
Topic: All Things Diablo Thread

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@greydogwalking Co-op is where the Diablo games shine. I can't even count how many hours I spent on Diablo 3 playing with my buddies.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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I've made it to Lillith and phase 1 is a cake walk, but for the life of me, I cannot get her health down to half in phase 2 . Any tips? After 8 or so tries, I went back to town to upgrade my gear and repair all my stuff since it broke 😑. I'm level 41/42ish. I honestly stopped grinding and searching in every nook and cranny of each dungeon once I realized the game sets levels based on your level. But then I got to the final dungeon and enemies were 4+ levels higher lol. Kinda had me confused. Otherwise, should I just ask someone to come join this part for me and help me out? I don't want to sit here for another 20 tries if that's what it'll take. At that point I'll just move on.



Well, I finished tonight. Overall nice time. I think I like 3 more personally though. I felt like I wanted to do more of the side content in that game vs this one.



@Tasuki thanks for pointing out this thread!
So I have the exp just hit 54 having lot of fun did all the strongholds with some friends today except for the new area as I have never done the story on act 3 now.



@VisitingComet1 NP. I really need to get back to this game,. I did enjoy it it was just I got distracted by other games. Maybe once I finish Borderlands 3 I will get back to Diablo 4.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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@Tasuki I have not. I played through the game when it launched on GP but I don't think I'll go back honestly. Had a good enough time with it, but I saw everything I needed to see I feel.



@NintendoByNature I myself am debating, I have heard good things about it and it's a new area to explore but as I said a fee posts above I still need to finish the base game. Maybe by the time I do the expansion will be on sale.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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@Tasuki @NintendoByNature they have made a lot of changes. when the game first launched it felt tedious to me. I would start then go on a trip or something and just lose interest and never go back.
Right now I'm I think on the last quest in act 3 and it just feels better. Being able to get a mount earlier helped but also just the loot being better. Idk it's hard to quantify why.



@VisitingComet1 So it's faster gameplay it seems, that is interesting. I will need to get back to it. I know can play the PC version up to level 20 for free so maybe I will check that out.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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@Tasuki I don't know I didn't have a big sample size i only made it to 24 on a few guys before. That being said to me it is no where as boring or tedious as it was. I finished the base game lastnight and the story was awesome. I did the xp up to unlocking the mercs then did a hell tide, rift walker, and some other end game stuff made it to paragon 50 pretty fast. The pit is fun and hectic the infernal horde is hard and just out of control.
I guess the main theme is I am having a ton of fun where as before it was just meh.


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