There have been tons of reports over the past year that Konami was looking to revive Silent Hill and Castlevania, but one franchise that has remained relatively quiet is Metal Gear Solid. However, a new report suggests that not only is the company looking at bringing back the series, but could be working on a remake of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.
The report comes from VGC, which claims to have heard about Konami's future plans. It's said that multiple sources have "suggested" a remake project is in the works and may be centred around Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, rather than the original game which some had thought was in the works.
While many believed BluePoint Games would be helming the project - which has recently been acquired by PlayStation - sources have told VGC that it's in fact been developed by Virtuos, the team behind the recent Switch ports of Dark Souls and The Outer Worlds, along with work on Battlefield 1 and Horizon Zero Dawn.
As for the first two entries, it's added that Konami is planning to remaster those titles once again for current-gen systems, in anticipation of the remake.
This all comes after speculation that Konami would be closing down its gaming division earlier this year. Back in January, Konami shut down these rumours stating it has no intention of stopping game development.
Along with Metal Gear Solid, both Castlevania and Silent Hill are said to be making a comeback. With Castlevania, it's claimed the title will be a "reimagining" of the series, whereas the Silent Hill franchise will receive multiple instalments, per a report from earlier this year.
All of this information comes after Konami launched eFootball earlier this week, a game that is receiving an extraordinary amount of bad press due to its launch state. Players have been quick to mock the game, showcasing its various bugs in a hilarious fashion. It's been bombarded with thousands of negative reviews, pushing it down the ranks of Steam's recommendation chart. We hope these other beloved franchises fare better if they come to fruition.
How do you feel about the alleged plans for Metal Gear Solid? Drop us a comment and let us know.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 24
MGS 1 needs a remake more than 3.
3 would be fine with just a remaster, but I'm reluctant to go back to MGS without a proper remake as I fear the magic will be broken when I see the graphics and small levels (it happened with Goldeneye - the graphics on a big TV came as a shock compared to my nostalgic memory of it being a great looking game).
Regardless, hopefully like recent releases it'll be multi platform
It's about time. This should've been done years ago!
I'm not sure it'll be an all plats release, tho I hope they made it for all plats.
MGS3 just needs small QOL changes to modernize the controls and maybe the UI. Having to pause every few minutes to re-apply makeup and clothing is a tad annoying.
Great... another remake instead of making a brand new game. So sick of all of these remakes and remasters. I will never stop saying this no matter how much hate i get for saying it...
@Widey85 I think the first had a remake already, the GCN version Twin Snakes, so I dunno...
Both MGS 3 and the 1st are in the same position for a remake (considering MGS:TS) imho
@OliverOwen Some games need actually. I can tell you that when it is well made, it is worth! Just to name few, think about RE2 and 3, Demon's Souls... they were good games back then, but their remake were just breathtaking!
Right behind you over here in the UK.
Great... another remake instead of making a brand new game. So sick of all of these remakes and remasters. I will never stop saying this no matter how much hate i get for saying it...
Here's why this makes sense to me: Konami needs to regain the trust of its fans and it would be much better to remake MGS3, which is considered the best game in the series, rather than the older titles. Not to mention that MGS3 is chronologically the first game in the series, so it would make sense to have people play this one first.
It's the same thing with Capcom and Resident Evil, I'd rather have RE4 remake than Code Veronica remake because RE4 is considered the best game in the series. I'm also viewing this from a non-greedy perspective. Who's to say that these companies will continue to remake more games, there's no guarantee that will happen. I'd rather have the best game remade first. If they decide to remake more, then that's great!
So yeah, MGS3 and RE4 first, then everything else is a bonus.
I think it would be more interesting to remake MGS4. That game deserves to be played by more people than PS3 owners.
Considering 3 is the start of the MGS narrative it makes sense they'd start with that, use that as a base to rework Peace Walker, then just do a next-gen update for 5 and we have the "Big Boss arc"
@Widey85 try GoldenEye on an old CRT monitor/TV. That'll help 👍
Seeing as 1 or the twin snakes remake isn’t available on Xbox I’ll take a remake of that 😀 do we really want ‘new’ MGS games without Hideo Kojima at the helm? Maybe if we wait long enough they’ll remake MGS5 with David Hayter’s voice 😝
I would prefer it to be MGS4, it needs to get out of the PS3.
Metal Gear Solid without Kojima is Metal Gear Flaccid.
See what I did there?
Ahem. Hence why a remake will be universally accepted as opposed to a new entry without its creator at the helm.
Konami should NOT make a new Metal Gear. Remakes or ports should be all they are concerned with. Without Kojima at the helm writing ridiculous off the walls plot, we would just get a sad mockery of what makes Metal Gear work.
I would love a MGS 3 remake, One of my favorite games on PS2..
@MaseSco Cheers lol, got rid of all mine due to space - in the end gave up on my N64 and played it with an upscaling emulator on PC which helped a lot
@OliverOwen @Dezzy70 Most of me agrees - I loved MGS, I was 13 and it was the best and most replayable game (fun with the bandana + nikita missiles, plus invisibility) I had on PS1.
I think playing it again even with a remake I'd probably spot too many plot holes, know all the surprises and not be so impressed by Psycho Mantis - plus I wouldn't have the time I had then (I completed MGS2 in one sitting on the day it was released).
Well done remasters and remakes have a place (they're quicker and cheaper and fill a hole between big releases), but even well done ones like Mass Effect I've bought it and got bogged down in the first one as the levels are small and repetitive - I forgot that 2 had the more varied side missions.
So yeah I'd agree I'd much prefer new games with a similar level of quality and writing as the old games instead
Metal Gear Solid games are generally good and Castlevania games are cult classics but what about a proper Silent Hill collection as well?
I have always thought that the worst part of the MGS games is the Kojima part (nonsensical story and direction) and the best are the programmers and artists' part (gameplay and graphics).
Sweet! Snake eater was my favorite but the controls STUNK!
Big if true, absolutely loved this game as a child.
I’ve tried Snake Eater, Subsistence, and the 3DS version and bounced off them all. Maybe the 4th time is the charm?
I hope a Castlevania reimagining goes better than the last one.
I would get some young, hungry devs, have them play through Rondo of Blood, Pandora’s Tower on Wii, and Bloodborne on PS4, then back to Rondo, dose on mushrooms, and then get to work.
@OskarRex this i fully agree with MGS4 needs to be rereleased as to allow me to rid myself of my ps3 its one of 3 games i still play on that system....
@Blessed_Koz I got my PS3 stolen some time ago, and the only game for which I would buy one again it's MGS4, just to have the complete collection again.
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