No Advanced Warfare can stop hackers

Call of Duty is known as a game that people love to hack and known even more for Activision and its zero-tolerance stance on hacking, cheating and boosting. That however didn't stop Call of Duty Advenced Warfare on Xbox 360 from being hacked before the game's official launch.

Discovered by Call of Duty YouTuber LostInPlace, known for his popular CoD series, Booster Busters, the video he released shows an individual changing his rank from a Rank 9 to a 15th Prestige Rank 9 in front of the whole lobby. The hacker then went on to claim that he had unlimited UAVs and red boxes around the enemy team. The hacker was ultimately banned from playing Advanced Warfare within an hour of LostInPlace sharing his discovery on Twitter.

As of the time of writing, there is no word from Activison or Sledgehammer regarding a patch.

Check out this video and let us know what you think. Is it a bad sign that one of this year's most anticipated title has already been hacked?
