
Topic: Zero/Project Zero/Fatal Frame Official Thread

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Ninty just took my money for the preorder. I'm locked and loaded!

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition NG+ (PS4); Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition (NS); Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (GBA)

Ugh. Men.


@EvilSilentFrame @Kaloudz It's a pleasure reading you, I'm also fascinating by the more traditional Japanese culture. I love the traditional architecture and decoration. I even bought two Japanese-style lamps for my bedroom, a ceiling light and a wall lamp. I also appreciate traditional aspects of their culture such as respect and meditation and really enjoy all those elements combined with their typically personal and psychological horror in Zero/Fatal Frame. It would be wonderful if we teamed up to travel to Japan someday šŸ˜. I imagine Kaloudz and I dragging EvilSilentFrame into the scariest places in spite of his reticence.

I don't use ridiculous costumes either but I have been using alternative outfits while doing my second playthrough on Xbox. I put Ren's groom suit on when he spends a long time searching the shrines and the kimono with rucksack when he spends a longer time in the mountain and forest. Yuri borrowed Mio's outfit and Miu wore Mayu's in some chapters. It didn't feel off because each chapter seems to happen the next day. When Yuri spends time in Kurusawa's Antiques she put a comfy swimsuit and a shirt on.

Mask of the Lunar Eclipse is about to be officially released worldwide for the first time and I know that I'm going to enjoy it even more this time. I have already explained how much more I liked Maiden of Black Water on Xbox than on Wii U and I've been comparing both versions in my living room. The first thing I noticed is the performance and sharpness massive differences. There is just one thing that the remaster loses which is the ability to tilt de GamePad which requires using buttons in the new version to get additional points but everything else is much better in the new version. The frame rate and resolution improvements make exploring and backtracking much more enjoyable. The controls feel tighter and the art looks more beautiful and crisp. I have been able to discover things I didn't notice on Wii U and I don't mean just collectibles but to get more points while fighting ghosts because I was able to understand more gameplay subtleties and the achievements give you a few ideas and additional challenges.



@Banjo- Iā€™m a tough one to get to do anything that seems off or dangerous. If I feel any sort of possible trouble, Iā€™m out of there so fast lol. I was working for a warehouse on third shift all alone. I did it for years, wasnā€™t thrilled with it but I got through it. The floor above my desk was the break room. I was there one night working and all of a sudden I heard somebody up there slamming cabinet doors. I grabbed my keys and left. The next day, management was wondering why I left early. I told them what happened and they asked ā€œwho was up there?ā€ I told them ā€œIā€™ve seen them enough scary movies to know you go upstairs youā€™re dead. I went home.ā€ LOL

I am so excited for the release tomorrow but I think Iā€™m going to wait till Saturday to play it. I work tomorrow and Friday. I want to be able to emerge myself into the game. No kids this weekend. I have the house to myself. I can take my time in the game and not feel rushed. I cannot wait!


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame Yep, I will also wait for the proper time. I want to get 100% in Maiden of Black Water because I'm so close to it. I took a short break from internet and games. That story is awesome LOL and I loved this bit

Iā€™ve seen enough scary movies to know you go upstairs youā€™re dead.

Enjoy the weekend! šŸ˜‰

[Edited by Banjo-]



@Banjo- Iā€™m glad you enjoyed my fearful night. I am here today to tell the tale since I didnā€™t make the horrendous mistake of going upstairs.

I was thinking about going back and 100 % Maiden. Maybe after playing for, it might inspire me to go back and do just that. Thatā€™s what happened to me after playing the first one. I played the second and went back to the first to complete everything. I canā€™t believe itā€™s almost here. I thought for sure this game would be stuck in Japan forever.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame I'm feeling bad now, I know that being alone in some situations can be terrifying! I'm glad that you are here with us šŸ˜Š.



@Banjo- nah no need to feel bad. I was able to find the humor in that scare. I donā€™t know who or what was up there. I just knew I wasnā€™t going up there lol.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


I have the Project Zero in the Wii that, apparently, I don't remember buying, and it has a complete save file...

In any case I tried the recent re release of Maiden of Black water. To be fair the camera system seems... kind of convoluted? Makes you thing "why can't I just shoot the ghost instead of having to press a myriad of buttons?". Also, the character walks extremely slowly. The game is creepy though.

I don't know, I am a huge fan of the original Resident Evil, Silent Hill and Alone in the Dark but, excluding RE7 and 8, most games horror games do not catch my attention. I mean I played the new Dead Space and loved it but as the game progressed it became more action that survival horror. Also, The Callisto Protocol, that I enjoyed, plays more like Streets of Rage than a horror game...

Supposed horror games like Outlast and Layers of Fear were also more frustrating than interesting. I kind of liked Tormented Souls but that also was not special.

[Edited by belmont]



@belmont as a huge fan of horror games, Project Zero/Fatal Frame is not for everybody. Yes it is slow. For me I think that makes for a more intense game. If the character was faster, it would be easier to get away from the ghosts.

The camera can be a bit daunting at first. Different films and lenses. It can be confusing but eventually it makes more sense. I feel the older games were less confusing when it came to the camera. The older games had better stories that pull you in. I wanted to know all about the characters, the rituals, the locationsā€¦ Maiden of the Black Water wasnā€™t like that for me. I liked the game but I didnā€™t love it.

Many of the other games you mentioned I feel the same way. Maybe Maiden wasnā€™t for you. The other ones in the series were a bit deeper and storytelling. I havenā€™t played Mask of the Lunar Eclipse so I canā€™t speak for that one yet. Iā€™m waiting for the weekend when I can put some time into the game.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@belmont after thinking about it, Iā€™m surprised you have a complete save file on the Wii and you donā€™t remember it. Complete save as in you beat the game? Iā€™m guessing that would have been most likely for the second game, Crimson Butterfly. That one has an incredible story. Itā€™s probably the fan favorite including myself. Maybe it was just so scary, you blocked it out of your mind lol.

The other possibilities it could have been the Japanese version of Mask of the Lunar Eclipse but you would have had to had the patch as well to make it English unless you read and speak Japanese. Then for the Wii U, Maiden of the Black Water was on there but you mentioned about trying out that rerelease so I donā€™t think itā€™s either one of those. My guess is you played the second game.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame Yes, I have a complete save file for the European Wii version of Crimson Butterfly, and I remember nothing from this game... I may have to try to play it again lol, my copy seems to be in perfect condition. Then again, I am not the hugest fan of Nintendo home consoles. Apparently, I also have saves and a copy from Eternal Darkness in a Game Cube memory card I have on my Wii and I don't remember that game very well either.



@belmont I didnā€™t play the Wii version of Crimson Butterfly. I played it on the Xbox. Iā€™ve always been curious about that one but the original version of CB is considered one of the greatest horror games of all time. I would put the first game up there too.

I never played Eternal Darkness. I slept on that one and could kick myself for doing so. I was told to get it but my cheap self was trying to wait for a sale. I should have bought it. Iā€™m hoping Nintendo releases more GameCube games on the switch or their next system. I would love to give it a go.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


I remember Eternal Darkness, it's a bit rough but it's a very intense and original game and you can play it thrice differently.

@belmont You need to approach Project Zero/Fatal Frame with open mind, they're slow but it makes them more real and intense. You need to explore and read the files to get immersed in the story. Definitely, you can't approach them as horror shooters and you can't rush them as we rush many games.

Take your time in the first sections to get used to the camera. It's like a weapon, it has different films (ammunition) and lenses (power and side effects). You can get more points depending on the distance and angle. The damage I make with a camera obscura is more satisfying than shooting a fire weapon. In Maiden of Black Water, Ren's camera has a 4-shoot and 8-shoot unlockables that make very easy practising fatal frames. Fatal frames occur if you make photos when the ghost is vulnerable and the camera is revved up. You are able to shoot a combo then and that is one of the most satisfying things I've ever experienced playing video games. Yes, the gameplay is slow but it's very satisfying and manageable.



@Dimitris_Sf @Lavalera @LtSarge @Ryall @HarmanSmith @KilloWertz @GarbonZoni @Kaloudz @Banjo- @Ralizah @Fenbops @belmont I normally donā€™t respond to this many people at one time. Iā€™m not going to give any spoilers, but was curious whoā€™s bought Mask of the Lunar Eclipse and your thoughts on it so far?

So far, Iā€™m on Phase 4 and Iā€™m LOVING it! Waited such a long time, thought Iā€™d never get to play this one. Interesting characters, nice level design, and a good story at the moment. Iā€™m taking my time and not rushing the game.

Itā€™s reminding me of a mix of the older games along with the newest one Maiden of the Black Water. It reminds me of the older games as it has more of the style of the original trilogy, but the graphical upgrade and playing through multiple characters like V.

What are all your thoughts on the game and where are you currently at? Has anybody finished the game yet?


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame I told you that you'll love it! Take it slow šŸ˜‰. I pre-ordered the digital deluxe edition but I haven't played it yet. I played the original on Wii (Japanese disc with English fan-made patch) and I'm near getting 100% in Maiden of Black Water on Xbox and loving the remaster more than the original Wii U game. Then I'll be free to play the Mask of the Lunar Eclipse remaster.

[Edited by Banjo-]



@Banjo- I also had preordered the digital deluxe edition. I havenā€™t looked at the extras yet. I donā€™t want to spoil the game on me. I did the deluxe edition on V as well. Playing through IV, I can see myself going through this game again and revisiting V. Might be joining you on the 100% completion.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame


@EvilSilentFrame Iā€™m currently partway through phase 6. The small rooms in tight corridors give it a totally different atmosphere than black water.

I like both of them and am surprised how different they are from each other.



@EvilSilentFrame Still early on in the game (Phase 2). Not a fan of the character switching, kinda suck at snapping good pictures of environmental ghosts, and it has taken some time to adjust to not using the right stick to try and constantly adjust the camera (the game plays best when you move around with the left stick and use the camera to look around environments; probably a remnant of its origins as a Wii game), but all the same, the formula is still effective, and I still feel an almost constant sense of dread when playing.

As you probably know, I'm playing on the Switch. I did start playing docked, since I felt like it was probably more appropriate, but, honestly, horror games like this are even more effective when played in the more intimate context of handheld mode. And the speakers are good enough the OLED model that I don't even feel the need to use headphones.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition NG+ (PS4); Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition (NS); Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (GBA)

Ugh. Men.


@Kaloudz youā€™re going to love it. With as big of a fan you are of the series, this one sits nicely along with the first three games. Feels much more like a classic PZ/FF game than Maiden.

@Ryall yes it certainly does have the tight corridor giving it more of a claustrophobic feel to it. I think since the Wii was more of a limited piece of machinery, youā€™re outside less. Part V certainly had some small rooms and tight corridors as well, but there was a lot of more open spaces in that game compared to IV. I agree, they do feel different from each other.

@Ralizah the controls are a bit different. Probably because of being a Wii game like you said. I am able to move around with my left stick and move my camera around with my right. Is the switch version reversed? Thatā€™s how the originals were and I had to go into settings to change that around, especially when using the camera in first person mode. I was missing a bunch of shots of the environmental ghosts as well. Iā€™m further into the game now, either Phase 7 or 8 now and Iā€™m much better at the controls.

I also am not a fan of switching between characters. Thatā€™s where I think this game feels more like V compared to the first two games. I would like playing as one main character. Playing as multiple characters kind of takes me out of it. Youā€™re vested in that character and whatā€™s going to happen next, then it pulls you from that character to a different one. However, this one feels much more closely tied to one story compared to V where all the characters in that one though they were exploring a lot of the same areas as each other, their stories felt less connected to each other.


Xbox Gamertag: EvilSilentFrame

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