The dust is now beginning to settle on the Xbox Tokyo Game Show Showcase for 2022!
If you haven't had a chance to watch it yet, you can catch the full thing over at our live coverage page, and we've also provided a separate recap of everything that happened as part of the show.
So, all things considered, what grade would you give the show?
Vote in the poll, and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 27
Really good show, Guilty Gear Strive, No No Kuni, Deathloop. Some great Anouncements for Game Pass
Very good show, wasn’t snappy and needed a bit less talking at the start but definitely a good showing.
I do just want Xbox to build up some first party Japanese IPs though so we don’t get left hanging due to Sony paying off the publishers or whatever.
Gamepass is straight up crazy. Palworld looked interesting
I think for western xbox gamers it was a C/B depending on if you've played those games before, for Japanese gamers I'd rate it a D as I don't think it will draw them in, there was a lot of older games that have been on other systems for too long, and the western games they won't pay too much attention to. I was also expecting a lot more to be shown. If xbox want proper success and get a strong footing then they need Japanese exclusives.
But at the end of the day it's more games coming to gamepass for people to try and if they like it then the want for Japanese games increases. And then in 2-3 years time if demand beats their expectations then maybe xbox gamers will see a japanese exclusive, other than from tango.
Also this event was the perfect opportunity for them to show what kojima was working on.
Short and sweet. But i doubt any japanese gamer actually cares about this
very disapponting. no ff7 remake, no trials of mana and other mana games, no atelier, no legend of heroes, no ys
@Sakai I'll be surprised if they don't get sued by TPC over that one lol
@Carck I would say for the Series S + Gamepass combo crowd it’s a strong showcase. Not everyone has the money to keep buying all these games (so many games) but this allows them to check out so many different series.
Definitely a C. There’s some good titles announced, but seriously Xbox seems to bank on people getting excited to have 1-2 year old games finally come to Xbox, and on Gamepass.
@Kaloudz probably we will get ff7 remake 4/5 years later like ni no kuni (around 2024/2025)
Compared with their competitors showings, this was a dissapointment with very little new.
The format was pretty awful, with MS still convinced that getting a suit to mouth empty marketting platitudes has some value to anyone except the board they are playing too. None of the snap of their rivals showings.
At least theres a release date for Deathloop.
Ni no kuri will be a decent addition to anyone who hasnt played this ps3 title. I played the remaster again last year on ps4 and if you like jrpgs and havent played this, then you are in for a treat!
Pal world looked interesting, but was one of the only games that was to me.
If you were looking for jap stuff to play on the cheap on gp, then maybe this ticked a few boxes. For me, it just didnt hit the right note and seemed tired and the usual self congratulatory xbox message. Maybe this was never a show where we gonna see big innovotive games that push xbox instead of gp releases of games we've played elsewhere, but given the games revealed by nintendo and sony in the last couple of days, its hard to compare and conclude xbox are ahead of the curve.
I hope many more of you found something in there to like than me!
I rated it an F, worse TGS in history. There was no better opportunity for Microsoft to do what people have asked for over 2 years now and bring FF7 Remake to Xbox.
I gave it an A. Love the fact Odyssey is on Game Pass today. My wife just finished the main story of Origins. So this is perfect timing.
Plenty of games I won’t play but I’m happy they’re coming to game pass so people get even more variety.
Looking forward to checking out Deathloop.
@Snake_V5 the problem with that now is that the sequel is also a PS exclusive; so even if they bring over Remake, they are still stuck without the rest of the games. Maybe it will come towards the end of the trilogy’s release 🤷♂️
If Xbox wanted to make a splash they could commission a FF6 or FF9 full on Remake. Maybe Sony would play ball at that point.
It was what I expected and what they announced. I expected a few Japanese series to come to Xbox and we'll get a few "new" ones, which arent on xbox yet.
It's going to be a long proces to get all Japanese developers on board and especially the makes of the niche games. They slowly need to get more ground in Japan and with the series s + gamepass and them showing they are getting more and more Japanese games on Xbox, the ball will start slowly rolling.
My thoughts exactly. I'll check out the Persona series and Ni No Kuni 1/2, but that's about it.
@K1LLEGAL We know Tango Gameworks is already working on something new for Xbox, and they've been staffing up quite a lot in their Japanese branch. So I suspect we will get a lot of Japanese published games from Xbox in the coming years.
Plus, we've still got whatever the heck that Kojima game is
This was more of a “catching up with competitors” show. The thing that would draw Japanese gamers in though is playing on a mobile phone. So for me, a gamer in Japan, this had nothing I didn’t already play, but since some NEW games come to Gamepass, it was at least a bit interesting.
But man… that woman who couldn’t even say “konnichiwa minna-san”. How difficult can that be to rehearse.
C. Not a bad but showing but it was mostly updates on things we already know, or ports of older games and was missing a few new announcements, or banger trailers.
But more Xbox + Japan coverage and games is always good, it won't happen overnight but more Japanese games on Xbox is always appreciated.
Regardless Game Pass subscribers feast
Solid C for me. I think it’s great xbox is finally getting some beat’em ups. Been starving - particularly the 2D ones.
I don’t think there were any new big reveals though that took my interest.
Deathloop finally coming to Xbox is good…no news on if it will have exclusive graphical updates yet though - weren’t these games supposed to look and play better on Xbox?
@K1LLEGAL should make there own game to rival it just like Sony should make their own FPS to rival cod
Let’s see if say it was better than E3 that includes the P5R trailer. The fighting games on Xbox were glaring omissions so that really helps getting most of them over.
You know it’s funny but the OG E3 2019 leak had Nino Kuni coming to Xbox. I’m starting to wonder about these leaks if it’s just super slow.
Love the focus on Eiyuden and Wo Long, those look good. Deathloop is a bit out of place even if they tried to make the trailer work.
Fuga Fuga Fuga guys please play this game o.o it deserves it!
Also hmmm why is this the first time Ike’s seeing Palworld.
I’m between a B and a C. I think it’s good but I think a lot of people thought it was just old games when that’s just not true..,
There's nothing to show yet.
@Would_you_kindly absolutely! I’m not saying we need clones but give us some innovation and bring a new spin to these games. If one is crying about games on the other platform; do something about it in a creative way.
I didn't see the show but reading about what was announced for Gamepass alone I gotta give it an A. A whole bunch of games I'm interested in coming up. Pressing that resubscribe button ASAP.
It was a good sign that lots of games that were previously exclusive to Sony or Nintendo are showing up now even if it's years later. It seems that Japanese developers are starting to take the system slightly more seriously. No sign of Octopath II still baffles me.
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