When is Deathloop coming to Xbox? Bethesda's Deathloop has officially released today on PlayStation 5, and in case you missed it yesterday, the game received some absolutely stunning scores across the board, including a 10/10 from IGN and GameSpot.
Of course, the big talking point from an Xbox perspective is that Deathloop is actually owned by Xbox Game Studios following Microsoft's acquisition of Bethesda, and yet the game isn't coming to Xbox at launch. This is because Xbox promised to honour existing exclusivity deals that were made before the acquisition went through.
So, here's what we know so far about when Deathloop will be coming to Xbox:
What Is Deathloop's Xbox Release Date?
It looks very likely that Deathloop will release for Xbox on or around September 14, 2022. This marks one year since the game will have launched for PlayStation 5, and the date was referenced during Sony's State of Play stream back in July, when a gameplay walkthrough for Deathloop included the following disclaimer:
"*Also available on PC. Not available on other consoles until at least 09/14/22".
The team at Xbox (including boss Phil Spencer) have yet to comment on when Deathloop will arrive on Xbox, but it seems very likely they'll want to release it as soon as possible after that date. It will almost certainly become a part of Xbox Game Pass at the same time, like the vast majority of additional Bethesda titles.
If you really can't wait to play Deathloop and you don't already own a PlayStation 5, don't forget that the game is also available for PC, although it isn't accessible via the Microsoft Store for the time being — just Steam.
Do you think we'll see Deathloop for Xbox on September 14, 2022? Give us your thoughts down below.
Comments 18
I’m sure there are marketing clauses that prevent anyone at Bethesda (or Microsoft) from talking about any release plans. Hell, based on the capcom leaks, there are likely clauses that prevent even talking to anyone, even only the PC version, about adding the game to a streaming service.
What I really am curious about (and we won’t likely know until the window is up) is if any streaming/subscription service clauses are shorter than the console exclusivity. There might be a chance the game hits PC game pass 6 months in, although I would not suggest any fan of the studio to hold back from buying it from Steam.
I can wait for this on Xbox. Any potential sequel will likely be an Xbox console exclusive so I'd rather have both games on the same system.
I'm looking forward to this next year.
I wish everyone could enjoy the game. I'm pumped to play when mine gets here this weekend. Hopefully exclusivity is only six months.
Xbox future is looking really good..
so sad that i cant play this game right now... no choice but to wait
So, the agreement must've added that it couldn't be on Microsoft store for PC. That must be why it isn't on Game Pass PC... They should sneak it into Game Pass, through EA Play, through Origin store as a workaround
The story for xbox fans: WAITING
I feel like we will see deathloop on gamepass sooner than we are told.
Just ordered a ps5 today but il wait until it's hits game pass
To be honest, from what I've seen from the reviews and gameplays this is a Dishonored downgrade. Not because I own a XSX, but something tells me that the reviews at gamespot and IGN look kinda biased. Something tells me that Sony used this title as a maneuver to attract users to PS5 by upscaling the outcome of the reviews. That's only my opinion. I love Arkane Studios, those guys are very creative, don't get me wrong. But something's fishy about this whole story. Cheers
@Bmartin001 IMHO the future for xbox is looking really good but thats also a massive problem. It's in the FUTURE. by the time we get to the future we will need to be purchasing the next gen xbox for said future games. Hell how long is elder scrolls from releasing we have seen nothing. The sony conference really hit me hard like really hard to a point where im like WHAT ABOUT NOW!
To be fair its a waiting game for both consoles.
The exciting stuff from the Sony show such as Spiderman 2 and Wolverine is 2023 onwards.
2022 is just all this year's delayed games.
Xbox haven't really revealed their hand for 2022 yet apart from Redfall and Starfield.
It looks fantastic but I will wait for a day one gamepass ultimate edition (hopefully).
@vulcanraven01 that’s not true we also have stalker 2 coming on Xbox in April. And yes all the WB games that are delayed along with vampire bloodlines 2 are gonna keep us very very busy my man in 2022. Also Prince of Persia Sands of time remake will launch in 2022. There are so many titles I can’t think of right now but 2022 is going to be a crazy year in terms of gaming.
frankly they shouldnt have honoured the PS5 exclusive deal Bethesda made. if they could have got out of it they should have.
Xbox needs more exclusives
I have SO many games on my backlog a year will likely fly by.
Additionally i'd expect Arkane to make minor improvments over the year, and maybe even add something, to make it "play best on Xbox". I'll likely wait for it on Game pass.
@jaSz @Xiovanni A game doesn't' have to be perfect to get a 10/10. No game is perfect.
Take Tamoor Hussain's review on Gamespot as an example (linked below). It's clear he LOVED the game and thought, despite a few flaws, it pushed the boundaries of game design. So he gave it a 10/10.
It's just one man's opinion at the end of the day but an 88 on Metacritic means it's overwhelmingly a critical success. Not sure what's fishy about that.
Kudos to Arkane Lyon. (Fun fact: Their other 2 full games Dishonored 1 & 2 also ended up on 88 on Metacritic)
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