Star Wars Eclipse was one of the biggest reveals at The Game Awards this past week, but according to early reports, the game could be 3-4 years away at a minimum — and it's supposedly struggling to hire staff as well.
This is according to industry insider Tom Henderson, who took to Twitter on Friday to reveal what he knows about the title. There are over 60 job openings for Quantic Dream Paris right now, seemingly all for work on Star Wars Eclipse.
The official website for Eclipse has revealed a few more details about it, including that it's an "action-adventure, multiple-character branching narrative game" in which "you have the power to make choices with consequences" and "compose an original Star Wars story". We've included more details at the bottom of this article.
We're still none the wiser about whether it'll be coming to Xbox though — Xbox's Major Nelson did highlight it on Twitter when it was announced on Thursday, but Quantic Dream has only ever worked on games for PlayStation and PC in recent years, including the likes of Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls and Detroit: Become Human.
"See the galaxy through the eyes of an ensemble cast of multiple, charismatic playable characters, each with their own morality, personality, motivations, and impact upon each other and the story at large."
"With all-new characters and environments, you have the power to make choices with consequences thanks to many outcomes in this deeply branching narrative."
What are your thoughts on Star Wars Eclipse so far? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 39
They also made sea of solitude and Fahrenheit which are on xbox (I believe) so this coming to xbox isn't fully out of the question. But il admit it had baffled me with how close they are with Sony and the quality of games they put on ps4 how Sony haven't acquired them.
I don't think this is going to be a PlayStation exclusive given that it's a Star Wars IP, Quantic Dream would be foolish. Maybe a timed exclusive.
@shamirqushairi The KOTOR remake is a PlayStation console exclusive. Given Quantic Dream's ties to Sony, it wouldn't be out of the question for Eclipse to be exclusive to PS as well.
Not really fussed to be fair
I struggle to be 'excited' or 'Hyped' by a CGi trailer that gives us 'nothing'. Yes it looked 'great' and set the Era that this game takes place in, but other than that and the developer behind it, we know nothing.
I never liked Quantic Dream games at all and they are not that 'action' orientated - unless you get thrilled by QTE's to decide what 'action' your character should play out. It could work well for a Narrative based game with 'light' action. Its not as if there aren't other Star Wars games that will do 'real time Action' Combat with Light Sabres, blasters, space combat etc so maybe QD's 'style' will offer something different to Star Wars fans but seeing QD's name after a 'pretty' but ultimately pointless (for Gamers anyway) trailer.
Obviously, its being used more to recruit people to the Project - a flashy looking CGI trailer in a 'globally recognised' franchise... but for gamers, it gives us no indication of what the game is or will ultimately be like to play. It could well of been a CGi movie trailer and play more like an interactive 'movie' with QTE's and dialogue choices determining how the 'next' CGi scene plays out or maybe we will get to fly space ships, have real time Light Sabre duels etc as the trailer indicated...
It's really annoying when they don't announce the platform. There was no mention of platform for this and Slitterhead. Don't get why they can't mention that?
I remember reading in an article a while ago around Detroit Become Human's release that Quantic Dream was moving to multiplatform releases going forward so im sure this one will be on Xbox...assuming it gets off the ground. I'm honestly kind of surprised Quantic Dream has been able to survive this long with how big the budget for their games are plus how niche their games are. Loved Heavy Rain for what it was back in the day but their more recent games haven't grabbed me as much.
My understanding is that QD’s contract with Sony expired and this is a completely new contract with Disney. I have little doubt this will come to Xbox.
Here’s another article that explicitly states they are going multi-platform.
“ That said, the developer is no longer making PlayStation exclusives in favor of multi-platform releases”
disney is going to beat both Star Wars and Marvel like a dead horse...they will do what they do milk the franchises or all they are worth then shelve them for a a decade just to dust them off and squeeze more out of em... star wars is alrready heading down this path with all the spinoffs and games coming...marvel isnt far behind.
I was under the impression that the KOTR remake is only a timed PS5 exclusive, with Aspyr pretty much confirming that ( there was an article here a while back regarding this).
I honestly thought QD had been acquired by Sony at some point because of their stuff never really coming out on any other platform other than PC. Heavy Rain was really good when that came out, but never really played any of their other stuff. Interested to learn more about this
@Sol4ris @LtSarge KOTOR remake is timed exclusive. And there was some hubub about Quantic branching out recently. This will likely be cross-platform. Worst case, timed exclusive. I don't see Disney doing exclusive.
Meh not interested in star wars in the slightest , would've loved a farenheit / indigo prophecy sequel or reboot but oh well I suppose the name star wars is a guaranteed seller
Another game announced too early.
Quantic Dream has already come out and said that their games will no longer be PlayStation exclusives. Obviously Sony could still pay them for exclusives if they choose to, but I highly doubt they'll be able to pay enough to get this one exclusive. It's not just up to Quantic Dream either in this case, as LucasFilms Games is also involved.
"Obviously Sony could still pay them for exclusives if they choose to,"
Well, and I don't mean any disrespect to your comment, I would rather Sony don't f*****g pay them for timed exclusivity. You only have to look @ Forspoken to see how egregious their timed exclusivity deals really are - 2 bloody years for God's sake...... now compare that to the few months exclusivity MS usually do with timed exclusivity. Sony are horrendous in this respect.
@Sol4ris absolutely, just look at FF7 Remake they had that exclusive for 1.5 years and it's only now coming to PC. Don't think it'll ever make it to Xbox. Same with Fall Guys, came out in August 2020. I hate what Sony does, those timed Exclusives Just end up being full Exclusives. I doubt we'll ever play FF7, Kena, Forspoken, Stray, KOTOR on Xbox. They always go on a rant about Microsoft buying studios, well Sony is making all these triple A games exclusive. They are doing a very similar thing just at a cheaper scale. Xbox timed Exclusive games go to PlayStation in the same year they release: The Medium, Deaths Door and Twelve Minutes are all available on PlayStation.
Indeed. I find the gaming media's silence on the issue as highly suspicious. One only has to look at what they have done with Destiny and COD by paying for game modes to be purposely blocked or taken away from rival platforms (Xbox).
I suspect its coming to Xbox, it seems whatever thing they had with Sony is over now so i see no reason it won't be on Xbox. I can't say i care for the game beyond the SW IP, i loved Heavy Rain back in the day but really disliked on replay on the PS4 and i didn't care for the games they made as well.
@UltimateOtaku91 I think the reason is because of their divisive reception and reputation as an atrocious place to work run by utter scumbags, Sony dumped them as soon as their three-gane contract was up.
@LtSarge There's a few reports I've been reading that states Quantic Dream is moving away from being a second party PlayStation studio by publishing on their own. Even if there's an exclusivity deal, at the very least I'm expecting a timed one.
Can't believe people still moan about sony buying timed exclusive deals, what's wrong with Sony getting games exclusive for a year or two then coming to xbox? Versus xbox buying a big third party developer and keeping their games for themselves fully forever?
When xbox bought Bethesda playstation players were told buy an xbox simple as that if you want to play starfield or the next elder scrolls, so same goes for you, you want to play final fantasy 7, Kena, Forspoken or KOTR on release then buy a ps5
I always get excited about a new David Cage game from the early info, and then get disappointed when I start playing it. Not sure what to think about this one.
@UltimateOtaku91 They're a divisive one trick pony (pun slightly not intended) whose games don't necessarily sell that well. I'm not sure what they'd give Sony in an acquisition they'd want that they don't already have. Plus most of their recent purchases seem to all be aimed at getting large amounts of flex staff to assist the existing main studios, pc in ports, and mobile content, than actual new studios to produce new IP. QD doesn't really do that sort of work. I agree though that they're a name I associate with ps when I hear it.
The Ubisoft Star Wars game is gonna be the best if the litter. I don’t get all the Ubisoft hate oh no they give us our money worth. They make 30-40 hour main campaigns with beautiful open worlds and tons of side content the *****.
@Sol4ris I can understand how one would rather have Microsoft's short timed exclusive window, but I was more looking at it from a business perspective or if I was a fanboy of one or the other.
As frustrating as Sony's long timed exclusivity can be, Microsoft's few month deals really make no sense. They have no real impact on anything, as it's pretty obvious if one was a PlayStation only owner, you could easily just wait and that was money flushed down the toilet by Microsoft. Obviously people can wait a year or two for Sony's deals to expire, but at least those lengthy deals might actually make somebody think about getting a PlayStation system if they really want to play a specific game (that is if they were actually available).
@Chaudy never got dead rising 3 on playstation 🤷♂️
I really enjoy the QD games but announcing a game this early with a full CG trailer just asks for trouble - hopefully things work out
" never got dead rising 3 on playstation 🤷♂️"
True, and Xbox only owners never got to play SFV on Xbox. Both games had financial involvement from MS- DR3 and Sony- SFV, at least that's the official line.
"When xbox bought Bethesda playstation players were told buy an xbox simple as that if you want to play starfield or the next elder scrolls, so same goes for you, you want to play final fantasy 7, Kena, Forspoken or KOTR on release then buy a ps5"
Absolute bull s**t, and a favourite line to use by Sony tinted glass wearing folks.
If Sony owned any of the studios developing the games you mentioned it would make sense, but they do NOT. Sony decided to pay said developers/publishers with the sole intention of keeping games off rival consoles for up to two "fecking" years in some cases, surely anyone with a modicum of subjective view can see that.
"or if I was a fanboy of one or the other."
Yeah, I very much prefer when we are not 😉.
If it is "around 3-4 years away MINIMUM" then that is VERY disappointing. Are we expecting this on neXt-box and PS5? Stop announcing games half a generation or more ahead of time. FFS
By hiring QD to make a cinematic Star Wars game, it feels like Disney is afraid to make another Star Wars movie....
@Sol4ris it's not bull***t though, il openly admit that before this gen I mainly gamed on playstation and nintendo, but that Bethesda acquisition and gamepass brought me to xbox as well, both sony and xbox do things to get customers from the competition in which in xbox's case was buying Bethesda knowing full well millions of playstation/nintnedo players loved their games, so in sonys case they are buying timed exclusivity on games they know people will want to play day one and not wait. In reality it's the same scenario but just a different way of doing it.
Whilst your pis**d off now about sony's timed exclusives there a playstation fanboy out there who's pis**d off about xbox buying Bethesda for its exclusives. And to top it off xbox are also paying for some games to be timed exclusives for them as well but just less timed such as Stalker 2
The gaming industry right now needs to take a serious step back to reevaluate itself, its priorities, and its business practices. Not only are we seeing more and more announcement trailers for games that are years away (and may not even arrive on the console generations they're announced for (examples: Metroid Prime 4, Fable, SW Eclipse), but games that are being released are shipping less and less complete (the latest example: Halo Infinite, with its local splitscreen, 2-player co-op, and Forge still absent and not due until at least Q2 of next year). And all the while they are expecting the end consumer to just keep paying the same amount of $$$ for less and less content and overall quality at the original point-of-sale, focusing on business models that milk them afterward like F2P, battle passes, loot crates, and so on instead of traditional ones where a consumer takes a finished, complete, and non-beta release-quality game home.
Maybe hyping a game with an eye candy CGI-only trailer four or five years before its release might still work on younger, less experienced gamers, but those of us who've been around for longer know the industry is headed in a lot of WRONG directions right now. And rest assured people WILL get wise and stop pre-ordering games if the practice of releasing unfinished, glitchy messes continues, and ultimately it will start impacting sales, period. It's time to get your houses in order, gaming industry.
David Cage confirmed to be involved? Fool me twice...
@Sol4ris SFV was a different beast. Capcom financially was struggling and asked for help. Sony stepped in and co funded, which in turn made it console exclusive.
i despise when a developer shows off a game that's years and years away, it just irritates me. that being said, i would be shocked if this were a Playstation exclusive, as the Star Wars license MUST come with extremely high sales expectations.
@AtlanteanMan it pisses me off to no end. Metroid Dread was announced around 6 MONTHS before it launched. that's PERFECT. i hate it when developers show off a game they've barely started making. i'm old enough to remember when that wasn't really a thing. a year was about as much advance notice as we EVER got, and that was SO much better.
Quantic dreams is probably the only company that can make great interactive games.
everything else i played from other companies was lacking.
i was blown away by Fahrenheit whenever i played it on pc back at the day it was published.
heavy rain is also great , the graphics are still impressive.
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