Xbox is hosting a particularly special sale this week if you're a fan of classic original Xbox and Xbox 360 games, as over 100 of them have been discounted as part of the "backwards compatible sale" — and we've listed them all below.
All of the following games will play on Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, and some of them are even enhanced for the Xbox One X and Series X specifically.
Note: Some of the deals below might only be available to buy via the old Xbox 360 Marketplace, and not the modern Xbox Store. If you need help with this, we have a guide for using the old Xbox marketplace here at Pure Xbox.
The majority of these deals are expected to expire at 11:00 AM BST on Tuesday, January 25th.
Will you be picking up any Xbox classics this week? Let us know down below.
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Comments 44
Still 3 times cheaper on disc
I probably need to buy Max Payne 3 at this price, don't I? 🤔
Still no Portal 2 or Orange box. Have physical want digital. Last two X360 discs I want to replace... but not at those prices!
Come on Valve you love a sale on your platform. Throw us a bone.
This is great, especially as I've been on a retro game kick. I still have most of my collection but some of these games on sale I idiotically traded in over the years, or just didn't buy. Big ones on the list for me are Panzer Dragoon Orta and Sonic & All-Stars Racing (the Vita version is good, I imagine on the 360 it's even better).
Gotta give MS credit, there have been some awesome sales over the last year. This is one of the best.
Ooh I may pick up Timesplittters 2 then for only £2. When they came to backwards compatibility I got Future Perfect on disc second hand, and really enjoyed re-playing the story mode.
Sonic Generations and Sonic All Star Racing Transformed. Two of my favourite Sonic games. I'm tempted.
Holy crap, there are actually lots of great games on sale here that I've still not bought yet, such as the Timesplitters games and Nights into dreams. I've been also in a mood to play Midnight Club Los Angeles. I had that game for a while on 360 but I regrettably sold it off. Might have to get it now! Not to mention titles like XCOM Enemy Within that are like €25 for a used copy and now it's only €8. I'm so glad that Xbox has backwards compatibility so that we can have sales like this.
Max Payne 1-3, Binary Domain and Sonic for me! A great sale, indeed.
Damnit. This is a dangerous sale
@uptownsoul Deleted my first post as not 100% sure those figures were right. (I had them noted down but not the source.)
According to Xbox website it's less than I originally stated.
Max Payne 3 + Deus Ex Human please
Best sale so far this year!
Lots of titles under consideration from me.
Picked up the 2 Timesplitters games. I actually own most of these digitally which is scary. Got the 1000gs on Spongebob Truth or Square before xmas and it’s actually a pretty fun little platformer that looks and plays great on Series X (I had one glitch where an enemy mashed me through the level floor with a hammer but other than that 👌).
@themightyant those figures are pretty low considering how people keep going on about how xbox are the preservation Kings
559 vs. 0 is not that bad
However it would be interesting how many of the missing ones are:
-Licencing issues
-tried and doesn't work
-not tried at all
@UltimateOtaku91 There's some truth in that. But it's better than everyone else. And they have gone above and beyond with things like FPS boost, X enhanced etc. making OG Xbox games very crisp at 4K. I know i've loved those features.
The reality though is most people just want the same 100+ games. There's a lot of dross that almost no one would ever play.
But outside of backwards compatibility most of 100+ games have been remastered (sometimes better, sometimes worse) and so have been preserved as games in other ways.
I hiiighly recommend spec ops the line. It may look and feel generic af the first couple of hours but escalates in a really interesting and thought provoking way.
@Murray I don't quite buy the 559 vs 0 though.
Other than XBO it isn't real backwards compatibility. They just use the disc (or digital license) to download a custom emulated version of the game. You don't play the original version off the disc or download.
It's a very smart faux-backwards compatibility that takes a lot of work on MS' part, but it requires an internet connection and server to still be working. As such it's really more akin to a form of game preservation than real backwards compatibility, whatever they call it.
I understand that won't be a popular view here but it's the plain truth.
Meanwhile Sony's approach to game preservation is PS Now which also has hundreds of PS2 and PS3 games. Before you knock it everyone should know it's more likely what MS will do in future with a Game Pass vault.
@Murray @UltimateOtaku91 We would also need to account for remastered but not BC titles, like RE, Dead Island, Metro.
@Richnj I mentioned that in my last post. The vast majority of all the best games have been remastered already. Making BC less necessary in those cases, but still appreciated.
There are some who still want to play the originals, maybe even on a CRT. Nothing wrong with that, but I suspect that's the vocal minority of collectors etc. Other times the the remasters weren't quite up to snuff.
But ultimately the games have been preserved in another form through a remaster. It's nice to have both and choice.
@FraserG Have you listed all of them? Good job! I ask just to know if I can check just this.
@DrJamesOxford Does anyone know if you can play the directors cut version digitally? I know initially this was only available as a disc but wondered if that had changed.
Would be interested in replaying with the fixed bosses etc.
It's about time they had a substantial sale for backwards compatible games. Most of the recent sales just had a handful of BC games here and there, and mostly the same ones. I'll probably pick up Sonic Generations and Sonic Unleashed at the very least since I never did given the prices after they were both FPS boosted.
It would be great if they included some DLC in this like they used to. It's how I got some for just a couple of dollars for games like Dragon Age: Origins and Fallout: New Vegas.
@Banjo- Should all be there (including the deals exclusive to the Xbox 360 Marketplace such as Jet Set Radio).
If we're missing any, please do let me know!
@FraserG Thank you! I was checking that one at the moment (Jet Set Radio), it hasn't been Game with Gold yet but it's just £2.02 and I've never played it. If I see anything I'll post it here.
A reminder for everyone to check Sonic Generations (4K 60fps and the best Sonic 3D game in my opinion), Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (60fps) and Sonic Unleashed (60fps).
@FraserG is Sphinx and the Cursed Monkey a sequel to Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy ? Lol
I really hope Xbox sorts out Backcompat discoverability. There is currently no search terms to find 360 or OG Xbox backcompat games in the store or in deals. This sale is great though.
@isturbo1984 Some are and some aren't. I just checked and Sonic Unleashed is available on the Series X/S store but Jet Set Radio isn't and it's backwards compatible or so I think.
@Medic_Alert Exactly the game i was hoping for too. Gonna have to bite the bullet i guess.
5,079 backwards compatible results, wow! No Jet Set Radio in this list? 🤨
@Nic-Noc20th-C Well….. it’s only been 18 days so far
So I ended up with Dead Rising 2: Case West, Deus Ex: Human Revolution (played it on PS3 years ago, this is a double dip because it's a phenomenal game), Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Killer is Dead, Prey, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Gunvalkyrie and Ghost Recon Future Soldier. Most of these purchases are games I owned in the past but never finished, however Gunvalkyrie and Killer is Dead are going to the first-time playthroughs, really looking forward to each. Always like Suda 51's games and I've heard mostly good stuff about Gunvalkyrie.
Too bad the Otogi games aren't included, but there's still far too many tempting buys here! RIP bank account.
Also how is Gunvalkyrie? Is it like any other titles, or very unique in it's design?
@Martsmall Haha, the game title was carried across from Major Nelson's official Xbox deals roundup, so I assume someone got it wrong over there. Funny though!
@FraserG I chuckled when I saw it, I expected a autocorrect scenario going on
Quite a few games on here I want , wish they'd put the dlc for saints row 2 on sale
Literally just logged into my xbox to buy; Prey, The Darkness, and FEAR 2.
This was a good day.
Jumped on Crazy Taxi and Sonic Unleashed. Probably add Timesplitters 2 to the list too.
Great list big thx. Yeah Battlestations: Midway has been on my wishlist for a long time, will grab that. Capcom Arcade Cabinet All-In-One Pack, will check that. Crazy Taxi also on wishlist. Got Manhunt already.
I have Fable 1 on disc but this is tempting so it can look nice next to the downloads of 2 and 3.
5 bucks for both Timesplitters??? Done!
@FraserG Ultra SFIV is an addon
@Yanina Thank you!
Went for both Timesplitters, Sonic Generations. Any other good suggestions?
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