With everything else that was going on during the Xbox Games Showcase and Xbox Games Showcase Extended events earlier this month, it feels like Forza Horizon 5's Hot Wheels DLC has been somewhat pushed to the side recently.
But it's almost upon us! We'll be able to take to the Horizon Hot Wheels Park in just a few short weeks on Tuesday, July 19th, featuring "more than 200 kilometres of twisting, looping iconic orange track", included in a "sprawling open world with new driving experiences such as gravity defying magnet tracks as well as ice, water flume, and rumble tracks".
The question is, will you be buying it? Forza Horizon 5's Hot Wheels expansion isn't free with Xbox Game Pass, and therefore can either be purchased separately for £14.99 / $19.99, or as part of the Expansions Bundle ($34.99), Premium Add-Ons Bundle ($39.99) or the Premium Edition of Forza Horizon 5.
FYI, that Premium Add-Ons Bundle is specifically targeted at Xbox Game Pass members:
So, what are your plans? Will you be buying it, and if so, will you be obtaining it separately or purchasing it as part of a bundle? Perhaps you're not interested at all - tell us why! We're keen to hear from you in the comments section below.
Comments 24
I absolutely loved FH5, but I would have preferred something that hasn’t been done before. Don’t get me wrong, I love Hot Wheels, but something different would have been cool.
I'm actually thinking I'd rather buy Hot Wheels Unleashed.
Though, to be fair, unless they ever make a car pack that includes a MK3 Golf Cabrio, I wouldn't be buying DLC anyway
I got the ultimate DLC version. I loved the Hot Wheels DLC in FH3 and I can't wait to do it again.
@InterceptorAlpha I dont remember that car in Mortal Kombat 3.
Already bought the premium pack for the early perks, knowing I'd end up buying the DLCs eventually since they can be arguably more fun than the base game, so I'm pretty excited that it's Hot Wheels again. Lego was cool, but HW is just so ideal for the engine .
Haven’t played FH5 in months, so hopefully this will pull me back in. I bought the premium add-ons bundle when the game launched.
Got it as part of the premium add on bundles already, so will have access to this and the 2nd expansion once they come out. Looking forward to it. Hopefully it'll be a smoother launch as well compared to the slightly rough start the base game had.
Got the UE & HW Unleashed game & was rather sceptious so went back to FH3 HW & it is different but I rather saw something more creative from PG. Still, was trying to complete HW DLC from FH3 the other day & tend to do so too . Will be fun I'm sure!
Bought premium bundle with dlc when released loved the game got all the cars but now I've moved onto Wreckfest which has awesome online multiplayer and back to the eternally incredible Rocket League. Also keen on Fall Guys. FH5 DLC looks great but I've moved on... will atleast try it out though who knows?
Not excited at all, this was a real letdown for me as someone who played the Hot Wheels expansion on FH3, that said I do have the premium edition DLC bundle so I'll be getting it anyways.
Then again this is something that appeals to a different audience from me. Kids and the kinda people who love games like Burnout will probably like this the most, it really pushes the game into pure arcade racer territory.
I picked up the premium add-on bundle when it first launched, so get it as part of that. Looking forward to it.
Loved the first Hot Wheels DLC and this one looks even more insane. Can’t wait!
Boring, as boring was on FH3! We play FH for the open world and as close to realism for it's kind. We don't need Hot Wheels expansions, there's a dedicated game for this.
Don't even bother to update the game...sigh...
@Nightcrawler71 Same boat, fell off FH5 quite quickly but bought the premium add-ons bundles so have this. Looking forward to it and hoping it pulls me back into the game.
I bought the premium add-on bundle so I get it as part of that. Looking forward to it.
I'll probably buy the ultimate version down the line when everything is out so I know what I'm getting, and it'll be cheaper.
I played FH5 for a bit, but I got a bit tired of it after a while as the novelty wore off.
I prefer my Forza Horizon to be on the more 'realistic' side so have no interest in Hot Wheels and their tracks
Fell off this game pretty quickly to be honest. Much more interested in sim racers but did enjoy the bit I played. Good fun!
@rtr0GMR1 Yeah, this sums it up for me as well.
Same here, I got boarded very quickly, I think races, events, cash and cars all opened up too quickly with nothing to go for or any real progression.
Im miffed that after so little first party output on gp, they are milking us for the only bit of 1st party code this year.
I was hoping this would be on gp as we've had so little. Much as I enjoyed the game, it lost appeal very quickly as it gave you everything from the start. The dlc would have been a reason to return, but im certainly not paying for it in addition to gp.
I have hotwheels unleashed on ps5, so I guess ill stick with that as thats surprisingly very good..
@OliverOwen Or was it Mario Kart? 😂
Pre ordered. Looking forward to this, FH5 is top drawer and I’m sure this won’t disappoint. I was away from gaming for a decade (completely missed XB1/PS4 generation) - so pretty much anything and everything makes me smile on Series X. Happy Days.
@Banjo- Very possible!
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