Xbox is currently celebrating its 20th anniversary, and as part of this, it's held a panel hosted by the former Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé.
While Reggie was technically there to guide the discussion of some of Xbox's pioneers, he also shared his own thoughts about how far the Xbox brand had come in 20 years - praising it for playing its part in the industry's development.
"The moment in time of the launch, the moment in time now, 20 years later, the industry is better because of the Xbox launch, I passionately believe that. And the fact that there are all of these companies making all of this wonderful content, the ecosystem is so robust, Xbox is a big part of that."
Reggie even spoke about his own memories of the system, reflecting on how his son (who was an avid gamer) got them on board with the original Xbox and Halo: Combat Evolved.
"When Xbox launched, I wasn't in the industry, I was a consumer - I was that prototypical consumer that had a PS2 in my house already, I had an N64, I was thinking about a GameCube but I actually didn't buy a GameCube until I was already part of Nintendo...but my son, an avid gamer, was the one saying we need to check out this Xbox thing... and the driver was Halo, and that experience is what got the original Xbox into my house with that big old controller. That is my Xbox memory from the very beginning."
It's great to see Reggie praising Xbox and acknowledging its contributions to the industry over the past 20 years. It's also interesting to hear about his own experiences with the brand from the beginning.
What are your thoughts about a former NoA boss hosting an Xbox show? Think he did a good job? Leave a comment down below.
Comments 14
I agree with him. Plus, MS was one of the first non-Nintendo companies innovate camera controls in 3D games. Online play in the console space is also something they added to the equation.
And hes absolutely correct.
Off the top of my head look at this list of things Xbox either created of perfected in the console space:
Online play
Friends lists
Party chat
Back compat
Undisputable really, Xbox with MS software expertise has brought so much to the industry.
Can you imagine a world where it was Nintendo and Sony alone? Look at my list and think how well these features would be performing right now (or even existing!?).
It’s extremely good to have three big lords in the manor, keeping each other slightly in check and in competition mode. It has definitely helped with consumerism that’s for sure.
Awesome . Reggie Fils-Aimé did an amazing job as president of Nintendo of America .
@JetmanUK Yes, Xbox has contributed a lot. Sony and Nintendo have as well. The current state of console gaming would not be where it is without all three of them.
@NotoriousWhiz Of course, goes without saying. Nintendo and PlayStation have brought us great games and experiences.
I play on all game platforms, my comment was not a fanboy one.
I listed the things that MS/Xbox have brought to the table in context of the article.
@JetmanUK Completely agree Microsoft have added to the industry, as have Nintendo and Sony. It's great we have multiple big players. The industry and we gamers are better for all of them.
I realise you say 'created or perfected' but it's still worth clarifying several of those did exist before e.g.
But you are right Microsoft created, improved or sped up the adoption of a lot of these things, especially those that were already on PC like online play, chat etc. and unified the whole online experience.
A few other things they pushed forward. Adding hard drives as standard, adding ethernet to Xbox (even though dial up modems didn't have ethernet at the time), an online digital storefront. (Dreamcast did have dlc but the vmu made this VERY limited!)
Looking forward to seeing what new innovations they bring over the next 20.
@JetmanUK fwiw, your comment didn't come off as fanboyish at all to me. Tbf, I wouldn't care if it did because this is an Xbox fansite.
@themightyant That's why I said created or perfected, Ive been around the days of Atari so I'm well aware of the chronology of features in the console space.
But yeah I didn't even mention hard drives or their digital store front, it was a quick off the top of my head list though.
The store is quite an amusing one as it's definitely a feature that gets a lot of flack in its current state on PC and Xbox. I don't think it's as bad as many say, but they could be improved for sure.
The next 20 years should be a hell of a ride.
@IronMan30 Thank you. It wasn't meant that way.
@JetmanUK I understood you well, too. I'm not a serious PC gamer but I'd add that Microsoft have added many benefits from PC gaming but without the inherent PC gaming hassle. Series X, for instance, has the best of the console and PC worlds. Xbox One X did, too, but it was limited by the last-gen console CPUs. The power of Series X is unleashed. Backwards compatibility is like on PC but without compatibility issues and with improvements. Microsoft also made the best controller that they have been perfecting since Xbox 360.
@JetmanUK you forgot Game Pass
@Magabro Now there's a biggie!
Guys, it's working!
Mother 3 on Game Pass when?
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