Welcome to Pick One! This weekend, to celebrate the arrival of Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered, we thought we'd take a look at the history of Tomb Raider games on Xbox - which stretches all the way back to 2006!
Specifically, there have been seven Tomb Raider games on Xbox so far, and nine if you count Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light along with Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris. Plenty to choose from!
You can pick your favourite in the poll down below, and here are some highlights from the lineup:
Tomb Raider: Legend (2006)
Follow Lara Croft down a path of discovery as she travels the globe to remote, exotic locales in search of one of history's greatest artifacts that unleashes unwelcome figures from Lara's mysterious past.
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (2010)
Take control of Lara and her new partner Totec, a Mayan tribesman, and uncover the ancient artifact known as the "Mirror of Smoke" in this all new action adventure game.
Tomb Raider (2013)
Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018)
In Shadow of the Tomb Raider Definitive Edition experience the final chapter of Lara’s origin as she is forged into the Tomb Raider she is destined to be.
Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered (2024)
Play the Original Three Tomb Raider Adventures: For the first time ever, play the complete experience with all expansions and secret levels on modern platforms in this definitive collection.
Let us know which of these Xbox Tomb Raider games is your favourite below.
Which Is Your Favourite Tomb Raider Game On Xbox? (570 votes)
- Tomb Raider: Legend (2006)
- Tomb Raider: Anniversary (2007)
- Tomb Raider: Underworld (2008)
- Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (2010)0.2%
- Tomb Raider (2013)
- Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (2014)
- Rise of the Tomb Raider (2015)
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018)
- Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered (2024)
Comments 23
Shadow of the tomb raider overall.
They take the 1-3 remasters away if all I care.
Didn’t play them first time round, slow clunky and overall unimpressive.
Let’s have the new tomb raider please.
I picked rise of the tomb raider I just remember enjoying that most out of the new trilogy didn't play the older games yet anyways
I haven't played the remasters yet but i don't see a way it can overtake 2013. That game is a masterpiece.
Rise might have been even better but didn't have the wow factor that I got from playing 2013 the first time.
Though I liked the newer trilogy of games, they didn’t feel like true Tomb Raider games. For my personal taste it was too much gun fighting with humans and not enough exploring of tombs and the occasional fight with a wild creature.
At the moment, I'm replaying the remasters of 1-3 and loving it. Yes, it’s clunky but I can look past that knowing how old they are. I can’t pick which is my favorite at the moment since I’m replaying the first three again for the first time in years. So much I don’t remember. Maybe I can give my favorite after.
I enjoyed the reboot series with Rise of the Tomb Raider being my favorite out of any game in the series. With classic Lara I enjoyed Anniversary and Underworld. Currently playing the remaster collection.
@EvilSilentFrame "too much gun fighting with humans and not enough exploring of tombs and the occasional fight with a wild creature."
My pet hate with all tomb raider games. The first was perfect with just the wild creatures. As soon as they started adding in humans the games lost something for me.
Anniversary is the easy choice. Slightly alarmed at the high number of votes for the modern trilogy....Does everyone really prefer cookie cutter third person action games?
The Remastered Trilogy for me, I much prefer these over the modern games. Traversal is much more challenging and interesting because of it in these games and the absence of map markers and crafting and such feels like a breath of fresh air these days
If nothing else it’s got me to just buy the first tomb raider 2013 definite edition with the 7 extra tombs.
For £3.49. Also auto HDR and 1080p at 60FPS.
Just downloading now.
1-3. Can't beat the originals. Games are too easy these days and it is nice to be challenged again.
The very first Tomb Raider is an atmospheric exploration gem. The grid based tank controls weren’t that bad either.
I just replayed Rise and nearly 100%’d it. But that game kinda sucks. It’s super linear and has none of the puzzles/loneliness/organic discovery of the first game.
@Kidfunkadelic83 that’s fair enough but surely at some point you’d wonder why no one else is raiding these tombs?
@Kidfunkadelic83 yes I liked the alone feeling of the first game. I can appreciate what they tried to do with the reboot, but it just didn’t sit well with me. The first time she kills somebody, she’s devastated and rightfully so, but then it just went on and on with her taking out wave after wave of army guys. No offense to anybody who loved those games, but I wanted to explore some tombs on my own. I’m hoping for less human fights in the new game. More tomb raiding and more wildlife. That worked best for me.
@ParsnipHero I can’t speak for Kidfunkadelic83. One could ask themselves why is nobody else raiding these tombs? I used to think that when I played the original but it also made it feel like a lost tomb nobody has been to in many many years. Being alone without much human interaction gave the game a creepy eerie feeling. I wouldn’t mind if I came across a group of explorers. That I could deal with. Wave after wave of army men? It just cheapened the experience for me.
2013 was a bit too gruesome for me. The game over scene where Lara gets impaled through the throat still haunts me. Not sure why those needed to be so detailed. 😅
@EvilSilentFrame totally get that. I think there’s a way to do it properly but maybe this is what separates Lara from Indy or Drake.
@Zochmenos I think they felt the games had to go in that direction. Lots of shooting games back then and I think they were trying to chase some of those trends. They were decent games but didn’t fit the character. I think now creators see players enjoy all types of different games so hopefully the new one is more exploring than fighting.
@ParsnipHero I’m super excited for the new Indy game. A gun fight for him made more sense than it did with Lara. I still don’t want TONS of fights with humans, but there typically are others he rivals against in the movies so I can see that happening in the game.
@Zochmenos I’m hopeful they will have something more unique this time around like you said. I believe they are a very talented team and if they can find a happy place in the middle of tomb raiding and exploring sprinkled in with some combat, I think they could end up with a really amazing game.
@pip_muzz thank God I’m not the only one who enjoyed the middle trilogy. I skipped the original trilogy, so Legend, Anniversary and Underworld were the ones I put most time into, especially Underworld. 2013 reboot trilogy was good too though.
I voted 2013 Tomb Raider as i thought it was a refreshing game for the time
Yes the originals are totally different games, but as i have those on original hardware
My original on Sega Saturn - the game blew me away back then and still does.
the only other Xbox one i really enjoyed was Guardian of Light due to tis more old school style of gameplay.
It's between Anniversary and 2013 for me, but I choose 2013 as I loved that game!
I've absolutely gotta go with Rise of the Tomb Raider. Been playing them since the first one on PS1 and Rise just perfected everything to me. Areas big enough to explore and no hold your hand, beautiful visuals, great combat. Shadow took a huge step back and put all the combat in a box and the older games just didn't have the tech. I did like having to line up jumps and think about paths in the classics though.
Definitely Legends or Rise for me. I tried to get all the achievements but it was rather glichy on One X.
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