In a world filled with seemingly infinite choices on games, TV shows, movies, you name it, we tend to prefer our gaming experiences to fall on the shorter side in this day and age. That's not to say we don't love getting stuck into a huge RPG every now and then, but sampling a wider variety of shorter titles is typically our preferred way to go.
That's especially true when Xbox Game Pass comes into the fold, and thanks to a recent feature from the lovely folks at VG 24/7 bringing this to the forefront of our brains, we thought it worth asking you guys. Is a game's length something you even consider when looking for your next Game Pass gem?
We often find ourselves hitting up 'How Long To Beat' when a new Game Pass title pops up that piques our interest - we like making sure we can actually get through it in a timely manner! However, we assume plenty of folks just dive into anything that interests them, especially if they have the spare time to dig into a game of any length.

Recently, a good selection of short games have come to Xbox Game Pass that we've really enjoyed having the time to actually finish. Road 96 remains one of our very favourite Game Pass additions this year, not to mention the likes of As Dusk Falls, Metal: Hellsinger, and Immortality providing great Game Pass thrills within neat and tidy playtimes.
For us, having a broad selection of shorter titles just means we get to play and experience more of what Game Pass has to offer, but what do you lot think? Is game length something you often consider, or do you go purely on whether the game itself appeals to you?
Vote in the poll and let us know more down in the comments section!
Comments 42
Yes, but purely down to my set up as my main TV is 4K and has my ps5, switch, soundbar and Samsung dex taking up the hdmi ports, whilst I have a separate desk and monitor purely for my series s and I don't usually like sitting their too long, maybe 3/4 hours max each week. So I won't usually go for games that are 30+ hours or any jrpgs. I think the longest game I've played on gamepass so far is far cry 5 which is around 20 hours which is the sweet spot for me on gamepass.
I will however make an exception for xbox exclusive Rpg's such as starfield and avowed.
I mostly consider the length of a game in relation to when it will be removed from the service (either by observing the patterns or when it's officially announced). There was this one longer title I had started knowing I had roughly 15 days to beat it, which would have been possible if not for the fact I received a lot more work than usual in the following weeks, forcing me to abandon the playthrough - altough the game in question is now on my wishlist for whenever it goes on sale.
Usually only play a few games a year on my xbox as my time is elsewhere, so length doesnt really bother me as i usually get rhe game or gamepass free with rewards points.
Depends. Sometimes I like short games- love that I have a group of shorter games to play for Halloween (re3, quarry, outlast, costume quest 2). Also just beat red dead 2 and looking forward to persona 5
I voted yes but its not because of the reason listed.
I consider length depending on my current desires. Sometimes I want to play something quick that can be beat in a single sitting, or within a couple days, and sometimes I want to dive into an open world game with a 5 digit count of collectibles to sink in for a few months.
I always consider length. I only play a game if I know I have enough free time to finish it. The game might run over or I might give it up after a couple hours if I don't gel with it. But I won't start a game these days if I don't have the time to finish it.
I don't usually finish games anyway so has no impact.
It really depends on if a game can keep my attention
My issue is just deciding which game to play next.
I have an XBOX Series X, PS5 and Switch.
With all the games at my disposal, backward compatibility on 2, I have approximately 100 games that I still haven't unwrapped.
Add onto that the upcoming releases in the next year, I feel I spend more time trying to figure out what I'm in the mood to play next.
For me there’s a relative limit. I only have so much time so if it’s above 25 hours or so I may not try it if it’s not a “must play”, unless I have nothing else I’m interested in playing. If it’s less, though, I’ll give it a shot if it looks interesting.
Where is the “I have enough time on my hands but I prefer shorter games so I check eitherway” option 😂
Yes but I consider a game’s length now even if it’s not on Gamepass.
There'sso manygames i don't know where to start. Off topic i recentlygot the xbox gamesir controllerfor android and was devastated to find out not all games support remoteplay. Unless im missing something? I wanted to play sonic adventure
I prefer short games because of limited game time
I do think gamepass is more suited for shorter gamesbecauseif your only playing one or two a year you might as well just buy them.
I usually just play what i want, I like games with long campaigns like The Witcher 3.. So it really doesn't matter to me how long a game is..
I just download what I want to play regardless.
Like, Halo Infinite and of course FH5.
I consider playtime but only for planning on when I will play them. I usually juggle 2-3 games at a time and don't want to get bogged down with multiple long games at once.
No. Many short games (not all!) have been a waste of time and, paradoxically, patience (What Remains of Edith Finch was the last one) and I'm grateful for Game Pass saving my money and time. Others are among the best I've played this generation: Octopath Traveller, Immortals Fenyx Rising... Yes, I could buy the long games and play shorter games on Game Pass but shorter games aren't necessarily a better investment of my time.
What is your longest game time.
My is ACV at 187 hours and now in Ireland and then off to Paris so it will go over 200 hours.
What I recommend everybody is trying the third-party games first, whether they're short or long, because first-party titles won't ever leave Game Pass.
See Game Pass as an unlimited demos pool.
I can't say the length of games has ever been a concern of mine unless I'm buying the game.
I just look at what I want to play first, for that game time doesn't matter. I don't have any problem with either 100 hours or short but brilliant games. As long as I'm enjoying myself with the game, the length of the game in gamepass for me doesn't matter. When I buy a game it's a whole different story though.
@Dezzy70 For a single player game it has to be Red Dead Redemption 2, I have well over 200 hours put in that game and i have 100% completion in the Story..
No. In today's time game length pretty much means nothing when 80% of it is filler most never touch. Looking at you Assassin's Creed.
I like creativity in polls but in this particular case it would have been better two choices, yes or no.
Each to their own, I enjoy adventuring around especially Viking UK etc.
Wow that’s a good one.
Me never got into RDR2 played about 40 hours in the end.
The only times I consider a game’s length is when it’s announced to be leaving game pass. That’s why I never got to play Hades.
I always consider length when playing games. After I finish a marathon game, I always like to play some shorter experiences as palate cleansers before diving into another big game. My favorite length for games is usually around the 15-20 hour mark.
As for gamepass games, I never consider the game's length when trying it out or know from reviews. If I don't like it, then it doesn't matter as I didn't pay around $AU80 to $AU100 for them.
Buying games on disc is a different story. I tend to go for sandbox / openworld / rpg as provides more gameplay per buck.
as i get older i preffer playing shorter games but i do not mind starting a big game time to time. 😉
Not always but ye I take a games length into account. Sometimes I'm coming of a really long game and just want something short and sweet next, or maybe I've played a lot of small games and want soemthing bigger. Genre is also important for this.
Im not afraid to put long hours in, and im lucky to have the time.
The great thing about GP is you can simply try things, and instalation is not the comitment that a spend is.
I saw and agreed with an earlier comment, it makes sense to prioritise 3rd parties titles as they come and go, first parties will always be available..
I have definitely skipped playing games that are super-long or super grindy simply because it's hard to get excited about 100-200+ hours of one game. The gameplay almost always gets tired well before the ending, yet I like to see games to their conclusion.
Hence games like Persona 5, Assassin's Creed Odyssey and others have sat on my hard drive unplayed.
When it comes to Game Pass specifically, it's less of a concern, often I just like to give the games a go. But still if it's a sweeping narrative game like the above it is still a hard one to start. Feels like too much of an undertaking and need to be in the right mood/headspace.
Meanwhile a 5 hour short experience or a 10-15 hour story based game where the gameplay stays interesting and keeps innovating to the end is perfect for me.
With Game Pass, I never consider a Games length at all. The fact that I can play what I want, when I want is the big attraction to me and as I am not considering the 'Value' in a 'Cost per hour' type equation to be able to justify spending my money on what is a 'luxury' item, the duration doesn't matter to me.
As an example, based on 'value', I would not buy a 'short' up to 10hr game (especially not AAA) when I could buy a game with 25hr+ main storyline with a LOT of additional content - even if its 'older', for the same price or less (sale games). That 10hr game can be played in a weekend and then I have 'nothing' left to do until I can afford to spend money on games again where as the 'bigger' game I could play and play until I have money to spend on games again. 10hrs at £60 = £6 per hr of gaming vs 100hrs at £60 = 60p per hr and likely see me from paycheck to paycheck...
Game Pass takes that whole situation away - there is always games to play and it doesn't matter if one is only a few hours long as I haven't lost 'value' in a cost per hour sense, and its not like I won't have anything else to play after completing it. Its enabled me to play the smaller, shorter games that I wouldn't of considered buying therefore would never of played or experienced...
With Game Pass, I just pick the games that appeal to me regardless of the 'length'
As a dad who works full time and is in a relationship with someone who has zero interest in games, a games length is important, though I'll make an exception if its a big flagship title such as Halo, God of War or the latest Mario offering. I also like to play an array of Retro consoles, so i need to divide time up 😅
I usually prioritise playing shorter games first on game pass
After finishing a long game, I tend to seek out a short game (or something i can drop later) as a palette cleanse.
So knowing a games length is helpful for that.
Compliments on the poll design. I'm really impressed that you could capture most of the complexity in choosing games and how length impacts our choices in one poll with just five possible responses.
@Banjo- Exactly! This advice is pure gold!
That's what I have been doing - putting the MS first party ones on a waiting list (except for Psychonauts 2 and Hellblade) and playing whatever third party grabs my interest.
@HarmanSmith I do the same 😁.
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