The official release of Battlefield 2042 took place this past Friday, and it's fair to say the reception has been mixed at best. In fact, there have been a lot of players taking to the web to criticise the game in its current state.
Over on the Steam platform, the game is sporting a "Mostly Negative" user score at the time of writing based on over 30,000 reviews, with criticisms centring around everything from missing features to unbalanced maps and gameplay.
The Xbox community has also been airing their thoughts, with most of the issues relating to poor performance and bugs, particularly on Xbox Series X. Here's what a couple of Reddit users had to say:
"I'm trying to find some enjoyment out of this game despite its very many problems, but I can hardly play and finish matches. The one thing that ticks me off more then anything is [the] bugs and crashes."

"I played 30 mins and then lag started. Major FPS drops. Had to restart the game to be able to play for another 30 mins before it started again."
It's worth noting that Xbox recently pushed out an optional update (to become mandatory on November 23rd) targeting issues with Battlefield 2042 on Series X, and will "continue to support EA to improve Battlefield 2042 stability".
Nevertheless, BF 2042's poor performance is just one item on a long list of "issues" that many players aren't wild about right now, although we should point out that we've seen plenty of reports of people enjoying the game as well. As for ourselves, we gave Battlefield 2042 a 7/10 in our review, stating that it's "a bit of a mixed bag as things stand right now with the excellent Portal mode overshadowing almost everything else on offer."
How are you getting on with Battlefield 2042 so far? Let us know down in the comments below.
[source, via]
Comments 32
The games a mess on PC and that flavors the commentary a bit, it's not so bad on console. The big sell here is Portal, though. While official playlists in Portal need more maps, there's some really good custom games already created by community and it'll only get better as they add more tools to creation mode. There's even a clever variant based on Squid Game, for example.
Eh, it's basically a Cyberpunk, GTA Trilogy situation for this game, released early to fix it later bs, but I believe the community will save it, unlike those games.
Will just play Halo for a few months and buy on sale once everything is patched and working.
But Dice/EA still don't know what made Bad Company 2 so great 😛 I imagine the same can be said about BF4.
Should've been delayed longer. I think it says a lot that despite Xbox having all the marketing for Battlefield 2042, they decided to shadow drop Halo Infinite's multiplayer extremely close to its launch.
Battlefield games always suffer with a rocky launch, and, to be fair, DICE are usually pretty good at fixing things. Not to excuse a broken launch, but I have faith DICE will turn this around.
Main issues for me is lack of weapons, lack of destruction, and no voice. How in 2021 does a game get released with no voice communication?
@SplooshDmg I still play Battlefield 4 and 2142 to this day.
I can agree with you almost 100%.
All I want is Battlefield 4 with Bad Company 2's humor and level destruction.
@scarecrowknife It isn't the first one to. Diablo 2 Resurrected launched in the end of September. It still doesn't have any in game communication.
@TimG13 Battlefield games have a rocky launch due to server issues. Not basic functionality. Which is the case here.
Bought the preorder from the Xbox store before launch. This morning I got my refund 5 minutes after requesting it. Gotta love Xbox.
BF2042 is terrible. Well back to Halo Infinite.
@TimG13 the issues are core game design issues. Not server issues.
@gollumb82 I haven't played those either (except for bf4's campaign) so I don't know. Would you care explaining what made those games so special for you or compared to what's out nowadays? I know I could look it up but really just want your perspective on it.
@Hexamex-Tex @InterceptorAlpha That's true, but not entirely limited to.
It's about old school Battlefield. A decent campaign with some tongue in cheek moments and dialogue. I played the original Bad Company, Hardline and BF4 when I first bought my XSX in succession and they still hold up. There's a reason people talk of BF3, Bf4 and BC2 multiplayer with fondness, too. They had great modes, maps and destruction.
These days Dice/EA are more concerned with microtransactions, skins and other fluff rather than gameplay and making their games politically correct first and fun- second. At least that's my take.
Probably why I enjoy games like Insurgency Sandstorm (for realism) and Halo Infinite (for fun) way more than BF and CoD these days.
when i said this game was going to be a disaster based on the beta a few people came back and told me its a beta that was a dated engine and it will be fine....well i just have to say it I TOLD YOU glad i cancelled my preorder after playing the beta and still glad after playing 8 hours of the trial(gonna save those other two hours just in case they fix it) chances are though im gonna get CoD when it goes on sale and wait till this hits gamepass ultimate now.
@InterceptorAlpha this is not server issues, best way to descibe it is poor programming and it really does seem they focused way to much on the micotransactions then actual gameplay, its just not a fun game and buggy at times.
@Blessed_Koz I didn't say it was.
Went from must buy from me and my buddies after watching trailer to okay lets see if they fix enough after first beta to now we're gonna wait till it gets properly fixed and buy it in a sale, shame has so much potential, but we had so many issues , crossplay didn't work , my buddies have pc's and I alone have the xsx so that was lame... Too bad...
I am having doubts now...
@gollumb82 yea, BF4 was a solid game. Not a big BF series fan but I had a great time playing BF4 back in the day.
Needs another 3-6 months in the oven.
I played about 8 hours through the trial, and that was enough to tell me to save my money for now.
The potential for an amazing game is there, but you can tell that EA did not want to miss the holiday season sales.
I'll be back to check the state of the game maybe in March.
@TimG13 nope. If all there was, was connectivity issues and bugs I would be annoyed but wouldn’t have got my money back. The audio, the lack of classes, lack of destruction , scoreboards, squads, server picker are all without excuse.
Not so bad on console? When it works I like this game but reality is that I need at least 10 tries on Breakthrough before I am able to spawn and choose a weapon.
The amount of games that have released in a mess and needing months of patches to fix (if they ever get fixed) in these past two years has become a joke and it seems to be getting worse.
I can't believe game creators who work (and crunch) and try their hardest to make a game to the best of their skills can be enjoying seeing the results of their individual labour published in such sorry states. Whoever green lights these unfinished unready products because of, lets face it, pure greed needs a slap. They screw over not just gamers but many passionate developers too. What a sorry state AAA is in.
No single player campaign-no thanks.
So many games releasing in such sad states. That's all. No solution; no negativity. Just facts.
It’s a mess and should never have been released yet.
On series X I’ve played the 10 hour trial and it crashed multiple times.
Loads of missing features and other bugs.
Thank God for Halo.
This is a shame. I was hoping to get this.
But I'll give it a pass til it's less buggy.
I feel strongly that it’s just “in” to dunk on games. As if FOMO and schadenfreude had a psychological baby. Especially since Cyberpunk.
This game should've been pushed 6+ months. Needs a ton of work, and Halo shadowdropping just put the nail in it's coffin. After playing the beta, I seriously considering cancelling my preorder. After playing the 10 hour trial, I did cancel my preorder. Sucks too cuz it had soo much promise... I hope they can recover it like they did with Star Wars BF2 and I can return to it some day. Portal could be something special some day. DICE is really blowing it lately...
I have zero interest in this latest Battlefield and COD, they both look awful. Good timing as well, because I am really enjoying Halo Infinite.
This game is really disappointing so far, almost as if it's from a different dev trying to be Battlefield. I remember all the complaints about BFV from so many people. Well, BFV is leagues better than this garbage, especially with visuals. Out of the two maps I played one of them looked like something from a PS3 or XBOX360 in higher res. Atrocious.
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