Microsoft's recent record-breaking acquisition of Activision Blizzard for a cool $70bn brings some of gaming's most-well known franchises, and industry-leading developers, under the banner of the Washington-based corporation.
The likes of Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Guitar Hero, Diablo and many, many more could presumably all be on the way to Game Pass, with Microsoft Gaming CEO, Phil Spencer, announcing that the company will "offer as many Activision Blizzard games as we can within Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass, both new titles and games from Activision Blizzard’s incredible catalog."
So, while it remains pretty unclear what this huge deal means for some of these massive franchises going forward on other platforms, Xbox gamers can, it seems, look forward to a ton of great titles hitting the console's subscription service in the not-too-distant future.
With this in mind, we've put together a very quick list of the ten ActiBlizz games we'd personally love to see hitting Game Pass first.
Let's jump in!
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered (Xbox One)
It's likely we'll see most, if not all, of the Call of Duty series hit Game Pass in the future now that this enormous deal has been signed between Microsoft and ActiviBlizz but, if we had to pick just one we'd want to have on there, we're gonna go with a wonderful remaster of an all-time classic.
2007's Modern Warfare was arguably the game that really put Call of Duty on the map, one of the truly great first person shooters, and this 2016 revamp gives the whole thing a lovely lick of paint, with high def textures, fancy lighting and everything else you'd expect from a more recent shooter release, resulting in a beautiful return to a series highlight. If they only put one on Game Pass, this classic is the one we want.
Overwatch (Xbox One)
Overwatch really was quite the phenomenon wasn't it. The bright and boisterous team-based shooter that so many have tried (and mostly failed) to ape since its original release all the way back in 2016, it's a stellar game, and one that could really benefit from hitting Game Pass.
With new content now light on the ground, no new characters on the horizon and a sequel that still seems to be stuck in a problematic development, a release on Game Pass could give this one a shot in the arm and carry it through its final days until we eventually get our hands on Overwatch 2. Get this one on Microsoft's subscription service ASAP and watch the players flock back to it we reckon.
Diablo III: Eternal Collection (Xbox One)
The absolute daddy of dungeon-crawlers, Diablo 3 still retails at a premium price tag these days, some nine (!) years after it first launched and for good reason, it's an astounding game, one of the true greats, that's every bit as enjoyable and addictive now as it was when it first dropped.
We'd love to see this one arrive on Game Pass ASAP, if only to give us a reason - not that we really need one - to return to its amazing core gameplay loop of sweaty, atmospheric dungeon-crawling and the sweet, sweet hoovering up of endless mountains of wonderful loot. Honestly, get a few friends together for some co-op on this one and there's not much better.
With Diablo 4 now on the way, it is time to unleash this action-RPG classic upon the masses, and give it the send off it deserves.
Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time (Xbox Series X|S)
The latest Crash Bandicoot adventure is a truly stunning bit of work, a delightfully colourful romp that looks amazing, sounds fantastic and has a surprising amount of challenge and replayability built into its outwardly cute-looking levels.
Back when we reviewed it in March of 2021, we called Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time "a thoroughly entertaining, slick and addictive addition to the series that funnels players through a meaty campaign packed to bursting point with inventive set-pieces and devilishly devious level design" and we stand by every word. This is one of the great platformers currently available on consoles and a game we can't wait to see drop onto Game Pass in order for more people to jump in and enjoy.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 (Xbox Series X|S)
What a package. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 brings together not just two of the best skateboarding games, but two of the best video game experiences period, in one amazing collection that's now been enhanced for next-gen consoles.
This really is as good as it gets, two stone cold classics reworked and remastered for modern audiences into an experience that serves up endlessly addictive skateboarding action that's never felt better to get to grips with. It's arcade perfection. As we said in our review, this collection "does a great job at recapturing the magic of Pro Skater's early days while also modernising them for the current generation...and now we can't wait to see where Activision takes the series next.
Make no mistake, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 dropping on Game Pass will be one seriously rad day.
World of Warcraft (Xbox for PC)
World of Warcraft has been around in some form or another for seventeen years and, although it's seen a bit of an exodus of players in recent times, it's a game that's still hugely popular and one that could really only benefit from dropping onto Xbox Game Pass, removing fiddly subscription costs and giving the service's 25 million subscribers the opportunity to jump in and see what all the fuss is about.
With the game's last big expansion, Shadowlands, having dropped as recently as 2020 and a rumoured Dragon Isles-based expansion potentially arriving sometime after 2022, there's still plenty of life in this old dog and a big release on Game Pass could only be a positive step forward.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (Xbox One)
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice could well be our favourite FromSoftware game, and that's really saying something given their ridiculous back-catalogue, so we'd obviously absolutely love to see it arrive on Game Pass as quickly as is possible.
However this one isn't, perhaps, quite so straightforward. The deal between Microsoft and Activision Blizzard is one thing, but some sort of further agreement would likely need to be made with FromSoftware in order for us to see this slick shinobi action arrive on Microsoft's subscription service. We can but live in hope that the Wolf makes his way sooner rather than later, as this is one game that everyone should get to experience.
Spyro Reignited Trilogy (Xbox One)
A real treasure trove of fun times for younger gamers and those among us with nostalgia for Insomniac's mischievous little dragon (not to mention a great trilogy for quick achievement hunters to dig into) Spyro Reignited Trilogy is a wonderful remaster of three excellent platforming adventures that are aimed squarely at kids but have just enough about them to make them entertaining to all we reckon.
With charming world design, smooth controls and plenty of magical levels to bound through, good old Toys For Bob has served up a beautifully restored slice of 90's action here that we can't wait to get stuck into with the family if/when it arrives on Game Pass.
King's Quest: The Complete Collection (Xbox One)
We were gonna go all out and include the original King's Quest here, but instead we've settled on the rather fantastic 2016 "reimagining" brought to us by The Odd Gentlemen.
King's Quest: The Complete Collection is a wonderful package of five distinct chapters that hits hard with nostalgia and does a fantastic job of weaving a new tale - brought to life by some fantastic voice talent such as Wallace Shawn and Christopher Lloyd - whilst remaining faithful to series canon and retaining the classic puzzle/narrative driven adventure gameplay that diehard fans will expect.
We absolutely loved this collection when we played it at release, it's right up there with the much more successful Telltale narrative adventures for us, and bringing it to Game Pass is a great way to ensure a whole bunch of players who may have overlooked it get to share in the magic.
Guitar Hero Live (Xbox One)
Yes, good old Guitar Hero, we would so love to see it make a big return, and bringing it to Game Pass - although we're well aware of the difficulties this could entail regarding peripherals and licensing - could be an amazing way to reignite our love for this amazing franchise.
We could go on and on about it here, but why not check out Ben's recent Soapbox for a much more in-depth and impassioned argument as to why we need to get this musical monster onto Microsoft's subscription service ASAP.
And yes, we've tagged Guitar Hero: Live here (simply because it's the only Xbox One game in the series), but really we'd be happy with any Guitar Hero game at this point, and even DJ Hero if Microsoft could find a way to make that peripheral backwards compatible. Anything will do... but we understand it's probably a long shot.
Do you agree with our choices in the list above? Which Activision Blizzard titles would you like to see hit Game Pass first? As always, let us know in the comments!
Comments 19
The only game I have purchased since I subscribed to gamepass is call of duty. This is excellent now that I don’t have to pay for that. Also, I think the time is right for guitar hero to come back, it’s been long enough for a new generation to discover the joy of little plastic guitars.
i haven't played an Activision game for several years now. I got CoD: Cold War as part of my PS5 bundle but still not played it. The only games here I have played is CoD:MW remastered and Diablo 3...
Hoping to see the Xbox 360 Tony Hawk, Crash and Spyro games pop up. Get American Wasteland and Legend of Spyro on BC and gamepass 👌
Edit: also, add the OG Xbox games while they’re at it. THPS 3,4 etc.
I really hope older titles make it to the service. I still own THAW for 360 but can’t play it because it lacks Backwards Compatibility but I also want previous installments. I want Crash Twinsanity, GH 3 and 4, and every game I loved during the PS2 era (but Xbox versions)
I believe activision developed the X-men legends games and marvel ultimate alliance, which I have but can not play on anything but the original 360. I hope they can get those games back up and in game pass.
would love to see some COD games come to gamepass..
Highly doubt they will get rid of WoWs business model. They have not done that for any game in any of their stuidos and it will be counter productive with one of the biggest GAAS around.
Hell, Fallout 76 still offers their paid service and ESO still sells the expansion packs (and optional premium membership) with only the base game offered in GamePass.
Best I can see is regular perks were new players, or players that been inactive for a year or more, are given a chance to play a month for free.
Was holding out on Sekiro just in case it comes out on Game Pass, but after reading this useful article, I guess it's a lot more complicated than I first imagined (for Sekiro at least). I'll buy it soon I guess!
@Medic_Alert I hate to be a negative nancy, but I completely agree.
I was taken aback by the staggering amount Microsoft paid for Activision, because they're not a developer that's ever been on my radar at all really. I mean, looking at the list - objectively there are some very big games, but most of them don't appeal to me at all, so just from my own perspective it seemed absolutely nuts they are worth that much. Even objectively, only Call of Duty seems like the only real big hitter now.
Do you think they overpaid? I wonder at what point this deal will be profitable for Microsoft. I thought it was probably just to make COD exclusive, but they seem to suggest it will be multiplatform.
@K1LLEGAL yes! I’ve wanted American Wasteland on BC so bad. I’m glad for all the games they did make BC but that’s one I really wanted them to do before they stopped.
Here’s to hoping there can be remaster packages of classic Tonh Hawk games or something like that when MS gets these studios back to exploring properties.
As far as potential family / kid's games go, I think Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled has a lot more appeal than Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time. A remake (or even a straight port) of the original Crash Team Racing would be pretty cool too.
And as far as World of Warcraft goes, I'd like to see single-player action RPGs exploring the series' myths and lore. They could probably get away with re-using some assets from World of Warcraft, and if done right it could bring more people into the online game.
I'm looking forward to Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 and Sekiro from that list. I would also love WoW to come to console in some way too.
The Crash games would be huge for Game Pass in terms of kid-friendly titles. Same with Spyro.
COD obviously goes without saying.
If they could do a World of Warcraft console version, that would also help fill that void since there's still no FF 14 on Xbox.
I'm looking forward to any new Blizzard games. Loved old Blizzard stuff do hopefully they can make great stuff again. Also ... bring back rock no roll racing!!! CoD I'll play the campaign's, crash and Spyro would be great with the kids. Overwatch was fun on PC but i suck on mouse and keyboard so i would definitely give it s go again on Xbox in gamepass.
Just make good stuff.
@Tharsman They wouldn’t have to completely remove the model. They can keep the subscription service going for anyone not playing through GamePass, no?
@Medic_Alert completely agree. Considering they spent $69bn you’d expect to be more excited here.
I feel it’s probably a good bit of business for the King/mobile, Blizzard/PC & COD IP parts of the equation but for Xbox only this is pretty underwhelming for that much spend.
@Dydreamr love to see X-Men Legends pop up on there but I doubt it with them licensed games.
@FatalBubbles they could to the same for ESO and they didn’t.
Besides, I WoW subscription monthly fee is actually higher than Game Pass PC, and the same as Ultimate.
So, could they? Maybe, but why would they?
I think the most realistic expectation are perks that either give you a free month once in a while or a discount to the membership.
I know it's a nintendo's exclusive but i wish we had marvel ultimate alliance 1,2,3 added to gamepass. I was a fan of x-men legends 1 & 2 as well,microsoft should buy or at least team up with platinum games as well.
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