
Topic: Evolve Beta Live

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The Evolve beta is now live and running for all Xbox Gold members. I'm currently downloading it, so I haven't played it yet (though I did play the alpha), but I'm picking up on lots of underwhelmed reactions on pX's Facebook page.

Have you played it yet? What are your thoughts?

Evolve has been a weird experience to witness, both to play and its marketing.

Emma "Tito" - the Swankee speaking Swede and quirky blonde.

Xbox Gamertag: PeTitosaurus | Twitter:


Not got too much interest in it myself. My (possibly quite wrong) impression is that it's an online only game (like Titanfall) and that gameplay consists of a bunch of people hunting down a single person playing the monster. They either kill them or get killed trying. Rinse and repeat. Doesn't set my heart on fire with anticipation that's for sure...


Xbox Gamertag: stylon


I've downloaded it to give it a whirl..........

"Justin Bieber looks like a lesbian i'd like to ****..." - Megakillscreen,out of frickin' nowhere!

Xbox Gamertag: Red620Ti


I got bored very quickly with the Alpha for similar reasons to Stylon so won't bother with the Beta or main game when its released

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


I'm going to give her one more go before awaiting a price drop. I can see this model of game doing very well as a WiiU title with 5 people in the house, similar to Mario Chase or the MyKong mode in Tanks, Tanks, Tanks! Where the "monster" plays on gamepad and others on split-screen. This looks like a game best played with friends is my main point, and anytime I've seen other sites "previewing" they play in this format.

J.R.R G!en!


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