Microsoft's backwards compatibility program is one of the best features available for modern Xbox consoles, with an array of original Xbox and Xbox 360 titles easily playable on modern Xbox hardware.
That program includes hundreds of Xbox 360 titles — including some real classics spread across multiple different genres — and that library is going to take up most of our list here. It also helps that the 360 era was so fantastic that there are almost too many good games to pick from!
We'll also chuck in a couple of OG Xbox recommendations too, but given that Microsoft's back compat list for that console is much smaller, we'll have to be more selective with our picks. There are still some fantastic BC titles from that era though, so we can surely manage that.
Without further ado, here are our top picks for Xbox backwards compatible games:
Gears of War 3 (Xbox 360)
Where else to begin but with Gears of War 3, eh? This is one of the most complete titles on the backwards compatibility program in 2025. A fantastic campaign that serves as a fitting conclusion to the original trilogy, check. Endlessly replayable Horde mode across a ton of great maps, check. Online multiplayer that still remains active and playable in 2025, check. Wrap all of that up in a package that runs at 1440p / 60FPS on both Xbox Series X and S and you've got a case for one of the best backwards compatible games ever. Seriously, don't miss this one.
- Xbox Game Pass: Yes
Left 4 Dead 2 (Xbox 360)
Valve's classic zombie-slaying series has been dormant for more than 15 years at this point (yes, it can now be called a classic), but the last entry in Left 4 Dead 2 made a serious mark on the genre. Plenty of copycats and similar co-op themed shooters have entered the arena since, yet nothing has quite lived up to what Valve put together with this simple yet deeply satisfying shooter.
Sure, the 30FPS limit with this version is a bit of a bummer in 2025, but play L4D2 on any modern Xbox console and you're getting a super solid experience across the board. With plenty of maps, modes and bite-sized campaigns to tackle, Left 4 Dead 2 is still a must-play backwards compatible title these days.
- Xbox Game Pass: No
Grand Theft Auto IV (Xbox 360)
We couldn't throw this list together without including Grand Theft Auto 4, right? The series' Xbox 360 debut often feels like the unloved child in the famous Rockstar franchise, but we are starting to see it get more and more love as the years go by. Revered for what some consider the best start-to-finish story in the entire series, GTA 4 delivers its HD rendition of NYC in style - complete with an advanced physics system that we still love messing around with to this day.
The 360 version, including here on backwards compatibility, remains a little rough around the edges - but it's certainly improved by playing on the most recent Xbox hardware. The best GTA game? That's debatable, but it's certainly one of the best addition's to Xbox backwards compatibility.
- Xbox Game Pass: No
Fallout 3 (Xbox 360)
Bethesda Game Studios took their first stab at the Fallout series with 2008's Fallout 3, and it remains one of the studio's most iconic releases to this day. Blowing up the series to full 3D environments in the vast Capital Wasteland was a masterstroke, and when we think back to the Xbox 360 era, this title still stands out as one of the generation's best RPGs.
What also helps this recommendation is just how good the Xbox Series X|S version of this title is. Running at 60FPS with much-higher resolution figures to boot, the backwards compatible version of Fallout 3 is one of the best ways to play Bethesda's post-apocalyptic epic.
- Xbox Game Pass: Yes
Fallout: New Vegas (Xbox 360)
Alright, alright - don't yell at us just yet, Fallout New Vegas fans. We had to mention Fallout 3 first because that felt like the correct way to go about things, but we can't really get away without mentioning New Vegas as well, can we?
Obsidian Entertainment's only foray into Fallout development thus far; New Vegas is a proper fan-favourite these days. Sticking with the core technology that powered FO3, New Vegas takes us to the Mojave Wasteland - paired with all of the tough choices and deep RPG goodness we've come to expect from the Xbox studio. This is another backwards compatible game that gets a big performance boost on Xbox Series X|S - New Vegas at 60FPS is a far cry from how it performed on Xbox 360 and is a must-play on modern hardware.
- Xbox Game Pass: Yes
Binary Domain (Xbox 360)
Binary Domain is one of those underground classics that every now and then you get told you must play, and for good reason. This SEGA third-person shooter is a satisfying romp through futuristic Tokyo, with robust combat mechanics and a surprisingly engaging cast of characters driving a solid storyline.
These days it probably wouldn't win any awards, but this is the exact sort of thing we miss from the Xbox 360 era, and for that reason - it's going on the list. This one was also FPS Boost enabled in that final batch of additions in 2021, which makes this SEGA shooter a great backwards compatible classic to enjoy on Xbox Series X|S.
- Xbox Game Pass: No
Call of Duty: Black Ops (Xbox 360)
The first Black Ops title is probably the most must-play series entry behind Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and given that the Infinity Ward classic got remastered in 2016, the original Black Ops gets the COD nod from us here.
Introducing us to 'the numbers, Mason' and hugely expanding on World at War's Zombies mode, Call of Duty: Black Ops is one of the best FPS titles available via Xbox backwards compatibility. This is another one of those games that's still populated in 2025, meaning you can enjoy all of Black Ops' best modes on Xbox consoles to this day.
- Xbox Game Pass: No
Forza Horizon (Xbox 360)
Microsoft's Forza Horizon series has expanded and evolved a lot over the years, but never forget your roots, as they say. The first Forza Horizon's simplistic road trip to the snow-capped mountains of Colorado is still an enjoyable trek, and its more focused campaign mode may actually be a breath of fresh air to some of you these days.
Unfortunately, this one is delisted nowadays due to licensing issues, so it's a disc-only job - but if you have the means to access it then don't let anything stop you. Forza Horizon is a good time, and a nice throwback to when open world racers were a bit more stripped back and manageable.
- Xbox Game Pass: No
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie (Xbox 360)
An Xbox 360 launch game and one we never expected to become backwards compatible - yes, Ubisoft's classic 2005 King Kong game can be played on modern Xbox consoles. Going by the comically long title of Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie, this is a surprisingly fun and atmospheric take on a movie tale as old as time.
We will add that this is another one of those disc-only affairs for obvious reasons, but we still recommend playing this one if you have the means to do so. It's dirt cheap (at least here in the UK), and its straight-to-the-point take on an action-adventure experience is a fun one to this day. Go in with the right expectations, and this licensed King Kong game is well worth a revisit.
- Xbox Game Pass: No
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Xbox 360)
Truly great kart racers are a little thin on the ground when it comes to Xbox, but 2012's Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed has to be in with a shout of the very best on the platform. Boosted to 60FPS on modern consoles to take advantage of its blistering pace, this is an Xbox title that genre fans shouldn't miss.
It brings together an impressive cast of SEGA characters too, which is a nice touch, and combined with its transformed racing mechanics that take players across land, sea and air - this is one of the most complete kart racers out there and a great addition to the Xbox backwards compatibility program.
- Xbox Game Pass: No
Comments 39
We got spoilt for games during the 360 days so many amazing games on the list and not mentioned!
I wish we could still buy the orange box digitally I must look for a physical copy just to play half life again!
It's a brilliant feature, but not true backwards compatibility. You are using your disc, or previous digital license to download an emulated version of the game.
Additionally it's still only a tiny percentage of older Xbox titles, I believe it's around 6% of OG Xbox and 29% of X360 titles. Would love them to expand this, especially with features like 4K for OG Xbox (X-enhanced) and 60fps (FPS boost) as it makes a huge difference when playing the older titles today.
@Ricky-Spanish I still have my physical copy of the Orange Box for this reason, though it's so sun bleached that the spine is not very orange anymore!
Leaving Driver: San Francisco off this list is a shame. Fully playable(disc only) and fully fun as heck!
Mmm! Wouldn't mind playing GOW3 again, it's been a while.
@themightyant I used to gameshare with a mate on 360 back in the day he got this on his profile so that's how I played it portal and the half life's are just 10/10 games for the time!
@themightyant I just checked cex there only 5 in there stores in my country (Ireland) and it's 38 euro🤯
I see you all left Far Cry 2 off the list........ so very wrong.
Still my favorite Far Cry to this day, first game I bought when I got my Series X
Any suggestions may make it onto future lists, just saying 👀
We try to include everything but there are SO MANY great games in this library 😭
I have just recently picked up a 360 because my son was interested in it.
Best part is that I managed to get a Kinect for £1, then a bunch of games for <£10
GTA 4 also has an unlocked frame rate, so on the Series X and S, it's 60 fps which makes the game that much better.
The Kong game is fantastic, I recently replayed the GC version and was impressed at how well it held up.
This is my official request for the next list / extension:
Alice: Madness Returns.
was a GREAT game! and you got the original included with the game, so 2 for 1 - this game was half of my personality as a teen..
also fable 2 was another good one, and L4D - i feel like you can summon a generation of gamers with the witches sound alone.
this is a great article v helpful
SPLIT/SECOND is still a great racing game!
I've been playing Crimson Skies and Ninja Gaiden Black from the OG Xbox on my series X over the last couple of weeks. It's amazing how well titles from the 6th gen will hold up if they simply get a resolution increase!
Gladius it's a largely unknown but really fun SRPG from LucasArts.
Mirrors Edge is an incredible game.
It is definitely not a First-person shooter. Think of it more as a puzzle game. How do I get from A to B to C, as quickly as possible?
The game can, and really should, be completed without shooting anybody at all. The only time I picked up a pistol, I just used it to break a window.
The hand-to-hand combat is really tricky in first-person, especially when your opponents have guns, and you do not. But a well-timed disarm will leave your opponent unconscious.
When the game flows, and runs really well at speed, it is amazing. There is truly no other game quite like Mirrors Edge.
@Ricky-Spanish OOF! that sucks. Good luck finding it for a reasonable price.
@Brigurugi Second this. As I wrote on Bluesky, if you have an Xbox Series X with a disc drive, or an Xbox One/S/X, and if you can find a physical copy at a decent price, then I highly recommend Driver: San Francisco. A good cheesy story (in a good way), with a unique gameplay mechanic that I haven't seen in any other game. An amazing game and a unique experience.
With Buffy the Vampire Slayer getting a new reboot season, I would love for them to bring back the two OG Xbox Buffy games from back in the day, remastered. (Hear me, Night Dive and Aspyr?)...
been playing red dead revolver, simple arcade shooter that holds up well and plays smooth
10 more amazing games/franchises not listed here:
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts - Still a seriously impressive game in 2025.
Ninja Gaiden Black and 2 - These are considered the best versions of these games and are still unavailable to play anywhere else.
Splinter Cell series - The entire mainline series is playable on Xbox - you'll need discs for 2 and the "old gen" version of 4.
Call of Duty series - The true high points of the series are all available and (I believe) playable online.
Banjo Kazooie, Tooie and Perfect Dark Remasters. Far better than the versions available on Switch.
Elder Scrolls series: Morrowind and Oblivion - The strangest and the most charming worlds in the series.
Rainbow 6 Vegas series - Online is no longer present but the campaign and T Hunt modes still shine.
Halo 3, ODST, Reach - I still like booting these versions up for the menus and loading screens. So much identity in those elements which didn't make it over to the MCC.
Star Wars: Kotor 1/2, Republic Commando, Battlefront 1/2 - still some of the best Star Wars games out there.
Metal Gear Rising Revengence - Possibly Platinum Games' best effort and easily my favourite Metal Gear game (sorry)
@abe_hikura I discovered the GameCube version a few years back on a hidden gems segment of a podcast. Bought it dead cheap and played it through. It’s a tremendous game and heads and shoulders about the vast majority of licensed games. It helps that Peter Jackson himself was heavily involved in the making of the game.
Criminal lack of Panzer Dragoon Orta here!
Blue Dragon
F.E.A.R. Trilogy
Infinite Undiscovery
Lost Odyssey
I think there are far better games that were not mentioned - F.E.A.R., Condemned, Max Payne, Max Payne 2, Manhunt, Splinter Cell Trilogy.
I wish they'd add Circus Maximus for the original Xbox. So much fun as a kid playing those outlandishly fun games
I play seemingly as much retro (including Xbox THREE, while that not a typo) as current X | S.
Really fantastic titles that I had never at least got too much into yesteryear.
You added the abomination of King Kong but didn't add ssx3 what are you thinking
Like other users have said before, the list is not very good and you didn't include any of Rare's games. I wasn't going to say anything, but since you asked...
@Dampsponge Oh yeah, I absolutely loved the SSX games, especially SSX Tricky.
I'd love to see Blur, Wolfenstein 2009, the Saboteur, and Singularity return to being playable on modern systems again via digital marketplaces now that Xbox owns Bethesda and Activision.
I won't hold my breath for them though.
If you have someone to play couch co-op with, I can’t recommend Earth Defense Force 2025 enough! One of my absolute favourite Xbox 360 games.
Nostalgia alone will never let a new Elder Scrolls beat Oblivion for me outside of a full modern remake.
At least it's playable on PC and is fun on the Steam Deck. Still, a shame that EA made sure the series is done for despite American McGee having already started work on another Alice game.
Mate I know right, it's a crime.. the legal binding he got put into with EA just makes sure he can't bring it out officially, however there's an indie developer/level designer who is making it as a fan project!
l4d2 is the GOAT zombie game. got it on pc and 360, but the games just so old now that i naturally moved on. still my favorite game of all time nonetheless
Binary Domain, Split Second (no Blur is sad), Time Splitters, Black 2006 I can understand, Fable maybe.
Burnout is overrated. I near beat Revenge on PS2, own 360 version to look at the bad lighting and that's it.
Otherwise the rest are overrated and pass. Decent sure, best, eh got other IPs I'd rather see back compat on OG Xbox then play those 360 games.
Even other 360 games I'd rather see back compat that aren't.
I have different IP/gameplay preferences, not whatever story/theme/worlds/whatever animations and context. I get why for presentation sake but there is a reason I preferred PS2/Wii/PSP versions, gameplay not presentation I don't care about. So oh they may be dull to look at or decent at level design. Yeah but I still wanted to beat them/binge them on understood hardware regardless of how dull they dull compared to presentation that's modern, dull and boring.
I didn't want to play a Burnout 5 or boring bland Hot Pursuit 2010 on 360/Remastered, I binged the Wii version. Don't tell me my fun isn't real if the presentation or gameplay and different arcadey feel or goal of audience was intended on the Wii version and it shows.
Cutting things out of PS2/Wii Sonic Unleashed over PS3/360 version open world nonsense parts or whatever different levels sure as some can't be flashy or do-able on PS2/Wii. Doesn't bother me.
If a good idea happens it happens. Battlefront 3 was limited to keeping what they could of Elite Squadron and sure cutscenes on PSP but even still. They still had it besides how the PS3/360 would have been more natural transition. No Man's Sky had to do it on PS4 because no one cared to follow up or offer that kind of theming/idea again. I'm not saying NMS was inspired by it. I'm saying someone was willing to execute that idea. Haven Call of the King did it more segments on PS2 in 2002 for endgame. Tell me devs don't care in some shape or form for some ideas and others don't for the bare minimum of boring worlds/other priorities for audiences when I'd rather see other things happen in games that don't. When is my hivemind robot/insect learning, forgetting, creating their own moves from enough aspects made to allow for it. Nowhere, don't need AI, I need animators to put the effort in and programmers to work around it. But nope. Aka laziness and good idea I thought up myself. XD
I know it's not one of the more popular FF series, but FF XIII looks and plays fantastic on the XSX. I've not played the other two games in the trilogy but I would assume they were given the same kind of love when made available for the XSX/S.
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