Well, it's been a quiet old Monday so far here at Pure Xbox, so we thought we'd take a bit of a break and put together another Talking Point! This time, we're interested to know if you can remember the first game you ever completed.
And we're not just talking Xbox here. We mean anything, whether you're brand-new to gaming with the Xbox Series X or PS5, or perhaps even go back as far as the ZX Spectrum or Atari 2600. It's all fair game!
Lots of people have different ideas of what "completed" means, whether that's just getting to the end of the game, getting all the achievements or trophies in a game, or simply doing absolutely everything you can possibly do in a game.
In this instance, we're more interested in rolling the credits rather than getting 100% completion, but feel free to share multiple experiences with us if you want to! We want to hear all your answers down in the comments below.
Comments 100
Why that would be Rainbow Islands on Sega Master System. Absolutely loved that game.
I think it was flashback on the megadrive. Either that or The Lion King, again on megadrive
Sonic the Hedgehog on Master System.
Adventure on the Atari 2600, I believe. The rest weren’t completion type games.
Pitfall on Atari 2600
Alundra - PS1. Great game.
My fame to completing a game was in the 80s.
I actually clocked Robotron 2084 in my college canteen, completing all the 255 waves and going back to wave 1 which is wave 256 I have forgotten the score but it was top of everything in the arcade machine. I was a dam hero.
I feel like it might be Dungeon Keeper but really can’t remember. What a game though.
Could have been anything though, an N64 game perhaps.
Metroid on the NES. And years later when I played Super Metroid and saw references to the last stretch of the first game it made it all the more sweet.
Super mario 2 but it wasn't really mario is my understanding all these years later. In the west it was a reskin of a different game.
Still never completed the nes Mario/ duck hunt combo cart.
Best completion and best game ever for me was super metriod.
Prior to that my memory of game and watch is a blur
Mechassault on the original Xbox, before that I had a NES and a PSX. For NES they were tough as ***** and had only a handful of games, for PSX Crash games had some hard levels at the end so I didn't beat them either, I had some others but don't remember seeing the credits roll in a game other than winning eleven, and I almost beat Ape Escape but my younger brother scratched the disk and it always crashed at the beginning of the last boss fight.
So yeah, the first game I remember playing until the credits rolled down was the first Mechassault.
Edit: Another barrier that hampered my advance in games was the language, I'm not a native English speaker, but by the time the original Xbox was released, I understood it a little bit more so I was able to make progress on the games. Now I don't like to play them in Spanish because the menus, translations, and dubs are awful most of the time.
Street fighter 2's arcade mode with Dhalsim on the SNES. His stretchy arms and legs really came in handy!
Army Men 3D on the PlayStation 1, which wasn't bad considering I was only 8 at the time
LEGO The Lord of the Rings on DS. Only got to 100% completion ages after, because I lost the game for a while.
Pokemon Saphire on Nintendo SP
It so nice when we get a nice not controversial subject on here, to share some nice past gaming moments as one.
@Dr_Luigi oh flashback , that slow ass fork lift that put the stuff on my car but back then wow lol I had spectrum version , I'll b honest I wouldn't mind playing that again
Yes, Ocarina of Time on N64.
Mario World on SNES
Dark Souls 2, pre SOTFS. My first platinum back in my ps3 days.
Action Fighter on the Master System.
As in, beat the game? I guess Super Mario Bross, since before that every game I played was a high-score infinite loop type of game on the Atari.
Actually... it was still a bit of a loop but it did kinda have a clear "ending": Adventure on the Atari 2600, if that counts as a game with an ending.
I think the first game I got a 100% screen on was either GTA3 on the PS2 or the original Lego Batman on the XBox 360. Really cant remember if I got stuck at 99% on GTA3 when I played it on PS2. I know a few years back I played it again on the PS4 and nearly got there again, but just could not do one optional mission, so got stuck at 99% on that attempt.
@Nancyboy I also beat this game (Adventure) No HDR, 4k, fps, etc. Great memories.
The Lion King on the Sega Mega Drive.
That was the first game I could complete on my own and I probably played through it 50+ times to the point where I could perfect it each time and completely in a very quick time. I’d finish school before my brother and try complete it before he got home.
First and only Platinum I ever got was Horizon Zero Dawn on PS4. I haven’t 100% completed any other modern game that I can recall.
Rad Racer on the NES, started a 30+ year love affair with racing games. No chance I could beat it today though lol!
@Boucho11 oh my goodness, someone else had the Lion King as one of their first completions.
That makes me happy.
When it comes to trophies and achievements I think it was Lego the Hobbit on ps4 as I don’t think I ever completed an achievement list on steam before I got a PlayStation.
Non achievement related it’s probably wario land 3 for the GBC.
First game I ever beat was probably Super Mario Land 2.
Super Mario Bros... Before that I had an Atari and most of those games couldn't be "beaten"
Dynamite Dux on the master system, wasn't a particularly long game from what I remember but it was good
Street fighter 2, brave fencer musashi, Mario bros. 3. had to have been one of those
I believe mine is also TMNT 2: The Arcade Game.
Golden axe on the mega drive, rented from blockbuster and played coop with a buddy from school at a sleepover. Christ I'm old!!
Spider-Man on PlayStation 1
Sonic the Hedgehog on the Master System.
My "setup" was obviously a small 14" screen, with me, it and the console all sat of the floor behind my Granddad's chair.
What a great question! Probably Super Mario Bros 2
I think it was Bruce Lee on the Spectrum, then Bruce Lee on my brother's C64. 🤣
Back then most games were really hard so I didn't complete many. Bruce Lee was fun and accessable, a platformer with some fighting.
I also completed Afterburner and LED Storm. Fun arcade conversions. I don't complete that many these days more due to time constraints more than anything else, and I'm ok with that.
I'm fairly sure it was Castle of Illusion, the Master System version
First game I beat that isn’t a fighting game and without cheating (game genie) was LttP on SNES. I would love to claim shinobi 3 but the last boss always beat me black and blue. So I game genied that one (I am able to beat it now at least lol).
Yup. Donkey Kong, hence my avatar. Played it in the late 80s at an arcade. Fell in love with games at that moment. In 1991 I got a Commodore 64 and been gaming ever since 🙂
Super Mario Bros for NES….yes….I be old.
Sonic the Hedgehog on Game Gear
Super Mario Bros I think? On the NES. That was my first console. I think it was actually a Famicom.
Frogger on the Atari.
I believe it was spyro 2 riptos rage / gateway to glimmer
It was Super Mario Land on the Gameboy
it was either super mario bros 3 on the NES, streets of rage 2 on the Genesis, or Sonic 2 on Genesis.
The first Streets of Rage on Mega Drive
Mine would have been Metal Gear Solid on the PlayStation. Took my a long time as 10 year old me was terrible at Stealth and I thought I could just crawl on the floor past the guards. How wrong was I?!
Flimbo’s Quest on the Commodore 64. Took a lot of dedication.
I remember beating Star Fox on SNES. Not sure if there were any before that.
Simpsons arcade game on, well an arcade Machine in Stardust amusement , Newquay Cornwall in 1991 or 92
Tetris, Super Mario Land 1 or Sonic 2. Its just been so long.
Jedi Outcast on PC in like 2004.
I played a lot of Atari 2600 when I was younger and got some good high scores, but they weren't games w/ endings.
I think I got like 112k on Seaquest. That was the highest I ever got. I loved that game.
Probably Kirby’s Adventure for NES. That was the first time I remember seeing a completion % counter that I drove up to 100
Probably James Bond: Licence to Kill on the Atari ST. Great game. Was tough as hell to beat at first but once you learned all the AI tricks it became easy.
Last Ninja on my Commodore 64!
Streets of rage 2 on coop on the megadrive with my big brother and the first game on my own was heart of darkness on the playstation. I'll never forget how proud I was.
It is hard to say as I remember Sonic took me a lot of time to beat (at end of the first day I could not beat even the first level and I struggled a for a long time on the boss of area 4, one day during christmas I passed it and managed to finish the game as everything else was fine) but probably the game I finished first was tazmania also on mega drive (a game I realized recently is known as one of the worst game on the system with terrible gameplay but I don't remember it like that and quite liked it)
@Markatron84 that's a goodun. mine was either that or castle of illusion or Indiana Jones and Last Crusade - all on master system.
Dizzy's Treasure Island on Atari ST. Loved all the Dizzy games.
Super Mario World. Pretty sure. I played a bunch of games before that, but I believe that was the first one I actually beat.
Yoshi’s Island
@Royalblues same here dude - Spyro year of the dragon was the first video game I ever played, and the first one I ever completed!
Championship Manager. I got so good at it, the FA offered me a role in the England set up. I took Woking from the Conference to the Champions League in 6 seasons.
Metal Gear Solid on PS1. I played games before then sure but that was the first I can think of that I actually played to completion. Still holds up too. Wow what a game!
This actually highlighted my ADHD and how I struggle to finish games. At 33 years old and owning almost every major console I have only finished Ocarina of Time this year and only other games I have finished were Harry Potter, Jurassic Park and Star Wars Lego. All in the past 2 years since being medicated…
Tales of Destiny PS1. Now I’m a JRPG addict ._.
Roland on the Ropes. Loaded via tape deck on an Amstrad 464.
I believe it was the Legend of Zelda on the NES.
Probably Kirby Super Star on SNES for me 🤔
Loving everyone on the Amstrad CPC 464. I had a 6128 so no tape loading for me.
First proper completion was Magicland Dizzy. Back then as others have mentioned
, Games looped. Or were flipping well tough.
Playing and knowing every secret, well that's Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Those memorised maps will never leave my noggin.
I could be mistaken, but I believe the first game I ever completed was Pokemon Red Version. I wasn't very good at gaming as a kid, so most games I would play up to about 75% complete or so and if it felt like it was above my skill level I would just restart. Pokemon was different though, like a great adventure with MY team and I had to see it through. No matter how though my opponents got, I had to become the champion. Looking back, that is such a simple game, but at the time, it felt truly epic
It was Kid Icarus - I think. Could have been The Legend of Zelda, too.
It's been like 34 or 35 years now.
Pokémon Red for the gameboy
@belmont Sonic the hedgehog on gamegear is an underrated classic!
@Gr81 @Nalverus super Mario bros. 3 was the first game I played, (along with Jaws on the nes) but I never finished it since it was at a cousins house. People always tell me I started at the top because that’s one of the best games ever made.
Interestingly my first game completion is also in my top 3 games of all time STILL, which is Gunstar Heroes on Sega Genesis. It was in co-op but still counts. I still play through it about once every other year or so. I would be there day 1 even today if a long awaited sequel showed what happened to “Green” in that game.
@gpapito ah I was team yellow actually. And then went back and got blue. Still in my favorite gaming experiences of all time. The exploration in that game, with the feeling that behind any rock could be a hidden path, or every area of water could take you somewhere, is still more captivating to me than many modern open world games that may be huge but lack any feel of mystery and exploration.
Super Mario Brothers on NES.
It depends on what you mean by “completed.” If we are talking purely games we’ve beaten, then I’d say Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Sega Genesis or Super Mario Bros. 2 for the NES. However, if we are speaking in terms of 100% completion then my answer is Super Mario World for the SNES.
Beavis and Butt-Head: the game SNES, late 1994 or early 95, probably an xmas gift to myself. It is not a long game and I remember it was not a difficult game. I loved the tv show so playing the game was a blast.
I honestly don't remember, it was an NES game I know that for sure since that was the first system I owned.
Ghost and goblins on the megadrive wow that was a hard game.
Honestly I can't. Most early games I played (Space invaders, Pac-man, Pong) would just loop back round, get harder or couldn't be completed... not with my child gaming skills anyway.
As Games didn't have narratives, or save slots, there was less incentive to 'complete' them, you just played until you were bored and started again next time from scratch.
Pitfall maybe, but not sure. Though I do remember being very satisfied with myself when I completed Shinobi on Master System.
Super Mario World on SNES, too. Still the best Mario 2D platformer. It was also the first game I fully completed. I knew there were 96 exits because my cousin had told me.
Sonic The Hedgehog on Master System and Mega Drive is another thing I really loved in my childhood (and still love...).
I replayed Ocarina of Time on Wii U (the PC port) recently and I have realised once again that it's the best The Legend of Zelda game although Twilight Princess is close.
Adventureland on Vic20. Completed the other 4 Scott Adams games as well. Can’t beat a good text adventure 🤓
lol alex kidd in miracle world on Sega master system 😃 so you can imagine how happy l was to play it again with the dx remake on ps5!
@G1lbo Master System was the first console my brother and I owned. Sonic, Sonic 2, Sonic Chaos, Castle of Illusion, Land of Illusion, The Lucky Dime Caper, Asterix, Buggy Run... so many good games; really cemented my love of games.
I would say Super Mario Bros. with confidence, then try to work backwards through my memory for something earlier.
Can't quite be sure...The early games on Atari/ColecoVision didn't have endings, they would rollover with different colors and/or difficulty. You'd say you "turned the game over." We loved Rocky and Smurfs for ColecoVision.
Assassins Creed II
Probably just about the first commercially successful videogame ever released; Pong!
In or just after 1972. I played the game at the age of 8 or 9 whilst on Summer holiday at my cousins house. I got thrashed by each of my 3 cousins because up until that point, I had never heard of a videogame, much less played one, and of course, my cousins had mastered the game since their father (my Uncle) had bought it for them.
Looking back through some of the earlier comments, makes me feel old! I'll be 60 next year, so that may not be that far from the truth...
1988, a London Soho arcade, the game was 'Truxton' a vertically scrolling schumup.
I remember it well as Id been getting close and I had several mates watching and cheering. I finally beat the last level, but instead of ending credits, the game simply starts again in a harder mode! I was so despondent I dont think I played that game again, lol!
Adventure and Haunted House on Atari 2600, still have my original console and games.
It was either Mario 2, Super Contra, or Castlevania 2: Simons Quest. I'll go with Castlevania.
It was either a crash bandicoot game or tekken
Since I can't in good conscience count warping in Super Mario Bros. as properly beating the game. I think its got to be Legend of Zelda.
The original Legend of Zelda on NES back in 87. I have completed it at least another half a dozen times again since.
@Nf157 street fighter 2 on snes was the first game I played to completion. I wouldn’t stop til I beat M. Bison with each world warrior.
@Luigi_Skywalker I wasn't good enough to beat Bison with all characters, just Dhalsim 😅 none the less great times.
Roland on the ropes on the Amstrad cpc464 with green monitor.
Completed? First mind blowing game I played was Dungeon Master on the Amiga. First multiplayer game was Doom.
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