In a world of free upgrade paths, it's always weird to come across one that tries to break the norm. Recently, Sony received backlash for a convoluted offering with Horizon Forbidden West, but now it seems 2K Games is following the same road with Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.
If you were hoping to pick up a physical copy of the game and be able to utilise Smart Delivery, it appears that may be wishful thinking. As mentioned on the game's FAQ page, a physical copy of the Xbox One disc "cannot be upgraded to the Xbox Series X version of the game and will not be optimized for Xbox Series X". If you want a physical version that works on both consoles, you'll have to pick up either Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Next-Level Edition or Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition.
(The digital version of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands will offer a next-gen upgrade for an "additional cost").
A physical Xbox One game disc of the Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Standard Edition will play on Xbox Series X but it cannot be upgraded to the Xbox Series X version of the game and will not be optimized for Xbox Series X. Physical discs of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Next-Level Edition and Tiny Tina's Wonderlands: Chaotic Great Edition will work on both Xbox One and Xbox Series X (with optimized performance on Xbox Series X).
What makes this more frustrating is the fact the PS4 version of the game CAN be upgraded to the PS5 for an additional cost. While it's not ideal, it's offering something that Xbox owners aren't privy to.
A PS4 game disc of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Standard Edition can be upgraded to a digital PS5 copy (which has been optimized for PS5) for an additional cost.
Another interesting note is the FAQ's comments about cross-gen saves. It confirms the option to move your save from PS4 to PS5 is available (although it can't be reversed), but there's no mention on whether this will be coming to Xbox at all. We've reached out to 2K Games for clarification on this point.
It's disappointing to see another convoluted upgrade path, especially when PlayStation users seem to be getting the better end of the deal. If you're looking to pick up the Xbox Series X|S version of the game in physical form, then you may want to double-check you're picking up the right version.
How do you feel about Tiny Tina's Wonderlands upgrade path for Xbox? Let us know in the comments below.
[source playwonderlands.2k.com]
Comments 23
Maybe this will give Xbox a taste of how life is on the PS5 side for many games. It ain’t pretty.
Thats… really dumb. The option to upgrade should 100% be there. Even if they annoyingly have to add the “additional cost”. If I got this it would be digitally but I can’t believe these guys are trying this after the whole Horizon fiasco.
I did notice on the xbox store last night that the "basic" edition didn't have the X/S logo when the other editions did
Don't get it. Couldn't upgrade Tony Hawk's from the Xbox One disc either.
If it's anything like the state of Borderlands 3 on Series S then I ain't buying it. Can't believe how bad the frame rate is in some places. Crashed on me a few days ago. Googling Borderlands 3 freezing shows mainly Xbox (and pc) results. Never had problems with the first two games.
Don't buy it, don't support this practice. If you are really desperate to play it, just have patience Buy a second hand copy from a private seller so that that 2K doesn't get any of your money, plus you'll get it much cheaper.
@awp69 People went with the Xbox so they didn't have to!
This is just dumb. A solution should definitely get figured out - not sure if this is something that's on 2K's plate or Microsoft's in terms of being able to add some kind of upgrade option in the Microsoft Store.
I can't wait to not buy this game
@awp69 it with though...not with this game. Maybe if it was the case with something good, like Starfield, or Halo.
We love the older games, but was disappointed with BL3. I'm hoping that Wonderlands is a better experience.
But of course Randy has to be a ***** again.
@Xiovanni wait shes the KOTOR remake writer right? Shes writing this too?
Wanted to buy the game.. and now I don’t.
Wil buy the digital Series X/S edition in the future when it’s at least €19,99
Definitely tell this game is aligned with Playstation!! LOL
@Xiovanni I am not familiar with this person. I tried to look at their previous work, but the only thing I was familiar with was the Spider-Man DLC, which I remember enjoying. What else has she done?
Edit "Maggs has consistently attacked Star Wars fans over the years, denouncing the original Star Wars trilogy and endlessly praising the sequel trilogy"
Oh ok. Now I get it.
I have little to no interest in the game but who makes such bizarre decisions ..going out there way to make it harder for everyone...I have
I honestly think some publishers like them and activision despise smart delivery since it gives 2 games for the same price so they are doing this to kinda stick it to Microsoft and make it easier on Ps5 when 90% of the other games out there it’s the exact opposite
IDK if it's Randy or if it's 2K. Both Gearbox and 2K seem to be inextricably tied to Sony at this point with all the cross marketing on their stuff, but I would think this kind of thing is more the publisher's dealing. Considering the very close ties on both (Remember Randy's dismal timed exclusive game was the very first PS5 printed discs - can't wait to not play that game when it comes to XB, along with this), and 2K is the venerable studio that can promote their 13 year old PS3 game in the PS5 Showcase.....twice..... These guys might as well be Sony second party and a nod and a wink to share crummy business practices as a united front.
Either way, how is it possible for any company to screw this up to this extent. And shame on MS to a point. They shouldn't have made Smart Delivery (which is such a basic feature it shouldn't even require a marketing name, it's literally the way PC has worked since 1993) optional. It should have been a mandated platform component. The same way PS4 Pro enhancement was mandated by Sony for PS4 games after launch. There shouldn't be a "this game supports getting the best version, this one requires a paid upgrade, and this one doesn't support upgrades at all." It should be a platform feature. Buy a game on Xbox, get the best version, period. Buy on PS, get whatever it is they want to do about upgrades.
I wasn't going to get this game for more than $15 anyway, it seems like it tries too hard and is otherwise obnoxious, with a few fun moments here and there, but this is just infuriating that this "upgrade" process would even exist. It's a video game. On PC hardware. It's not like moving from PS2 to Cell. Move the sliders and be done with it. Why is this even a conversation?
@Richnj Meesa nosa see a problemo! Meesa thinks writer lady knows whosa the best!
While B3 was gorgeous at 120fps the story was horrible. So I will just avoid this game.
This is just a little ridiculous. As someone who does own a PS5, who got frustrated at needing my PS4 games just to upload a save to their server an then download said save off their server in the PS5 version, who had to deal with this weird as all hell upgrade path sony lays out...
This is disappointing to say the least, especially after BL3 got smart delivery.
I won't be picking up this trash. Another reason for me not to like gearbox.
This game is giving me some strong Battleborn vibes.
Question is whether interest is high enough to provoke an outcry like the one that happened for Horizon.
So far, I’m hearing crickets!
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