Not to bum you out or anything, but remember 2016 Xbox One console exclusive Quantum Break? The game's plot predicted that the 'End of Time' would arrive in 2021, and specifically today, January 5th.
Lots of people have been highlighting the same screenshot which shows main character Jack Joyce staring at a series of plans, with the last of them pointing out "Jan 5th" as the date of the impending doomsday.
Beth's Journal: "Much of my experience at the End of Time has become a blur in my memory, but there is one detail that I can’t shake. One detail that brings my entire mission into question. One detail that haunts me. 2021."
If you're not sure what all of this is about, Quantum Break centres its plot around time travel, and the 'End of Time' becomes a key plot point for its narrative which plays out both in-game and through digital live action episodes.
Assuming today isn't the end of time, you should definitely check out Quantum Break if you haven't already, which is available with Xbox Game Pass and also currently discounted by 75% in this week's Xbox sale.
Thoughts on this? Did you enjoy Quantum Break? Tell us down in the comments below.
Comments 13
dies while typing this..............
Close enough
I did start this game ages ago. Must dig it out and finish it.
I very much enjoyed that game.
Well, let's hope they were successful in stopping the fracture.
2020 tried real hard.
So true!
I'd reply to this if I hadn't been dead since December 2012...
If only this game weren't so enormous I'd load it on the SSD and give it another go. What I played in the past, I really enjoyed!
They could just release Quantum Break 2 so we could fix that 😁
If I remember correctly, you can only download the game, and stream the show. At least back in the day.
@Grot LOL, that much I fully believe! I played probably the first few hours and really enjoyed what I played, and if anything is a known fact at this point it's that the press will fawn over anything Playstation or Apple, and find some reason to hate anything not from either. And doubly so if it's MS (It's not just Xbox hate....Surface reviews vs iFruit reviews in general tech sites is just as bad.)
@Justifier Yeah, at launch you had to stream the movies, but they moved that to downloadable with the X1X patch era I believe. I don't think the streaming exists at all any more, it's handled like DLC now. It's massive for it's time. Over 100GB. Of course now RDR2 and UhOh76 have dwarfed that.
Demolition Man also stated that in 1996, Los Angeles (my birth city) would become a violent and uninhabitable hellhole. That's...pretty much true.
Thanks for the heads-up, Quantum Break and PureXbox!
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