It's very clear that Xbox Game Studios has a massive future ahead of it, with the likes of Fable, Perfect Dark, Avowed and many other games in the pipeline, along with Bethesda's upcoming titles such as Starfield and The Elder Scrolls 6.
We already know of a lot that's coming in the years ahead, but according to inside knowledge from Windows Central's Jez Corden, he's estimated that only a third of games from Xbox's roadmap have been announced so far.
Here's what Corden had to say when speaking on the latest 'The Xbox Two' podcast episode:
"I would say, out of the [games] I know, and there's games that I don't know about, because I don't know anything that Bethesda's working on generally, I don't know about the [Hideo] Kojima game Jeff Grubb spoke about, and I've also heard about some other games that aren't in the roadmap that I've seen, so as a complete ballpark estimate, and this is a conservative, low estimate, I'd say about a third of the games have been announced from Xbox Game Studios right now."
"Of course they're working on loads of games. A lot of these games might get cancelled, but I don't think they will because the information that I got is... it sounds to me like these are happening, so who knows. I'm just so excited for the future right now. So excited."
As Corden mentions, it's not exactly a surprise to know that Xbox has plenty of unknown projects in the works, but assuming the 1/3 estimate is somewhat correct, it sounds like there's a lot to get excited about in the coming years.
And don't forget, if things stay the same, all of these games will be arriving with Xbox Game Pass on day one!
What do you think Xbox has up its sleeve over the coming years? Let us know down in the comments.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 28
Cant wait to play them all as some who main console is xbox.
Maybe they've went back to Platinum Games to complete Scalebound.
That seems like a lot, but I suppose you never know.
I’d be surprised if they don’t pull the trigger on a new banjo game (or remake) considering the spotlight smash bros gave him.
They just need to start pumping them out in gamers hands.
It’s a good end of year.
With Pysco 2
But they need something for spring, summer 2022 and we know Starfield November 2022.
Not sure but Redfall should be early next year.
I feel like xbox has lots of games out this year but due to pre contractual agreements nearly all of them were multiplat, giving an illusion that Xbox hasn't released anything. I'm confident 2022 will be the makings of a great legacy, but I'm also certain Sony will fight back even harder, which means as a consumer I'll have to get a PS5! This level of competition between the two are going to create the foundation of better games and better ways to play. Whether you're a fan of Xbox or not, there's no denying their existence and aggressive tactics has forced other major industries to talk about opening their gates a little more wider (referencing the recent Jim Ryan interview). I
Game pass will see some real treasure to add to his hoard, there is bound to be a few more surprises in wait, one has to assume the award show this December will have something to announce. It's seems pretty clear that another acquisition will happen, but if it doesn't for some time, that's fine, Xbox has the studios now, they have the talent, it won't be long until we see Scorn, Redfall, Star Field, Crossfire X, Halo, Forza, and more that we don't know about. As we read about the what if there is defiantly talks being had Behind the scene.
This leads to the speculation well, dreams and hopes and wishful thinking plentiful and had it been a few years back that's all they would be, but after the waves Xbox is making, after the seemingly out of the blue Bethesda announcement, there's no telling what's going to happen next, but as a gamer we can feel it. When rival companies start saying 20 million players ain't enough, you get this feeling they know something...something that makes them second guess their original stance.
I'm summary, what a golden time to be an Xbox fan, and any fan of gaming in general
Sort of seems expected/normal.
There is a LOT of projects and games that get into development phase and get cancelled or put on shelf before being publicly acknowledged. Most studios will present only a single (or few) next big project, while realistically they are internally already working on potential sequel + few potential fallback ideas if they need to pivot.
That said, already confirmed 1/3 looks pretty great, so if turnaround of that ideation pool is 0, still wouldn't be the end of the world (and I'm sure it won't be).
By "games" hopefully they are actual legit games and not that 2d pixelated trash that looks like someone raided my 8 bit Nintendo collection. Laugh every time game pass states having tremendous value with over 100 games. Vast majority of those titles look like some cheesy free to play mobile junk.
Some people enjoy those games and that is cool. I just find them unplayable and not enjoyable. Wish game pass would be true value they tout and claim it to be and not some back road flea market of games.
@Dezzy70 Since we've yet to see official gameplay from Redfall from either Arkane or Microsoft (I forget who leaked the bit of gameplay we've actually seen), I doubt we're getting that close to early next year. Summer 2022 is my guess.
You're not wrong that they need something for the first quarter of the year though. Maybe not the week Horizon Forbidden West comes out as that would likely crush whatever they would release, but something around there at least to keep some eyes on Xbox at least.
We know the future is bright with the Obsidian, Ninja Theory, and Bethesda acquisitions. Hopefully we begin to see the benefits of those starting at some point next year. 2022 is going to be a great year for PS5 (barring delays), so hopefully it's at least solid for Xbox too giving us a chance to at least experience a glimpse of the very bright future.
Considering xbox currently owns 25 studios, and is on it's way on acquiring even more, it's obvious a lot of stuff that we don't know about are coming. I mean they 100% will have a strong game awards show, and then e3, they said "if you liked this years e3, wait till you see 2022 e3". So you can only imagine how much stuff is on it's way.
So happy to have an XSX, with the backlog I have, I don't mind waiting! I still am saving for an OLED so the can take their time lol
I'm expecting a mixture of both big and small titles and a big variety of stuff. Some won't like everything and that's the point... variety. Plus 3rd party deals. I'm not sure if they will hit their target of a major AAA title released each quarter in 2022 but the will definitely have a lot of content coming next year. Next month is the 20th anniversary so I expect some announcements and then the VGAs is apperently where we will learn about the Kojima game, Hellblade and something else.
Wolfenstein 3 is supposedly going to be announced this year as well and Ubisoft+ was talked about for the end of the year so we will see if that pans out or not.
Needless to say I'll be picking up another year's worth of GPU cards when they go on sale this year.
Gears 6 is an obvious game that we know is coming, but was technically not announced. There are those rumours that The Coalition is working on a different project as well, in order to get acquainted with Unreal 5.
We know nothing about what Compulsion games is doing. InXile has a rumoured AAA RPG in the works that was not yet revealed. Mojang is working on new Minecraft games. Double Fine just released Psychonauts 2 and is certainly gearing up towards its next game.
And then there is XGS Publishing, which could be working with pretty much anyone. The rumoured IO Interactive "Project Dragon" is yet to be revealed.
That not to mention anything Bethesda related.
Hopefully, with so many unnanounced games in the pipeline, they're bringing back some old favorites, like Banjo, Conker and Killer Instinct.
Seems like a large number of new titles, but we shall see...
Love the Xbox Two podcast..
@Dezzy70 @KilloWertz They already announced the release window to be Summer 2022 for Redfall back at E3. Should be a reasonable guess that something Xbox Game Studios for 2022 happens before then whether an announcement of a known game getting an early 2022 or Spring 2022 release, an announcement of a unknown game for that time or the delay of Halo Infinite's campaign to release co-op at launch.
Me been wondering about Halos campaign as well. I guess we will see some new gameplay soon or some news.
@Bmartin001 it's a weekly listen for me along with the Iron Lord's podcast, RDX and now I've discovered Defining Duke since cognito joined
Yeah man i look forward to Xbox Two, RDX, and Colteastwoods new XNC podcast everyweek..
@NickTheGeek A few of the studios are big enough to have multiple games in development though (Obsidian, Playground and likely Ninja Theory at the very least), so 6 a year roughly is probably right even if some are split over multiple studios.
Some will likely be smaller, some bigger and some hits and misses but fingers crossed it they manage that kind of output the results overall will be impressive
@Dezzy70 @KilloWertz @Grumblevolcano
Xbox major timed exclusive for early 2022 is STALKER 2, coming April 28th.
Maybe Scorn or the The Gunk as well, but I doubt we'll get anything unannounced so soon.
True Stalker 2, I think it has silly three month only exclusive rights deal, does make you laugh sometimes. It’s on gamepass so will give it ago.
That's great and all....but they do wayyyy too much promising. Show us games when they're nearly ready to ship. Nintendo and Sony are working on stuff too, and you should be.
@armondo36 sony literally showed a game that isn't realistically going to release before 2025.
With over 25 studios, and most of these studios having multiple teams, I'd expect great things going forward on a consistent basis.
Phil Spencer said the goal was to have at least 1 first party game every 3 months, so let's see if they can hit that goal.
I dont want a lot of games. I just want Avowed.
Not surprising really. They have to drip feed this information to prevent a drought.
Considering the many years game development takes if they announced all their titles now they’d be left with little or nothing to announce next year or the year after.
Still future is bright!
@drakel While both Nintendo and Sony do announce very far future stuff (e.g. Bayonetta 3 was announced in 2017 and launches in 2022, Metroid Prime 4 was announced in 2017 and launches some time in the future, Marvel's Wolverine will probably launch around 2025) there's mostly a focus on the nearer future like presentations focusing on the next 9 months.
Microsoft is still heavily focused on the far future, naturally a result of the near future not having much going on. The options are announcing far future stuff or having info droughts, both of which are bad outcomes.
@Dezzy70 agreed. It’s great having all these studios and game in development but we can’t play them. Halo and FH are great Xbox games but there nothing new. I’m waiting for new ips.
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