
Topic: Why I think that modern gaming sucks - only my opinion

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Hi there! I'm the video games' fan, just like You dear people.

But I feel bad as the player since a couple of years. Sometimes I feel I'm burning out. Gaming isn't that fun like before. And to be honest I'm playing in old styled games. You know, indies, oldschool classics and other old styled gameplay games - like beat em ups or platformers.

But ok. Lets go to the long meritum guys and gals!

1 - You already bought a game? Pay some more for more content that should be put to a game You already paid for!

You know what that means! Loot boxes are the past, toys to life? Well, only Nintendo and Kinder Surprise use it now...

But We still have DLC, microtransactions, games as service and NFT. And that sucks! Especialy for me!

I started my gaming adventure with Amiga and I remember the games from Commodore 64 and Pegasus ( a console being a clone to NES ). Then I moved to PSX...
A lot of You guys may not remember these times. But the fact was You paid for game once and You had everything. Not like today when You have to pay a lot for game and You find there is extra fun side story, character or game mode You have to pay for separetelly.

The funny thing is one of games You have to be afraid is Cryptoys. Cryptoys will allow You to buy the extra characters as fully digital NFC counterpart. So if it will achieve success I'm afraid that LEGO Dimension will have a successor, same with Skylanders and maybe Disney Infinity, but not only.

What makes it more stupid is that the digital files which each chara will be limited ( it is NFT guys! ).

And I know well that because NFC was been popular NFT like Cryptoys will be too.
And what makes me sad and angry the game reviewers will be promoting it positivelly as well as they did to Skylanders and etc. And I can't understand that. The game reviewers are adult people who know they have to respect the money and use them carefully... So why are they promoting the idea which forces us to pay more and more to gain a little and simple joy?
That is unforgivable!

A lot of young gamers are telling me that games are a big and serious business... So I'm asking You! Do You buy the games to take a bit of joy in Your sad, grey life or to fuel a big and not making any sence business?
In 90's the devs wanted to make a games for their passion to games and to bring a joy to gamers. But today...? They are making games for money and gamers accept it.

2 - Message is more important than the joy You misogynic, homophobic racist!

We all know what that means. So I'll pass that I hate feminism, that racism is also the problem of white people, that woke people are making the LGBT people ( they defend ) as the laughing stock and perverts - not the normal people ( they are ) and they are fighting for discriminating the male people what sucks totally! Everyone know it well! So lets pass that. Nobody sane likes it.

But... The devs are making the games with these awfull messages. Games are more expencive, they are more borring. They are making for 5 or more years and the only thing We get are big, empty worlds full of rainbow flags and other instruments of cheap and foolish propaganda nobody asked for.

So, what devs are making for these 5 or more years? They are thinking about more places where they can to stack more rainbow flags?

Sony is telling they have various games. But they just have various people who can to be differend by the genders, sexuality and race... But they are making a generic games over and over. It is funny that people who made a lot of cool and trully various games in PSX and PS2 times make a generic games now.

Who cares how many games they will make since all of them are the same? Where is Twisted Metal? Where is Syphon Filter? And where is Jak & Daxter? In oblivion! But what made that they forgot how to make a cool games?

They are hiring more and more people who have no idea what are games about. They don't know that games are for bringing us some joy, not to make a cheap propaganda nobody wants!
And that is sad the profesional devs are entrusting their games for such people what kills the entire brand!

3 - I miss the oldschool.

A lot of modern gamers believe the classic games are borring and not fun. Wrong! We all know that I said modern games are generic above!

But believe me! Oldschool games were been more various and fun. Even if We will dig down one genre We can to see more and more various gameplay mechanics. Everyone wanted to put something new to the already made formula...

Sometimes I'm reading the reviews of "totally good" games these days... Every review is long... And it starts from the bumbling about the graphics and this stuff, plot but if You want to know about the gameplay then... You found mostly two phrases about it... in the very end of a long, borring review. Because reviews are making by pro pressmen We can to be sure they are made as they should be... So the conclussion is the game of the month is just a borring crap and maybe it is a game of the month because someone paid for it.

And that shaped the selling charts 'cause everyone wants to play the top game of the month. Nobody see the "smaller" games with bigger ambitions they took from the oldschool.

4 - When You look at gaming pages everyday and see nothing, just nothing.

I miss the times when I could to see more and more info about upcomming games over and over each day. Today I see... nothing.

[Edited by DreamlandGem]

There is no other fox than the Black Fox.


You just forgot the bad games. Also, saying that you're anti woke implies that you're a sleep.

Is mise RaifteirĂ­, an file.


Raifreiri... By telling I'm anti woke I mean I'm against this feminist's garbage.

There is no other fox than the Black Fox.

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