Xbox boss Phil Spencer has conducted a huge interview with the folks over at GQ, and one of the topics that was brought up during the discussion was that of The Elder Scrolls 6's Xbox exclusivity, which is seemingly confirmed.
According to GQ, Phil Spencer expects the game to be Xbox and PC only (just like Starfield), and he went on to explain that the intention isn't to "punish" other platforms, but to "bring the full complete package of what we have":
“It’s not about punishing any other platform, like I fundamentally believe all of the platforms can continue to grow. But in order to be on Xbox, I want us to be able to bring the full complete package of what we have. And that would be true when I think about Elder Scrolls VI. That would be true when I think about any of our franchises.”
We pretty much already knew that The Elder Scrolls 6 was going to be an Xbox exclusive due to Spencer's previous comments (and a report suggesting as such), but this appears to be the first time he's ever outright confirmed it.
The full interview is a great read, featuring various Xbox employees, so definitely check it out if you get a spare moment.
What are your thoughts on this? Let us know down in the comments section below.
[source gq-magazine.co.uk]
Comments 67
I really don't know why PS fans still expect Xbox Game Studios games to be released on the closed platform that PS5 is.
Well I mean they did spend $7.5 billion. What would be the actual point of the investment if those games were not made exclusive?
Its not about punishment, its all about being competitive.
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
@Damjam It seems so.
@Damjam PlayStation didn't ask the question. GQ did. I'm confused at why you said that about them.
Inb4thepsfancomments of i'll just play the game on PC
@Rafie Many PS fans ask for it or, even worse, bash Microsoft because of this on Twitter and gaming sites as mentioned by @Damjam and me.
the fact he's still having to answer these kinds of questions is a joke, most people knew from MS picking up Bethesda that it was only gonna be there
@Kopite We're still here LOL:
Poor guy has been replying this question for over a year.
Oh jeez again with this smh. Common sense isn't too common nowadays unfortunately :/
@BlueOcean It's not just PlayStation fans though. Nintendo fans have been vocal about it as well. I mean I don't know how some of these other fanbases process info, but if I was spending 7.5 billion to have exclusives games to my platform...why on Earth would that mean I was sharing with anyone else?! That's no knock on PS and Ninty fans. Just saying...
@Rafie Right, some (but fewer) Nintendo fans beg ports and when the result is 360p25fps with compressed audio and textures they say that nobody asked for this so yes, you might be right about the crazy times.
I'm sure the same PlayStation fans who are crying over this would INSIST that these games be put on Xbox, if the situation were reversed.
@Rafie I suppose so but compared to PS fanboys I don’t see a lot of Nintendo fanboys complaining about this much. From what I have seen most of them just deal with it and move on or just don’t really care very much
As a Nintendo gamer I don’t mind if Elder Scrolls 6 is Xbox and PC only. Xbox deserves some exclusives and ES6 seems to be a very good one.
On the bright side at least Skyrim is on Switch.
Also I have seen PS, Xbox and PC fanboys complaining that Bayonetta 2 is Nintendo exclusive. I see PS owners complaining that Astral Chain is Switch exclusive. And the most stupid complaining I have seen is fanboys specifically PS fanboys complaining that Fire Emblem Three Houses is Switch exclusive EVEN THOUGH FIRE EMBLEM IS A NINTENDO IP
@armondo36 nah they won’t. That’s the PS fanbase for you. But don’t worry, PS fanboys were bashing Xbox for putting games on PC. But now look what has happened. They can’t bash Xbox anymore if PlayStation is gonna start putting games on PC as well
Glad Xbox has Elder Scrolls 6 exclusivity. It gives actual value to the Xbox ecosystem. I like having reasons to buy in and truthfully big exclusives are the reason I buy a console personally. Between Elder Scrolls, Starfield, Fable, the games Obsidian has going for it, and Halo, the Xbox ecosystem very well will be an exciting place… eventually….
‘It’s okay Bethesda don’t make any good games’ - PlayStation fanboys.
@somnambulance “actual value”
Yes and No at the same time. On one hand Xbox will be the ONLY console to play ES6 so if you are a console gamer, then Xbox is right for you but on the other hand, the game is going to be on PC as well so if you have a good enough PC, there really is no point in buying an Xbox
Playstation are gonna have their exclusives and Xbox are gonna have theirs,it's the way it is ,they are in it to grow their fanbase and make money ,I can't see why ppl can complain at this ,if your not happy with Xbox having a exclusive swallow Ur pride and buy a Xbox to play it ...simple
The hilarious thing is that Sony have been doing exactly the opposite of what they said they'd do after releasing the PS5: new-gen games become cross-gen games, launch dates (that Xbox didn't have except for Halo Infinite) are delayed indefinitely, games come to PC... I say this because Sony marketed the PS5 as the true next-gen console with games tailored to its exclusive features and looking down on Microsoft's Series S console and cross-platform plans. Then PS5 exclusives become PS4 and PC games!
@Fenbops now if Microsoft bought Capcom, will PS fanboys say the same exact thing for Capcom too?
Bethesda doesn’t make any good games
So Skyrim, Doom Eternal, Quake, Doom 2016, Evil Within, Dishonored are not good games then?
@BlueOcean wanna know what’s even more hilarious.
Grand Turismo 7 is marketed and originally PS5 exclusive. On the promotion, it says PS5 only but guess what it isn’t, PS5 exclusive.
And yeah there are more PS exclusives going to PC, GOW 2018 being the most recent example. But also from leaks I have read Ragnarok will eventually make its way to PC, Forbidden West I have zero doubt will come to PC and also from the Nvidia leak I read that Ghost of Tsushima will be coming to PC as well.
PS fanboys are gonna rage even more when this happens. And when it happens, my popcorn is ready
@Royalblues because they think their platform is the best place and THE ONLY place to play games which isn’t even true at all.
@Royalblues maybe that's cause Xbox have all the gamepass games to go to ,we can chill and play any of the day one games lol
In all seriousness though I've seen it myself on the other forums ps fans freaking cause games are going on to the pc and I don't get the logic in freaking out over that
@RedKnight34 'Xbox' isn't just the console - its the entire ecosystem of hardware that supports Xbox - whether its your Windows PC (Xbox on Windows) or even Mobiles (Xbox Game Pass for Mobiles) so not 'just' the Console.
From Bethesda's perspective, they are not having to split the development and porting to a completely different OS and different API's, invest time and money trying to get their game running on that system and its not like the game isn't coming to a platform that most (if not all) PS gamers have access too - if they are adamant that they will not buy a Console - even the 'cheap' Series S just to play the numerous Exclusives (like ES6, Starfield, Redfall, Hellblade 2, Outer Worlds 2, Perfect Dark, Fable etc etc).
I am still wondering whether or not Indiana Jones will be exclusive too. Not that it bothers me either way that others may also get to enjoy games I can...
@anoyonmus that’s not me saying that pal, but I’ve seen it plenty on various forums and websites since the acquisition.
@Fenbops I know that but what do YOU think what I said is right or not?
@anoyonmus I agree with you dude.
@Fenbops thanks
Games not coming out til 2028 anyway so there is no rush to answer this one
Kids nowadays don't know the struggle. Back in the 80's, not only were Nintendo and Sega exclusives strictly exclusive, but when we DID get multiplats, they were completely different games lol.
Well done Xbox, stick to your guns
You own the company and that’s that.
Wanna play join Xbox gaming environment.
The same way for Nintendo and Sony exclusives, you have to buy their console.
At least Microsoft let you play their first party games on PC and Cloud as well, day of release etc.
So it’s Nintendo and Sony that are the bad ones here making you buy their consoles for their first party games.
It's clearly about MS adding to their stable of exclusives. I see nothing wrong with them making ES 6 Xbox exclusive. Hell, maybe it will run really well on release if Bethesda can just focus on one console.
I will admit that's a bit of a big "maybe" but I'm still going to love the game.
@Rafie I can't say I've seen any Nintendo fanboys that were upset about Bethesda but I'm sure they exist.
PS fanboys, on the other hand, I have seen them cope hard with the Zenimax purchase.
Funny, I don't really see the same amount of chatter over no Spiderman or Ratchet on the Xbox. I mean what's the difference there? I don't know about anyone else, but when I buy something, anything, it's mine, and I do what I please with it. Just like MS and Sony are doing. I'm not even sure why this is even a topic of conversation tbh.
@RedKnight34 Or they will just pirate it and brag about it..
Multiplats are fine and all, but I believe they hurt the game they are developing, because they're focusing on so many different systems. With exclusives, you don't have to worry about optimization on so many platforms, just making sure the one is the best.
I don’t recall this question ever being asked about Sony when they purchased studios. Just a silly and pointless question.
and the ponys will now feak out im sure if i check twitter they are having a hissy fit right now...but when they bought insomniac games or any other studio nobody said boo
@IronMan30 Bethesda doesn’t release a lot of games on Nintendo platforms to be honest but there are a few Nintendo fanboys that are complaining about this but compared to PS fanboys, Nintendo fanboys are more neutral to this unlike PlayStation fanboys.
Funny thing is that PS fanboys are also complaining about Switch exclusives too
@anoyonmus Shouldn't they complain about PS exclusives too? What's their logic? 😂
Funny how the media are still asking this question, but also embracing for them at the same time.
You don't spend $7.5 billion to continue making multi-formats.
@anoyonmus yeah, that's mostly my experience as well. PS fanboys are generally the ones who go out of their way to troll MS and Nintendo pages. They also throw the biggest tantrums when games don't come to their favorite system. At least with much greater frequency than Xbox or Nintendo fanboys.
And yeah, Nintendo fanboys were mostly indifferent because Bethesda usually didn't make games for Nintendo consoles anyway.
Tbh, I'm just being nice here. Sony fanboys are far and away worse than Xbox or Nintendo fanboys when it comes to other consoles having exclusives. They act like exclusives should only be on Sony consoles.
@anoyonmus I have honestly never heard of PS fans asking for games like Fire Emblem. I mean never! Astral Chain...yes for a short while. Both PS and Xbox fans were clamoring over Bayo 2 was nothing short of annoying.
This is no offense to you or anyone else here. I fully expect some of you to rag on PS fanboys no different than going on Push and see them crap on Xbox fanboys. Nintendo folks do the same. It just the same crap all the time.
@IronMan30 See...I don't agree that I mostly see one fanbase dogging the other more. They ALL do it. It's typical to say that you would see it more from the PS side, no different than them saying the same about Xbox. Still, I digress. I'm just happy that we won't hear about Starfield and hopefully this game going anywhere as Phil himself stated many times now. Don't know what PS fans or any of them feel like there's a port coming. It's not and should be expected without explanation.
I don't see it as punishing playstation as I honestly don't think it will dent the PlayStation 5's sales at all, only thing it will do will make a percentage of those players to also buy a series S/X or just get it on PC
Only way this game will come to playstation if it doesn't reach the intended target sales/players after a couple of years. Then they will announce a playstation 5 version
@Rafie I'll agree on the last point, people should just accept that Bethesda games are Xbox exclusive. No reason to ask or assume otherwise.
@UltimateOtaku91 it’ll hit its sales target. No doubt. Forza is smashing it now, I expect an elder scrolls game to do the same.
Let go of that PS5 version man, it’s not happening.
@Fenbops I have a series S so I've already let go, it was just a hypothesis
@UltimateOtaku91 that ain’t what you’re saying on the other site my dude:
‘If their sales target isn't reached or gamepass users don't increase as much as they expect then I'm sure they will rush to put out a ps5 version after a couple of years’
We know your game.
@Fenbops pretty much what I said on this site, feel free to add me on xbox I'm not lying about having a series S
@UltimateOtaku91 I trust you have an Xbox matey I don’t doubt it 🙂 I’m off to do some gaming after a days work, have a nice evening.
@Rafie FE Three Houses got review bombed when it came out
I wasn't thrilled with MS buying Bethesda just like I wouldn't be thrilled if Sony or even Nintendo nabbed an entire publisher but once the deal happened you have to accept it. Apparently many people still haven't since this stupid question about exclusivity of Bethesda games is still being asked. Spencer needs to bottomline this and be very direct when doing so... Want to play Bethesda games? Buy an Xbox or build a top notch gaming PC.
So......it's still coming to PlayStation, right?
@IronMan30 "They act like exclusives should only be on Sony consoles". That's their "logic" in the planet they live on.
If you have the means or can budget and make sacrifices in other areas of spending, get both consoles. Problem solved. This is my first generation owning both and $500 a piece for two consoles you'll have fun with for countless hours over 5, 7 or more years is a bargain really. And that's far less costly than a mid range PC.
@NEStalgia yes, day and date with Xbox.
@IronMan30 Oh good. I thought so, but the messaging has been so unclear.
@NEStalgia yes even on PlayStation Now day 1. It won’t sell otherwise.
Yeesh, wait till the next Doom and wolfienstien come out exclusively to the Xbox eco system. Then we'll see the real crazies emerge.
@SpaceSamurai wait!? They haven’t emerged yet? Holy *****.
@Fenbops They'll come. And in greater numbers lol
@SpaceSamurai Nah, I think TES is now "bigger" than Doom or Wolf in terms of the crazies on this. Now Fallout OTOH..... Can we make the Internet read-only when that happens?
What is with the PS fanbase and being so militant all the time? It's like not only are the obsessed with trying to trash their opposition, but they are also expecting that very same competition to support their favorite platform that doesn't play nice with others. Heck you could argue how their entire thinking revolves around not playing nice with others.
If you want to be like that, fine, but don't expect anyone to go out of their way for you.
@Rafie Couldn't have said it better myself 👍
@BlueOcean I'd just stop giving it the time of day but I suppose it gets views
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