
Topic: CD Project RED is falling - CD Project NERD is rising as woke company

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Hello people. It is nothing new that CD Project NERD is going woke and it will get broke.

They hired the Mary Kenney who is crazy about this DEI garbage so I'm sure that someone in CD Project NERD is emptyheaded. They hired her even then We all know that gamers don't like to play games made for propaganda not for pure fun.

I'm wonder how their new games will look like. I bet they will spend the entire decade on thinking where they can to stick the more of rainbow flags ( I suggest the castle towers ) in Witcher.
They can also to spend the entire decade on designing the bisexual hermaphroditic mutated-cyborgs for Cyberpunk... And only that.

Lets look in the eyes of truth guys. Woke "devs" even have no idea what is gaming about - they can't to design a real game. Their designing is only about cheap propaganda nobody wants.

Anyway, I was never the fan of CD Project NERD. They make a games since over a decade and they never made their own IP. They are making the adaptations of books and nerdy games.

Okay, fine. I like tie in games, but I would like to see the adaptations to Thorgal ( comic book - google it! ) more than Witcher - comic books are the most fun books on the world. So I don't feel bad if their new senior someone will ruin their company since they have nothing they made themselves.

There is no other fox than the Black Fox.

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