Bethesda has a LOT of games coming up. After the backlash of Fallout 76, many are hoping the studio is still committed to focusing on single-player experiences. Thankfully, this is something they've claimed is the case.
Speaking to IGN, Bethesda's creative director Todd Howard said this is something the team is "absolutely" focused on, describing it as "part of who we are".
"Absolutely. It's part of who we are, it's what we love about games."
That being said, Howard still believes there's a possibility of "social elements" in solo experiences, that he believes wouldn't take away from the game.
"There are various ways you can talk about adding social elements to a game that I don't think take away from [the solo experience]. We've dabbled with some of that and not put it out, or things on paper, things we'd like to try in our games. So I don't want to rule that out."
Fallout 76 was a "learning experience" for Bethesda, according to Howard. Fast forward to today and the game is received much more positively, with the Wastelanders expansion bringing some classic solo Fallout gameplay elements into the fray.
With Starfield just over a year away, we'll see just how committed Bethesda is to its statement. As for now, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition is on the way this week, bringing more content to the fan-favourite entry.
Do you want to see Bethesda still focus on single-player games? Drop us a comment and let us know.
[source ign.com]
Comments 10
Even though I've been playing ES since Morrowind .... I've become even more a fan of the Bethesda's Fallout series. Went even as far as playing Fallout 76. That one pager outline for Fallout 5 is an exciting bit of teaser but alas, doesn't look like we'll be getting that before 2028~30, if ES6 is 2025~26.
Still wish they'd allow Obsidian to work on New Vegas 2 (after Outer Worlds 2) while they work on ES6.
Looks like Starfield has to suffice for the time being. Hope its somewhat like Fallout world + Mass Effect style (Citadel, Omega) & location hopping
@chicken_chaser Same here. It would be awesome if they were to allow someone like Obsidian or Inexile to develop a fall out game. Seeing as Bethesda inherited it themselves, it'd be nice to share the IP with other talented Xbox studios. Alas, either way I'm super excited to play Starfield and to see what awaits in the next elder scrolls games.
Now, if only there were images of the enhanced graphics for Skyrim 😎
That's good to hear. As long as there are great single player games and campaigns to play, so will i.
Fantastic. This is what we expect from companies like Bethesda. We still need more games with a third person camera.
Good interview with Todd Howard and IGN on youtube. In that he talks about the past, present and 'near' future about Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Starfield and Indiana Jones...
Well worth a read!! Also was asked about 'allowing' maybe another studio to make a Fallout game as it looks like it could be another 'long' gap between mainline games...
'Online' doesn't just have to be some 'competitive' mode where players fight other players. That is NOT the only 'social' option for a game. You can have a fantastic 'Single-player' game that could also be played co-operatively with a friend. In an RPG, you could have 'co-operative/social' missions, ones that may be 'easier' to complete together or maybe need to trade/communicate with another to get items/info needed...
Online gaming doesn't has to be 'competitive' or disruptive to the experience and can enhance the game-play...
@BAMozzy Remember when Todd got on stage and told us about "online" Fallout? And how we all panicked because online Fallout isn't good single player Fallout and Fallout was doomed?
And then what we got was 76 and we were all right about it all along?
@NEStalgia and yet there are 34k people playing the game right now (according to 'live player count') and turned the game around from the hollow shell they released at launch. I can't deny that the Launch content and issues had a major impact on its 'success' but I'd argue that the game today is more akin to Fallout 4, just with a few other players running around the map that can be ignored if you want...
Elder Scrolls Online too is a 'big' success.
The point I was making is that 'Online' doesn't have to be 'Call of Duty' clones - competitive PvP in small 'arenas'. It can be co-operative story driven - like Gears of War Campaigns for example.
@BAMozzy I haven't played it in recent times, so I don't know how radically they changed it, but I can't imagine it went from feeling like a bad MMO to feeling like a single player RPG. I could see them converting it to a good MMO, but I don't know how the design could be made into a true solo game.
ESO is fine, it's an MMO, sold as an MMO, not a single player game. If 76 were sold as "Fallout Online - an MMO set in the world of Fallout!" I don't think anyone would have had a problem with it past launch. But Todd told us it's not an MMO, it's a regular Fallout with other people, which just isn't what it was/is.
No objections to Halo/Gears style coop solo. It doesn't interfere with the gameplay if you're not playing with others.
@NEStalgia All I was responding to was the immediate reaction of some who immediately think of bolting on or making some 'pvp' arena combat mode - like CoD, Halo, BF etc rather than the potential of 'Social' gaming as a more co-operative experience...
You could have a 'Fallout/ESO' game where you can play the entire game 'solo' of you want or maybe play as a party of 'friends' venturing through the game, exploring the world, story, side missions etc. Some games (think of Mass Effect) always require you to play the game as a 'Squad' and would be more fun with friends playing instead of those problematic/dumb AI squad mates...
Social doesn't necessarily mean competitive was my point!! as some seem to immediately think....
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