
Topic: Still Wakes the Deep Review - A very good and nice game. Can very much recommend it to someone who wants something good to play

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Right Iam glad to report that about a month ago I managed to beat Still Wakes the Deep. After playing it for some time. Iam very glad that I managed to beat the game. Why?. Well It felt a lot like reading a book, in a good way.

While it may not be a very high budget title it still feels like the developer, the Chinese Room put a lot of effort into taking different kinds of considerations in play when creating the game to make it into something nice and well very cool experience and like make it into an interactive book or something.

Beside the nice graphics I also appreciated the controls in the game which I thought were quite good tbh adding to the already nice experience. While I guess it's far from certain I do hope that the Chinese room will have the chance to develop a sequel to the game soon. It would of course be cool to know more about the studio because I got the feeling while playing the game that they had an old fashioned fun while making it. And well I think the game itself had some very cool and a bit of old school feeling to it as well.

Its cool that the Pure Xbox forum had this game as the game of the month for July as I otherwise would not have discovered it and would have been even less likely to play it.

I also think that Still Wakes the Deep could serve as a very good introduction to gaming for someone who does not have so much experience of gaming because it was quite a short game and had a cool pace to it hehe.

I really had a wonderful time with my Xbox while playing it. Its was a very nice continuation of my Xbox journey which started some *months ago.

*which actually is a fantastic story in itself.

[Edited by oliverp]



I missed out on it while it was a club game due to being busy with life stuff but if it’s this good then I may consider going back to it and see what I missed. You seem really passionate

That’s what I love the two game clubs we have. Really helps us uncover potential hidden gems.

[Edited by Yousef-]

We are playing ⚔️ Child of Light. ⚔️

Xbox Gamertag: ForgetMeNot3495


I recently finished it as well. I wasn't expecting much. But I came out blown away by it. The dev team did a great job. I love the monster and the fate of all the crew members. Body horror is underutilized. And to top it all off, it looks nice, especially at the end.

The Harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

I'm currently playing Still Wakes The Deep, Black Ops 2, and Dead Island 2.

Xbox Gamertag: Cherry5268

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