Have you heard about Craig the Brute yet? Let us catch you up to speed.
Last week's Halo Infinite gameplay reveal wasn't without its criticisms - some suggested the game's visuals weren't representative of what they believed they should be, with many using this screenshot of a Brute as an example:
Since then, the Brute has become affectionately known amongst the Halo community as "Craig", and people love him - even Halo Community Director Brian Jarrard played along with the fun on Twitter recently.
And so, it was only a matter of time until he started appearing elsewhere, such as on this painted controller by Reddit user DIY-Dachshund. Honestly, we think it's a pretty cool design - what do you think?
[source reddit.com]
Comments 7
I can definitely see Craig making a cameo in some way in the finished version of the game and/or even making an unlock-able Achievement dedicated to him.
@MaccaMUFC I can see a skull, personnaly. I imagine they will update the graphics, and the facial animations, but with a Craig skull, you can make every brute looking like Craig !
That would be hilarious.
@Bobobiwan Yeah if anything I’d take that 100%. At this point I’d be surprised if 343i didn’t include him given how popular he’s become since the game-play reveal.
For a next gen game he looks worse than vanilla Skyrim facial expressions wise. At least you know on Skyrim when they're angry. Craig looks not bothered.
Sorry not on subject but wanted opinions.
Xbox are promoting cross generations, thank you Xbox.
But five months before release of series x they stop selling Xbox one x. Leaving a massive void for the competition to pick away at.
I know a good few people that want an Xbox one x now and not wanting to wait 5 months to get into Xbox. I sold one of my one x to one of them, who has joined game pass and purchased another controller, commission please Microsoft for doing your job 🤣.
None them want a one s. To under powered for their 4K TVs etc, that makes sense.
So if you are promoting cross generations why the hell lose out in sales of the Xbox one x, leave you self open to the competition for 5 months, with nothing to really sell to the gaming public. Even shops internet pages are less and less in Xbox due to this.
And the excuse of Covid and bringing in a new generation manufacturing etc is no dam excuse. Your competition are still sell rather well their current generation 2 consoles, probably helped by Xbox one x discontinued and they are also releasing a next generation console and are not doing cross generations.
Microsoft you seem to send out confusing messages, with words going one way and common sense business going another.
Before anyone says Microsoft are not into selling consoles think this.
If they sold 100 million consoles that where people new to Xbox and 50 million half subscribed to game pass and purchased controllers etc, that is serious money and subscriptions right there.
We need an official Craig Profile Picture for Xbox Series X
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