The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition is right around the corner and Bethesda has dropped a bunch more details ahead of its November 11th launch.
Firstly though, for anyone who owns The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition on Xbox One, certain pieces of content will be introduced for free, including fishing, some new quests and much more.
Here's everything coming in the free update:
- Saints & Seducers
- Originally released in 2019, this creation introduces an additional storyline across two quests (complete with side quests) for players to delve into.
- Rare Curios: Included as part of Saints & Seducers, the Rare Curios creation brings additional goods imported from all over Tamriel to Skyrim’s Khajiit Caravans.
- Survival Mode
- Previously released in 2017, the Survival Mode creation has your Dragonborn contend with the very elements of Skyrim itself to survive! Players must wear warm gear and seek shelter in cold climates to keep from freezing to death, as well as mind their hunger and exhaustion on top of the usual threats like pesky bandits and ambushing dragons.
- Fishing
- Skyrim’s all-new Fishing mode creation lets you angle over 20 unique aquatic species across the area’s many bodies of water.
So what about the paid content? There's too much to detail, but the Bethesda blog post does break down some of the new elements. In a nutshell, the Skyrim Anniversary Edition of the game will feature all Creation Club content so far.
"What about all the other amazing creations already released for the game? That’s where The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition comes in. Available for purchase November 11, Skyrim Anniversary Edition features the complete Skyrim Special Edition PLUS all previously released Creation Club creations for the game – yes, that includes the four free creations, too!
Players will also be able to enjoy an all-new batch of creations, including new ways to play and new quests tapping into Tamriel’s history. In ‘Ghosts of the Tribunal’ you’ll earn over a dozen new weapons and armors previously featured in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, while ‘The Cause,’ has players encounter the Mythic Dawn, who aim to form a new Oblivion gate, and features brand new enemies, locations, and weapons – not to mention a conjurable Daedric horse! This is just some of the amazing new content releasing in November to mark the 10-year anniversary."
It's said players can upgrade to this from Skyrim Special Edition or even just purchase individual Creation Club content. All of the content will be seamlessly integrated into the world, bolstering an already impressive package.
There are also the next-gen enhancements coming to Xbox Series X|S, but Bethesda has said that information will come closer to the time. For now, you can feast your eyes on the trailer above and prepare for another adventure in Skyrim!
Will you be picking up The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 20
What’s the upgrade cost?
Is this upgrade free for gamepass? Never actually got into Skyrim so was thinking of trying it out when it comes out, but still only bother if it's free
@PapaGlitch The graphical upgrade is free even on GP 😀
And about that, I really wanna see these visual enhancements
Can’t wait to loose another few dozen hours exploring Skyrim. Ten years and five consoles later and I still love it.
I’ll probably cinco dip this once it releases. Apparently I never bought it on Xbox, and just have the GPU version…..
I wonder if anything is coming to the Switch version too? I still have yet to fully get into that one, stopped at Whiterun and got distracted by another release….
Completely unrelated but I’ve been waiting all afternoon thinking Pure Xbox would do a story on this. Figured I’d comment for a tip.
One Step From Eden coming to Xbox and GamePass!
@PapaGlitch I’d assumed this was coming to Game Pass as they had announced ALL Xbox Game Studios titles would come day one.
Honey get you wallet there's another skyrim edition
So to cleat this up for people, in Game Pass, you'll get;
Now if you want the full Skyrim Anniversary Edition, which includes all the Creation Club content, Pete Hines said on Twitter there will be an option for Game Pass users to pay a upgrade fee, think like the Forza Horizon 5 Game Pass Ultimate Edition fee. No pricing on this right now.
Next gen skyrim looks worse than the quake rerelease, with quake it was a good upgrade that suited it and did lots for it and the atmosphere.
This just makes the entities feel out of place
@blinx01 thanks. That’s a shame, It will depend on pricing for me.
Not a fan of carving up games, ESPECIALLY remasters, like this to nickel and dime consumers.
Hopefully this is a blip and the pricing is reasonable and not a sign of things to come with future XGS titles.
EDIT: £10 seems fair, similar to the Sony Director’s cuts. Hopefully it will be in that ballpark.
The Creation Club stuff contains paid content from community creators that have to be pre-approved by Bethesda.
They get paid for their work, so I have a feeling that's why this 'Anniversary Edition' will be a paid upgrade, as the community creators will get a cut of sales for their work being included.
@themightyant I think that's like a deluxe edition. For example, you get Forza Horizon 5 base game on game pass, but if you want the special edition with car pass and all future dlc you have to pay extra.
@Magabro Sure but it’s not apples to apples. Forza Horizon 5 is a brand new game, this is a ten year old re-remaster that has already been resold as a remaster just a few years ago. Plus Microsoft have been saying free upgrades through smart delivery etc. and all XGS games would come to game pass. I assumed, incorrectly it seems, this would fit under one or both. Not the biggest deal but a bit annoying.
@blinx01 That makes sense, but thought they would be paid through Game Pass not an extra fee. Anyway as long as it’s reasonable cost and not just a token discount I’ll probably pounce as I was just starting a replay of Skyrim when this was announced.
@themightyant I get what you're saying, which is basically you're afraid you might have to pay for part of a game eventually on Game Pass. The thing is, like others have said, it's the Deluxe Edition content for Forza Horizon 5 that you're paying for. You might as well consider the extra content for Skyrim that as well.
In the end, I wouldn't get concerned yet since both cases are "Deluxe Edition" content that you would have had to pay extra for even if Game Pass didn't exist.
@KilloWertz ALMOST spot on, but not ‘eventually’ as it’s already happening, my concern is it will become more prevalent.
E.g. Minecraft Dungeons is 5 hours long as the game pass ‘base’ version then there’s more than 5 hours of DLC added (6 DLC packs). Microsoft seem to be moving towards live services for both Halo and Forza Motorsport etc. that are likely to be filled with MTX, and more. Here Skyrim a 10 year old game that’s already been re-sold as a remaster is being nickel and dimed.
I don’t want Game Pass to become base game by default with more frequent monetisation for the rest with MTX, DLC etc. more than is necessary. (Of course some games will use this model, that’s ok)
To me this one (Skyrim) seems a little egregious as a 10 Year old re-remaster, but also not the end of the world. Will wait to see pricing.
@themightyant I didn't know that about Minecraft Dungeons, but still, DLC should be separate. I consider it a nice bonus when a game actually includes it, like Gears 5.
If something is intentionally being held back so they can still charge money for a game on Game Pass, then that will be a problem. Other than maybe your Minecraft Dungeons example, I've yet to see it though, which is why I said I wouldn't be too worried about it yet.
The content for Skyrim seems like a substantial amount of extra content that was never in the original game, so I have less of a problem with that. Again, if what you are saying actually becomes an issue in the future, then I will be right there with you about it being a problem. I will also likely end up only using my Series X for a handful of exclusives and go back to using my PS5 as my primary console too, but that's another story.
@KilloWertz Indeed. I don’t want to make this seem like a bigger deal than it is yet. It’s just something I’ve noticed that I hope is only a few isolated games and not part of a wider strategy/trend.
I do like DLC too, when done right and not feeling like it’s chopped out of a game.
Out of interest what do you or others think would be a reasonable price to upgrade from the Special Edition to Anniversary?
@themightyant I'm assuming the Creation Club content is actually a fairly significant amount of content? I haven't been following this much up until recently as I wasn't planning on bothering with another version of Skyrim, but now I'm considering it since I kind of half-assed my first playthrough on Xbox One by not doing anywhere near all of the side quests.
Anyways, if the Creation Club content is substantial, then I would think around $20 would be reasonable enough.
@KilloWertz Most Creation Club content is things like a new armour set or a new weapon or a skin. There's a few that are slightly more in depth like a new questline or feature like Survival mode but mostly it's pretty basic. There's currently 48 available some of these will be included but they're adding 26 new ones for the university.
In other news currently waiting for the Microsoft + Sega news to drop here and elsewhere. Not a buyout but an alliance on a series of games
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