Xbox Games With Gold

Xbox's Games With Gold announcements often seem to be met with similar feelings these days - disappointment. There's no denying that it's delivered some great games and everyone's tastes won't line up with one another, but the general feeling seems to be largely negative on the whole, especially since the emergence of Xbox Game Pass. But is it justified? Does Xbox deserve the criticism that's being thrown its way?

April's selection is... debatably mediocre. Especially when compared with PlayStation Plus this month which includes Oddworld: Soulstorm. The argument could be made that these are 'free' games, but they're not - not really.

With the requirement of a Gold membership, you're still contributing to a service which is becoming more and more meaningless by the day. Free-to-play games are finally taking away the requirement for Xbox Live Gold, and Xbox Party Chat is becoming free to use. Even long-term fans of GwG are beginning to question these titles and decisions.

Microsoft originally tried to increase the price of Xbox Live Gold earlier this year, but in a quick U-turn, decided against it and made some of those decisions listed above. Even so, it's becoming very abundantly clear that Xbox Game Pass is the focus moving forward, and these small changes feel like a push, rather than a nudge in that direction.

Games With Gold at this point has become one of the only elements keeping Gold afloat, but if the quality of titles is detrimental to its reputation, where does that leave it? Is it time to just put the service, and Xbox Live Gold, to bed?

What do you think about Games With Gold? Let us know in the comments below.

Should Xbox Continue Games With Gold?
