Battlefield 2042 hasn't been with us for particularly long, having just released back in November of last year, and it should really be riding high on the current official Microsoft list of Most Played Xbox Games. However, as spotted by a user over on Resetera, DICE's latest has dropped right out of the top 50 in the US, with it not doing much better in the UK, where it's sat in 44th place, or in Canada where it's ranked just 45th.
To put this in some context, the latest big budget shooter in the series, just two months out from its launch, is lagging behind the likes of Fallout 4, Star Wars Battlefront, Gears 5 and Black Ops 3 which, let's face it, doesn't point to the brightest of futures ahead unless the devs can steer this warship back on course pretty sharpish

This latest revelation follows on from a somewhat troubled beginning for Battlefield 2042 that's seen it criticised harshly by fans - to the point the game's subreddit became so toxic it was almost shut down. With vehicles problems, empty maps, janky hitbox detection, issues with bullet registration and more being pointed out by gamers - oh, and also the fact it somehow launched without a scoreboard - it's a title that hasn't performed at anywhere near the level that will have been expected.
EA are obviously well aware of the problems here and there's no doubt that gloomy predictions on the future of the shooter have led to discussions about the game potentially going free to play in order to drum up some interest and get the players back in the zone.
For now, however, it seems DICE has got its work cut out for it with this one, especially when you take a look at some of the incessant bugs and glitches players have been putting up with in the likes of this compilation video below!
Are you a Battlefield fan who's already ditched the latest in the series or are you sticking with it as it's patched up in the coming months? Let us know in the comments.
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Comments 23
Developers gotta remember that people's time is extremely valuable so if you disrespect that by launching a game in a poor state you will lose them. They are extremely lucky that CoD is also in shambles this year as Halo is killing it and i can honestly say that there's no way I'm using any of my limited time on their game even if it's F2P. A solid camping sure would of helped them in my opinion but for whatever reason they charged full price for a pvp only game...that clearly was rushed out for them shareholders.
Hopefully they learn from this.... clearly didn't learn anything from the Cyberpunk fiasco
Considering this is on gamepass ultimate this is actually quite a surprise, is it really in that bad of a state?
Think they can turn it around though like they did with star wars battlefront 2
@UltimateOtaku91 I don't think it is on GP ultimate. Yet.
@UltimateOtaku91 it's just a 10 hour trial on gamepass thank god it was there saved me paying full price for this ***** show.
Should've said "dice's latest is in the mud"
I dig it though, and it is understandable. Game's so regular it hurts, it reminds me of the skillup review of r6 extraction
Okay, Dice developed the game, but you can be sure it was the corporate suits of EA that pushed it out before it was ready.
This isn’t uncommon for EA. They look at profits before anything else and getting money for an unfinished game is more important than their customers bad experience. Too many EA games get rushed out and then the developer gets hammered by the fans and EA for not delivering.
It was the same for Anthem, which the developers said wasn’t ready but were forced to release. EA promised to fix then cancelled it. Multiple FIFA games had to be fixed post launch. Mass Effect Andromeda was another one.
Yes, we can blame the developers. But they are only slaves to the master. And that master is hopefully now going to suffer the consequences for their greedy decisions. But they will likely just take it out on the developer.
Throw it into EA Play and I'll play it. But neither I nor any of my buddies are paying for that dumpster fire.
@Rangers420 @Pac_Bot my bad I thought it was on EA play but its not on there until its been out for 6 months, hopefully they can fix it before then
That 10 hour trial was such a gift to us and a disaster for them. Saved me from paying for that garbage of a game...
Free to play in 3, 2, 1....
@UltimateOtaku91 I am guessing it hits ea play shortly myself
I will say this for CoD, at least the games work.
2042 is terrible. Really disappointed. Battlefield 4 still amazing.
@UltimateOtaku91 Not on game pass far as I know. My bet will be soon. Soooo very soon.
Problems are in the bones of the game itself. Doesn’t feel like a Battlefield game at all.
I didn't even start the 10hr trial. Was waiting for updates, etc. Feel a little, not much, but little bit sorry for the early adopters.
Here is a quote from game rant's review, 2 mo ago: "..portal, a superb creation tool that will likely keep the community engaged in this live-service ecosystem for years to come..". It hasn't aged well.
Dice are obviously talented. EA should let them make what they want. Enough battlefield/battlefront. Make something original.
@UltimateOtaku91 just a 10 hour trials on gamepass wont be there till april - june unless the player base keeps dropping then we may see it sooner
@Kienda read up on anthem... after 7 yearrs they had nothing but a demo thats on them not EA.... after all that time EA thought they were making a game but they really didnt have anything concrete....but i played the trial and the beta and the cheaters OMG they are alot of them, same has been happening to warzone too....they need to start walling off pc players or something as thats where the majority of cheaters are.
@Blessed_Koz yeah, but the solution to that is to give the developers more time to fix the problem. Not release the game early and let the customers suffer the consequences of EA’s internal problems.
The developers said they needed more time. EA didn’t give it to them. As a result, we the paying customer had spent money on an incomplete game.
In the end, Anthem was a good game with flaws. It could have been a masterpiece.
Ultimately, the buck stops with EA. They are the boss. And they choose what gets released and when it gets released.
Oh man.... This hurts on a personal Level But I get it. I did a huge rant on the Gamers Pass Podcast about it. UGH
@Kienda i agee anthem could have been awesome i liked it till i beat the story and there was really nothing left to do except farm Purple Rain....but the problem was the developer while they said they needed more time after 7 years EA thoguht they had something as they showed off a decent demo of the game.....turns out thats all they built in 7 years was a demo....ultimatly EA shold have just cancelled the game but at the same time 7 years and all they had was demo of the game with no firm details on the actual game......The developer screwed up and messed around for 7 years getting paid and did nothing maybe EA was like F it just release the game, we need to recoup the money and teach them a lesson about screwing around on our dime...i mean from EA perspective i get it 7 years with nothing to show for it and your being told the whole time its coming along.....
@Blessed_Koz yeah, I can understand it from EAs perspective. But EA are the ones whose reputation is on the line and they would have known 100% how the game was at launch. And there were multiple solutions or options they could have made to make it a great game.
Maybe back then delays weren’t so common. But if I was EA I’d have pressured the developer to hit a deadline, delayed it at the last second and given them another 6-9 months to finish it properly with the promise of updates in the future. Instead they launched early, it flopped, and they abandoned it.
There are always ways in business to fix issues. There are always other options on the table. But with EA it always seems money is the option. Anything to keep line the pockets instead of focusing on the product and the customer and making the best game for them no matter the cost.
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