Latest Reviews of HandyGames Games
Review Super Party Sports: Football (Xbox One)
Off your head
Indie titles are coming across to the Xbox One thick and fast and while some publishers are trying to port any old mobile game to the platform, that approach isn't necessarily going to work as gamers are getting wary. Fortunately though, some titles work just as well on console as they do on mobile. Super Party Sports: Football is one...
Latest HandyGames Articles
News 'PERISH' Marks The Launch Of New Hellish FPS On Xbox Series X|S
Lowkey slaying
So, during our weekend release roundup we detailed a new Xbox FPS called PERISH that looked pretty darn fun, and well, HandyGames' shooter is officially out now on console after a year or so on Steam. That Steam release has brought in a 'Mostly Positive' rating so far, so we're keen to see how this indie shooter lands with an Xbox...
News 'PERISH' Marks The Launch Of New Hellish FPS On Xbox Series X|S
Lowkey slaying
So, during our weekend release roundup we detailed a new Xbox FPS called PERISH that looked pretty darn fun, and well, HandyGames' shooter is officially out now on console after a year or so on Steam. That Steam release has brought in a 'Mostly Positive' rating so far, so we're keen to see how this indie shooter lands with an Xbox...