The Definitive Edition of the classic GTA Trilogy officially released yesterday, with San Andreas being included with Xbox Game Pass, and the reception so far has been mixed - with various bugs reported across all three games.
While it seems players are having plenty of fun (as are we!), the bugs include problems with brightness, audio issues, collision detection problems and more. In other words, it could really do with a few patches!
In the first update from developer Grove Street Games, CEO Thomas Wilkinson told fans that he's "enjoying this unparalleled level of scrutiny on our studio", promising that updates for the Trilogy are on the way:
As you can probably imagine, the responses to this tweet aren't the most positive, with a lot of players pointing out that the game needs some fixes ASAP. However, there are also plenty of people congratulating the team on their work.
No official roadmap for updates has been provided by Grove Street Games as of yet, but considering how popular this Trilogy has proved already, we're hopeful the team will be dedicated to eradicating these bugs in the near future.
How are you finding the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition so far? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 26
Glad to see i'm not the only one enjoying the game.
The internet seems to be a dogpile so far.
Despite a bit of buggyness, SA seems to be running alright on Series X. It’s my least favourite of the trilogy, but i’m happy to be able to jump in risk free on Gamepass before putting down the big money for the trilogy. Really do have an urge to play GtAIII again though despite Vice City being the standout.
@SplooshDmg they def area product of their time. It can be hard to go back and replay old games sometimes.
Downloaded it played it for 2 hours hated it deleted it. Poor remaster if you can even call it that.
Another Rockstar cash in.
It's a very poor Remaster. Minimum effort for maximum cash grab
Disappointed so far. Feels like a cheap cash grab. I'll wait for the updates before I even consider continue playing.
Same here. A major disappointment. Thankfully I didn't pay for it thanks to Game Pass. The devs saying that they are enjoying the "scrutiny" is a slap in the face. Not touching this again unless it's patched properly.
San Andreas is good in performance mode. The cars handle much better, aiming is improved, and little tweaks like GPS waypoints are great additions. Visually, they made some weird decisions; the faces are really hit and miss.
Gta hd trilogy remastered has been pulled from rockstar's pc game store/launcher, because of how bad it is. Switchup says gta plays better in handheld mode, than docked. Denial isn't just a river in egypt.
I can't hate the devs when it's likely the publisher who insisted the former push this collection out.
GTA SA was always the weakest game in the series in my book, but I’ve been giving it a go as a trial before parting with the cash for GTA 3 (and more importantly Vice City). The experience improved somewhat after finding a bodge to help get the brightness to something approaching useable (setting contrast to min). The rain effect is awful, completely obscuring the screen (though not sure if this is down to the aforementioned contrast fix.). Graphics are improved just enough to make it playable. It’s currently doing just enough to keep me playing rather than switching back to Forza 5, but not nearly enough to buy the full game. Currently thinking wait till it’s available used for£15-20 or so (while hoping for the unlikely chance of Vice City appearing on game pass in the future)
I was playing on an LG Oled with a series x and I turned the brightness all the was up and Carl and Co.’s faces were still hard to see. I went back to playing Forza Horizon 5 while they fix this.
I hate it.... because the characters look like goofy toons, a result of high res versions of low poly models with new face textures from Cartoon Network!
I know it's sad when you get a game at launch and run into issues, but this is not abnormal and could have been worse given they had to rush to meet a date. We will probably never get the missing licensed music but they should fix most of the issues over time.
Pretty smug response by the developer. I'll be sticking to SA for free on Game Pass. Pretty mixed reviews from the community on this trilogy. If you're going to do a remaster, do it right, or maybe it not price it the same as a fresh, original game.
@gollumb82 correct lazy studio doing lazy remasters.
Another set of decade old games being released in a worse state when they originally launched.
What is even going on anymore?
Even the PC versions are only playable by pirates as the launcher you have to play through, which has no offline mode, is broken due to this game's launch.
Before: Enjoying the scrutiny.
Minutes later: Our devs are being targeted with hateful messages on twitter. We are now the victims.
Every. Single. Time.
A fresh coat of paint really doesn't cover up how absolutely archaic GTA:SA looks and feels. I'm a huge fan, but some things are best left to fond memories.
I have been enjoying San Andreas so far and it is because of the atmosphere and the general world design with multiple cities and that "west coast vibe" that it offer. This remaster feels like a step forward compared to the iOS ported "HD" version for Xbox 360 even if a full remake or rather a "reimagination" of the game along the lines of bigger versions of the cities, more missions and all set in a new engine with next gen graphics would be great.
“We enjoy the scrutiny” What a stupid thing to say…. The whole statement is a joke.
He is comparing the bugs in this game to Han Shot first. What a joker.
Anyway…. Whilst I think some are going over the top on how bad things are… it’s clear it’s not good enough…. “Passable and fine” are not words we should be saying.
I will enjoy these for what they are but they should and could have been so much more
Stupid comment but at least it's better than some indies' answers of late that translate to f*** o**.
Scrutiny? Do they think that the wrong brightness is difficult to spot?
Sadly this now seems to be becoming the norm, how many games recently have been released in an incomplete or buggy/glitchy mess
I think the game is fine for what it is. Havnt really had any problems. Having said that, what we got wasn't really what I was hoping for, really wished it was visually improved more than it was but to be fair if you compare them to the originals you'll see they are actually quite an improvement, it's just hard to tell when you're used to playing all these new gen games. I really hope we get a gta 4 remaster too but with better visual improvements.
@InterceptorAlpha they're in a worse state than the originals, how do you mean? They certainly look vastly better than the originals, they run much smoother, the gameplay mechanics feel better, lighting looks amazing for such old games. Are you talking bugs or something? I havnt really seen any myself, just being honest. Aside from the fact that these games weren't visually enhanced to the degree we were all hoping for, I don't see where all the disappoinment is coming from unless people just forgot how clunky these 20+ year old games really were to begin with
@FreqMode Should be obvious bugs are what's are being referenced. Particularly given pretty much every review mentioning them. The PC version is even worse off with it quite literally being unplayable due to the asinine delivery method.
To make matters worse, it is absolutely embarrassing the game cannot maintain a rock solid 60fps. This should be running at 144fps minimum.
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