 once and for all! 😁
@NotoriousWhiz Me too, I also bought an Xbox One when Rare Replay was revealed. That's when backwards compatibility started, in between.
My body is ready.
@BAMozzy ‘please’ stop ‘constantly’ doing ‘this’
I still have my n64 plugged in and it’s complete nonsense to say this hasn’t aged well. Most FPS still don’t touch it. Great game and it’s still fun to play.
@Plonky I think it’s Joey from friends ha.
I used to enjoy shooting the guard’s hat off while he was in the toilet in Facility
@Stocksy hahahaha perfect 🤣
@Plonky 'No' 'I' 'Won't' 'as' 'I' 'don't' 'do' 'requests' 'from' 'nobodies' 'like' 'yourself'. If you don't like my style, tough!!!
@BAMozzy ‘great’ response
Hey hey hey. What is going on here? - Belding.
I dunno. .. I'll buy it for sure and play through the campaign...but I don't recall being wowed by the mp at the time. It was a good time though.
I'd assume this means it will be the remastered version that was developed for Xbox 360 back in the day and Nintendo will get an emulated N64 version for their sub service.
Man i would love to replay this game, This is my childhood game..
This is one of those, if true, buy asap digitally, physically, both. Like the Simpsons and xmen arcade games, it might get pulled quickly.
They should remaster it. I have it on my retro box machine an it hasn’t aged well. Had hours of fun playin this in late 90’s!
@BAMozzy I couldn't help but read your comment #50 in a robot voice 😂
I really hope the remaster comes out to. But there was talk of a collaboration between Nintendo and MS early last year. My guess is the this could be it well and Banjo
@sjbsixpack They did remaster it. Nintendo blocked it right before launch.
@Snake_V5 Not happening but probably Switch.
@UltimateOtaku91 cute new icon!
@sixrings Exactly. I never had any doubts it was Nintendo though. That’s what they do.
@mousieone thanks, for reference it's a character called Shea from the anime Arifureta.
Also see you've changed yours, does kuriboh class as a mouse 😉
@Stocksy I "read" your 'comment' LOL.
@jrt87 And the emulator it runs on is heavy on laptops so a port for Series X/S would be awesome.
@mousieone Nintendo would prefer to destroy the last digital or physical copy of Ocarina of Time in the world even if it meant losing it forever than letting someone have it for free.
@Banjo- more or less yes. Nintendo is going to Nintendo.
@UltimateOtaku91 might as well be. Besides, Warbles is dressed for the occasion.
Ah man....4 player split screen with proximity mines..... such good times
@BulkSlash Wow. I completely forgot about the twin stick/dual controller option.
@Krzzystuff yesss proximity mines were king
I do really like Microsoft and Nintendo being friends. There are a million reasons why this hasn't happened until now although I don't think it's fair to blame Nintendo. Why should they hand over one of their most treasured games to another platform holder just because Microsoft bought Rare? Nintendo published the game not Rare.
Now please make an HD remaster of Diddy Kong Racing.
@__jamiie Fortunately, Nintendo have nothing to say about it anymore.
A remake of Diddy Kong Racing would be awesome.
@Banjo- Oh I'm absolutely delighted that it seems to be happening. I just think there are many more reasons it has hasn't happened until now. If Nintendo was the only thing in the way, where has it been since 2017?
And I hope to hell that they update the frame rate.
@__jamiie I love Nintendo but they are paranoid. It might be that since 2017, MGM (film) or Danjaq (James Bond) haven't agreed to re-release the game. The Xbox 360 version was unofficially released in February, almost a year ago. I hope that that is the version that they're planning to release now, HD, 60fps and with better character models. Perhaps the film and James Bond owners finally agreed and Rare or the guys that made the Perfect Dark remaster (4J) are polishing it. Hopefully. I wouldn't like a N64 rom at this point.
@Banjo- Surely they won't just release an N64 ROM. Surely...
@__jamiie I hope that it's the Xbox 360 remaster!
@Banjo- Me too! Let's hope we get what we want in 2022. Including the DK Racing remaster!
I hope that you and all you care for had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
@__jamiie Thank you, let's hope for that, it doesn't seem impossible now.
I wish you the best, too! 😊
This is one of the best news in gaming.
Hopefully it's released with reworked modern FPS controls, 60fps framerate minimum, higher resolution & anti-aliased graphics, higher resolution textures with original game aesthetic just to make the game not blurry while rendering it in high resolution (bonus points if it's handcrafted and not AI-upscaled one).
I’m probably the only one here that also want a remastered version of the EA Bond games from the early to mid 2000s in addition to Goldeneye.
@Don nope you’re not. I would take them all! Nightfire, Agent Under Fire, The World Is Not Enough - Yes please I have a lot of nostalgia for them.
@__jamiie I think we can say that for the last few years, there's been a slew of issues, like covid and renegotiation of contracts. And Rare themselves would have been busy with SoT, Battletoads, and Everwild since before 2017. The team that's doing the remaster could be the team that worked on Battletoads, which only launched in 2020. So that time line makes sense.
We do know Rare had finished the remaster in 2007ish, and blamed Nintendo, and that by 2010 Eurocom and Activision had remade the game. All points to everybody except Nintendo being on board to reviving the game.
Not to mention that with Nintendo being out of the way, the game does in fact seem to be prepping to launch. Nintendo was most definitely the main obstacle to seeing Goldeneye get a re-release.
I lived the original, took so long to get the invincibility chest by doing facility on SA under 2:05 or something... I'll pay through if on game pass... But a remaster or tweaked graphic version would have been nice
@mousieone Yeah but why is it okay for it to come to Xbox but not PlayStation?
I think that it's not the N64 rom. As someone noticed in regard to the N64 thumbnails, "The Xbox 360 version could toggle back and forth the graphics so I assume this could be related". It would also make sense for nostalgic reasons to have the N64 screenshots for illustrating the achievements.
@Snake_V5 Because Microsoft owns Rare who did this game originally.
@awp69 Oh, okay.
Loved this game so much back in the day. Our lot eventually preferred Perfect Dark because of the increased customisation options. I’d be surprised of GoldenEye 007 holds up given how the controls were back then.
@ParsnipHero The Perfect Dark remaster plays great with new controls.
That would be great. I wonder if it’s at all possible, if so I would think the likelihood of it happening is pretty low.
I rather get a Diddy Kong Racing sequel and a remaster. The DS remake isn’t too good. We are also overdue for Banjo 3.
@FraserG Just found this !
Any connection, or just an old link ?
Could it just goes live really soon, now ?
Edit : my bad, it's the old Wii version, apparently xD
Any news about the N64 version ?
@Don Yep, we need a new Banjo-Kazooie game and also Banjo-Kazooie Racing, it could be the Diddy Kong Racing sequel we wish for 😁. It was Banjo's first appearance, after all.
"Just found this".
Yes, that's basically the Wii reimagining of the original game with different levels and missions.
"Any news about the N64 version?"
The new release wouldn't be necessarily the N64 version, it could be the Xbox 360 remaster of the original game that was leaked in January. The article is misleading because the thumbnails of the achievements list make them (and Nintendo Life) believe than it's the original game but the leaked Xbox 360 remaster allows players to toggle back and forth the graphics and that -and nostalgia- would explain why the achievement list has thumbnails with N64 screenshots. Pure Xbox and True Achievements mention that the achievement list is different but the Xbox 360 remaster wasn't officially released and the original game didn't have an achievement list to begin with. Besides, it wouldn't make sense to release the original rom when there is a remaster for Xbox 360 developed by Rare.
Looking forward to this, would love to have this on a current-gen HDMI system — the N64 stays in a storage bin. However, if the graphics remain in N64 form without any cleanup or any degree of remastering, it will be a bit disappointing — the game would look extremely aged, dated, and boring ...
@Banjo- ^^^ I hope you are right, sir...
@eagletrippin I hope so, too! The cancelled Xbox 360 version was almost finished and ready to go. That's the version more likely to be re-released now.
Unlike everyone else I guess, I would be totally ok if this is the old N64 version ported to Xbox, as long as you can play multiplayer online. My family and I still play a little bit of Goldeneye every one in a while at my parents’ house when we all get together. It’s still one of the most fun FPS games ever, in my opinion. I’d rather play it than most modern FPS games, truthfully.
@Bobobiwan No updates on a release yet, but rest assured I'm keeping a very close eye out
@FraserG You'd better do 😜.
@Banjo- wow, you've just convinced me that this is the official release of the remaster, then ! It just has to !
@AtlanteanMan slappers only! No Oddjob!
@Bobobiwan It wouldn't make any sense not to release the remaster when Rare neared a gold version and it leaked online last year. I can't wait to play it on my Xbox. I mean, nobody can wait now, can we? 😁
Getting flashbacks to when Xbox World broke the story about the remaster back in 2008. 14 years later, it might actually be happening.
However, I feel the time for GoldenEye, remastered or otherwise, has been and gone. The shooter genre has come a long way in the last 25 years, and I suspect the audience have largely moved on with it, even if they don't realise.
Personally, I'm more excited to see IO's Bond game.
Just wish they would announce when this is going to be on the Xbox Store because I’m super hyped to play it as I did back on the N64. So long as they update the controls and have online multiplayer that would be amazing.
5 games joining the 15th wonder if this is one of them?
I'm looking forward to playing this again!
I am surprised this is so popular. Didn’t they make a modern remake with Craig?
Has anyone played the original Perfect Dark in the Rare Games collection here?
Five minutes and you're done. Doesn't stand the test of time or the new controls...
@Bartig Yes I have and I enjoyed every level with the new controls, frame rate and graphics, much better than on N64. The game is still better than many modern shooters.
@Bartig as a matter of fact, I did. Granted that it did not age nearly as gracefully as Halo Combat Evolved, I still had a good time and managed to get all the way to Area 51 (level 7). Sadly I found a huge difficulty spike and got stuck there. Might give it another go eventually.
@Ryu_Niiyama It was a reimagining. It's like what the RE2 remake is to the original RE2, if the remake was a very poor COD clone with a RE2 skin.
@Bartig I have, and I also played it back on the N64, when it launched on the 360 (nearly 100% it but lost my save progress), and even jumped back in with the Rare collection.
The Perfect Dark remaster is the reason I'm excited about a Goldeneye remaster because it gives you an idea of how much better the game can be with a handful of QoL features.
@Banjo- @Magabro @Richnj Haha okay... interesting. For me, going back to Golden Eye would likely be a very short memory trip and not much more - but we'll see.
While this is exciting at the VERY least this needs controls updating. Played it last year on N64 and the controls are so foreign. This was a time before multiple analogue sticks and a fairly standardised FPS control scheme.
Graphically, animation, framerate were all woeful by todays standards too. I live in hope, but have tempered expectations.
@Kienda We did the same! I thought we were the only ones lol
I hope it comes out on April 1st, and is actually a re-release of that "Goldeneye" game about the spy with a, literal, Golden Eye.
Remember beating the game back in the day. Not a remake? I'll pass on this. I'll spend every available time I can squeeze to my backlog of games.
@UltimateOtaku91 What makes you think that he is not a robot? 😅
So we can get games all the way back from 2000 but I can't get a NBA or NFL Street remaster? sigh
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