The Xbox Game Pass Perks program is back once again for October 2022, and as we approach the end of the month, we've still got a few more additions joining the lineup, including for the likes of Fallout 76 and Rogue Company!
We'll keep updating this guide as necessary with more Xbox Game Pass Perks.
So, here are some Xbox Game Pass Perks to keep looking out for in October 2022:
- Apex Legends: From Above Weapon Charm (October 11)
Get hyped for your next game of Apex Legends with the From Above Weapon Charm.
- Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Kronos Pack (October 6)
Time is of the essence when you put yourself at the service of Kronos. This pack contains a gear set, a mount and a spear.
- Dead Space: Add-On Bundle (October 15)
Customise your Dead Space gameplay experience with the Add-On Bundle. This bundle contains some previously released DLC to help you better survive the horrors that await Isaac Clarke.
- Eville: Housewarming Bundle (October 11)
Wear constellation Acora outfits and items, be a sneaky Little Acora, display a trophy in your home, or run amok as the infamous Mr. Peterson and accessories.
- Fallout 76: 1 Month Of Free Fallout 1st (October 4)
Fallout 1st is a premium membership that enhances the Fallout 76 experience. Members receive access to Private Adventure, Custom Worlds, utility and cosmetic items, 1650 Atoms per month, and more.
- Fallout 76: 25th Anniversary Bundle (October 27)
Celebrate 25 years of the Nuka-Cola, Deathclaws & the Wasteland with the Fallout 25th Anniversary Bundle for Fallout 76. Includes a weapon skin, C.A.M.P. items, lunchboxes and bubblegum (joke included)! Plus, you can claim this perk on PC and console!
- Halo Infinite: SPNKR Bundle (October 18)
It's time to refresh your armory, Spartans! With Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Perks you're set and ready to get monthly Halo Infinite multiplayer bonuses, including this month's Pass Tense coating for your M41 SPNKr.
- Need For Speed Heat: Deluxe Edition Upgrade (October 11)
Hustle by day and risk it all at night in Need for Speed Heat, a thrilling race experience that pits you against a city’s rogue police force as you battle your way into street racing’s elite.
- Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis: October Pack (October 1)
Jump into the all new PSO2 New Genesis with some items to give you a hand! N-Half Scape Dolls (x5) to help revive you during intense battles, and Photon Chunks (x50) to strengthen weapons and units.
- Rogue Company: Ecto Lime Saint Perk Pack (October 21)
Are you ready to go Rogue? The Ecto Lime Saint Perk Pack features an Xbox exclusive outfit for Saint and 20K Battle Pass XP!
- Secret Neighbor: Sportswear Bundle (October 27)
Spice up your looks with the new Sportswear bundle, featuring a new Neighbor Tennis Cosmetic set and Leader Basketball Cosmetic set. With this bundle you also get a Roll of Arcade Coupons to spend in the in-game shop and the new “X” emote to show your friends what’ your favorite gaming platform! Jump in game and show-off!
- Spiral Movie Rental (October 11) (US Only?)
Enjoy a good scare just in time for Halloween. In this terrifying new chapter from the book of SAW, a criminal mastermind unleashes a twisted form of justice. Starring Chris Rock and Samuel L. Jackson.
All of these can be claimed on Xbox consoles or the Xbox app for Windows 10, and don't forget that many of September 2022's Xbox Game Pass Perks such as the Deathloop Dressed to Kill Bundle, Dead By Daylight Outfits Bundle and much more are still available to claim right now!
Interested in any of these? Let us know what you'll be redeeming in the comments below.
Comments 15
People constantly wanna say "Get rid of GWG, there's no point.".
I'd argue that there is less of a reason for Gamepass perks.
The only decent things ever given out are World of Warships bundles. And even then, that only appeals to a small set of people.
@InterceptorAlpha Meanwhile im thinking keep gwg, even thought most of it is terrible, there's been some great ones like portal 2 last month and windbound at the minute
@CeleryMan I agree with you 100% and the best part of GWG is I still cna play them so long as I have gold. I'm not bound to Gamepass.
@InterceptorAlpha spotify and crunchyroll weren't bad. But I agree for the most part, these f2p games perks ain't for me
@Cherip-the-Ripper To be fair, they're both glorified trial to get you to sign up for a Sony service or a Spotify service.
Personally I prefer Pandora and have been subscribed to both it and Crunchyroll for the better part of a decade if not longer at this point.
I like the F2P perks but honestly they should just be rolled into the game upon login instead of being added a Game Pass perk.
See this Spiral addition makes it somewhat decent. Fun movie that.
Considering these are 'bonuses' for just being on Game Pass Ultimate - on top of the fact that you get Game Pass on any platform (PC, Console, Cloud), Streaming, Gold and EA Play, these are not too bad and do save you some 'extra' money.
Most seem to be what I would consider a 'pre-order' bonus - some Cosmetic, early access beta etc that you'd normally only get from pre-ordering.
Perks, like GwG or other services, are not going to appeal to everyone all of the time - they only appeal if you have any interest in the 'game'. If I had any interest in Fallout 76 and how its now supposedly been turned around into a 'good' Fallout experience, the Perk of 1 month of the Premium would be greatly appreciated to get the full Fallout 76 experience at 'no' additional cost to have a much better idea of whether or not its worth my 'time' and money to have the 'premium' experience, settle for the standard or move on to other games...
I own AC:O so I will claim those cosmetics - may encourage me to jump back in too but its still a nice 'gift' for literally only being a Subscriber...
First they insult us with GwG, now Spiral?! UGH! On the other hand, Spiral was kind of so bad it was good so if you like that, I say go for it.
I don't think I've ever claimed a perk but some ppl like them so I'm not complaining
Using a still from a terrible movie, to demonstrate the "perks," lol.
Started watching Spiral the other night, it's on netflix atm. Promising intro rapidly devolved into endlessly-dull detective waffle.
Yet another snooze-fest of "perks". This is all the kind of thing that PC players would get for free through promotional campaigns. When it comes to paid perks things like Prime gaming have all this stuff (often the exact same stuff), and more for the most popular titles.
Like how GPU has a bundle for AC: Odyssey, but Prime has a bundle for AC: Valhalla; or GPU has a free month of Fallout 1st, but Prime has Fallout 76 itself for free to keep forever.
i have used a few of these perks before like the free month of disney + and free month of paramount + and the dead space dlc
Some of these perks are fine. I really loved the 3 months of Marvel Unlimited, and the free dlc ones are great when I don't own the dlc yet.
I am curious why they released a dlc pack for Dead Space 360. Are they trying to drum up interest in the overpriced remake by pushing the Series X enhanced, far cheaper, still fully playable 360 original?
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