The Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X will feature internal custom-built SSDs with 512GB and 1TB of storage respectively, and if you want to play next-gen games built for the new consoles, you'll need to install them on that internal SSD - or buy a special 1TB Seagate Storage Expansion Card that matches the internal SSD performance exactly.
But what if you want even more storage than that? Fortunately, Xbox Series S/X Director of Project Management Jason Ronald has confirmed you'll be able to swap these cards around with no fuss whatsoever:
It remains to be seen how expensive these things will be when they're made available this Holiday, but a recent leaked photo appeared to suggest they could be upwards of $200, so they definitely won't come cheap!
However, there's a way around it - you'll still be able to store next-gen games on standard external USB hard drives (as reiterated by Ronald yesterday), so if you don't fancy forking out for the new Seagate Storage Expansion Cards, it'll just be a case of moving games to and from the internal SSD to free up more space.
Are you planning on picking up one or more Expansion Cards for the Xbox Series S/X? Let us know below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 18
I, basically, already swap games now so I have no problem doing it again if I need to.
Right now, I install the games I am currently playing on my Xbox internal drive. When I finish playing them, I move them to my external. It takes hardly any time at all.
With that being said, I’ll probably get one of these when the price comes down on them. Microsoft & Sony (PS5 only has like 800 gb on theirs) need to figure out the messaging about this. Microsoft seems to be doing a decent job of it, so far.
I’m currently using 1.52 TB of storage so I should manage with a single expansion drive unless games increase in size dramatically.
I will no doubt buy at least 1 expansion card in the future but I doubt I will buy one until the internal becomes full.
I want to see how much space games tend to take up too as they could be quite a bit smaller and maybe offer selective installs (like only installing 1 language pack, only installing MP or SP etc) as well as better asset/texture management (not requiring multiple versions like low, medium, high quality and not requiring multiples of the same textures/assets because they appear in different areas).
Depending on sizes, will depend on when I feel the need to expand my storage and leaving it until it becomes a necessity, the prices could be better too. I do have an 8TB external on my XB1X right now with ALL my games on it so will plug that in to the Series X but I don't want to be swapping games over between that and the internal SSD.
This is brilliant - they look easy to use and handle like memory cards like back then in the PS2/Gamecube era.
Options are good. You either A) use old external HDDs for cold storage and swap games when you want to play something (can be a bit bothersome but you don't need to download anything), B) buy those babies and have all your games at your fingertips (extremely fast to use but also very very costly if you have a big library), or C) use the internall SSD and simply download/delete what you need/don't need (cheapest solution but also the smallest amount of games to play on a whim).
Make your decision folks, and invest on it.
I was originally worried about the Series X's storage considering I'm currently maxing out 2TB
but when I was bored last night I realised just how many games i have installed "just in case" and I can probably live with using my external for cold storage for a while before worrying about expanding the SSD.
This is going to be an amazing gen for Xbox gamers. Can just feel it. Especially when the big 1st party starts dropping in 2021.
Ps5 will have 2020 but Series S/X will continue to win people over with sheer value. It's why I've gone Xbox this past year.
Only thing I struggle with on Xbox is making good friends. Found it easy on ps4 but I'm completely ignored on Xbox.
Got a 8tb I used for my One X that will migrate to my series X when bought. Really don't mind transferring between the internal and external for games. Just can't wait till 10/11/20!!
Around Christmas, there'll be some of us who will have both a Series X/S and a PS5 in our living rooms - the only good thing that will happen in this crappy year.
I feel your Vita pain. But that was just Sony being arrogant & stupid.
This time it’s both companies are involved, so the industry will have to find a way around this storage thing, if it becomes a big issue.
I was intending to get one of these day one but at that (unofficial) price, probably plough the money into a PS5 instead, a month or two down the line.
at the minute I'm really restricted myself to play a game to end before starting another, so I'm thinking I don't really have to bother with expansion...
Have a 2 terabyte hard disk drive and a 240 SSD at the minute so plenty of opportunity to swap games in and out of the internal drive!
@NeutronBomb A good way to make Xbox friends is through the forums on here.
I've got 1.4TB left on my 5TB drive.
That said I have all my games on my external. Nothing on the internal because how slow it is.
I'll probably pick up one of these cards, but for something hot swappable they sure put it in an inconvenient place. Near the bottom, on the back, with one's of the sides flanked in cables. Would have much rather old school ports on the front.
My hesitation comes from not knowing file sized of Series X games. We know with smart delivery things like entire voice tracks can be ommited to save space. They also mentioned that with the speed of the SSD they can properly compress games and decompress the portions needed at any given time which, again, would decrease file sizes even further.
For now though I think they're getting enough from me with the two Series Xs I have to get.
Kinda reminds me when I used to do the same with old N6 games.
I honestly think I will be okay with the internal memory of the Xbox Series X since I uninstall my games when I am finished with them. This is good to know as a option though!
These will be almost required because on current consoles 1tb is low, uninstalling an re installing when you come back to it isn’t a good answer because some games take upwards of 2 hours to install.
With the new systems keeping the backwards compatibility and updating Xbox games the seem better the 1tb will fill up fast,
@OorWullie Yeah this seems like a cool site. Only discovered it a couple of days ago.
Yes I’m planning on buying a SSD card with my console series x
That is an awesome feature of the Xbox series x,no doubt in the near future larger drives will be available 2 or even 5 tb
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