Have you noticed Spartans with cat ears on the battlefield in Halo Infinite multiplayer recently? If so, they've probably got an epic helmet attachment.
So, how can you get some of these cat ears yourself? The catch is you're going to have to fork out some real coin for credits that can then redeem the bundle featuring these cat ears labelled 'Purrfect Audio'.
Once you've got 1,000 credits, here's what you'll need to do:
- Head to the shop
- Select 'Cat Lovers' bundle
- And then buy the bundle
- Equip 'Purrfect Audio' in the helmet cosmetics section
This bundle also includes the epic armor coating 'faded blush' and a Rare Charm known as 'Tabby'. The downside is you have to buy the entire bundle to obtain the cat ears.
Once you've got the bundle, you can then equip all of these items and you're good to go. Meow!
Have you bought the cat ears in Halo Infinite? Let us know down in the comments below.
Comments 30
Not interested in these or anything MP, but curious, how much are 1k credits in USD/Pounds/Euros?
$10 for 1k credits, so not cheap!
@Tharsman £7.99 in the UK. Not crazy but WAY more than I'd be happy to pay for such a thing haha
It would be neat to see an armor coating with a yellow helmet and primarily black/grey armor for that Celty vibe 😺🏍️
Microsoft bought it for me! Lolz
I'm more of a dog guy. Now if they put up a spartan helmet version of floppy dog ears...I might not be able to hold back!
Cat ears and Iron Man armor coatings. The shop is on fire this week.
@FraserG Thanks. Got to say, I have paid way more for cosmetic junk in the one MP game I play, and that one is a premium MMO! (FFXIV)
I've seen them a bunch last night so yeah.... people like cats i guess. Not hurting anyone but it does feel a bit worse getting killed by the hello kitty Spartans. The samurai is the one i like, I'll grind that at the next event.
Maybe if it was $2.
Pay real money to dress Master Chief up as a cat. In cat armor.
I really don't understand online video games.....
Obligatory: I can haz needler?
Too bad you can't play campaign as Master Chief with cat ears.
@Justifier I'll save that for the requisite Ariana Grande space marine game.
I know you dont get to see your character in the single player campaign, but i wish they would think about us who DO NOT play the multiplayer part of games. We get screwed with all these upgrades and fun things. I wish companies would consider all of the fan base instead of just the MP. I like to get upgrades and character creation things just as much as the next guy, but i have to play online in order to get that and that means i will never get to experience all of the customization options because i dont play online...
That is why i much prefer 3rd person games because you get to see your character and you get to upgrade them and change outfits and all that. Its way better than 1st person games.
Would be cooler if you can shoot Lazer beams out of em.
@SecretAgentCat What do you mean? I'm assuming you are joking, saying they bought it for you because of your screen name?
Or are you referring to MS Rewards points lol?
@OliverOwen What is kinda funny is before the game came out they would say that your MP player would cross over to the Campaign. I wonder if they will add in customization to armor in Campaign sooner or later. Or i you will get to play as your MP player down the road. I feel the customization is more likely, just to have more opportunity to sell *****.
@Xiovanni exactly it's ridiculous 🙈
I just saw a Iron Man color for my spartan.
So I immediatly went to grab my credit card. But then, I looked at the price. 2000 points, like... nearly 20 bucks.
I can afford that, I think. I really like the game, I really like this color. I didn't spend much recently, I guess I could allow me to do that. To spend this kind of money on this kind of content.
But then, I thought : hey, Yakuza 6 is on sale, right now.
You can have this all game for 9 bucks.
9. For a gigantic and awesome complete game.
Hell no. I just can't do that.
I took the game.
Which immediatly went into my backlog. But still.
I took the game.
The cat ears do make the online Spartan characters stand out from the rest but I wouldn’t pay £7.99 for it. I’m working towards unlocking the Peppermint Laughter skins, I’ll be happy with those and it’s even better that I’ll unlock them for free.
@Bobobiwan That is what I try and convince my son to do whenever he gets £50 Xbox gift cards for b’days and Xmas, I say to him “instead of spending it all on some skins on Fortnite or Rocket League, which nobody cares about what you look like, spend it on some games in a sale” but it’s like talking to a brick wall. I now let him get on with it and hope he realises one day just how much of a waste of money it all was.
I'll probably wind up picking this bundle up. $10 more than I'd like to pay but the idea of how annoyed folks will be getting killed by a pink cat eared spartan is pretty entertaining. I've also redeemed $180 worth of MS Rewards this year so 1 frivolous thing doesn't make me feel too bad.

@MaccaMUFC Yeah, I know what you mean.
I never touched Fortnite, but now I understand the feeling, how this all system is made to get those kids go steal their parent's credit card xD
I understand the free-to-play model and the fact that there has to be an income at some point for the dev's, but I really think that everything should be unlockable by playing, even if it's a hell of a grind.
And then you would have the possibility to just buy it, if you don't have the time, or the will, to grind it.
But here, with all this awesome cosmetics only avalaible in the shop (and at what price !)... it kinda negates the all purpose of the battle pass, in my opinion.
I didn’t know they had Spartan furries
£7.99 is a tad expensive for stuff like this in my book.
But thanks to MS Rewards, at least you can technically get this stuff for 'free'.
@MaccaMUFC you know what? Maybe your son is right. I bought Far Cry 6 in this sale and I already regret it. It's an aggressively mediocre game. I'd rather replay Halo's campaign over and over again than beat FC6 once. So maybe I'd be more satisfied if I had spent my money on cat ears rather than a game I'm not enjoying and probably will never finish.
I had hoped these would be free 😭 real cherip moment
@Magabro To be fair he does only play games like Fortnite, Rocket League, Roblox. He’ll try a few games on Game Pass but then always goes straight back to the F2P games. It probably would be a waste him buying a game seeing as he’ll never play it for more than an hour let alone complete it.
It’s just my opinion that cosmetics in F2P games are just an absolute waste of money when they do nothing to add to the gameplay experience and nobody online could care less what new cosmetic you’ve just bought.
@Stoned_Patrol Yup. Lol. Gotta love Bing points!
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