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21 (18 reviews)
First Article
Tue 31st, March 2015
Avg. Review Score
  • Review Hard Reset Redux (Xbox One)

    Domo arigato, Mr Roboto!

    Hard Reset Redux is a remake of a PC FPS that was first released back in September 2011, created by Polish developers Flying Wild Hog. It received an expansion entitled Exile in 2012, and now the whole shooting match has been released into the crowded Xbox shooter market. Story driven, the game is a single player experience,...

  • Review Soul Axiom (Xbox One)

    Soul survivor? It's in your hands...

    Soul Axiom is a first person perspective puzzle game, first released for the PC back in February this year by Wales Interactive. Now released on to the console market, can this story driven puzzler cut the mustard, or does it earn itself a raspberry? The game begins as it means to go on, as your character...

  • Review Azkend 2: The World Beneath (Xbox One)

    Not a love match.

    Azkend 2: The World Beneath is the latest assault on the Xbox market from the prolific guys over at 10tons Ltd and unsurprisingly, its another match-3 (or more) puzzle game. Much like their last two attempts to crack the puzzle fanbase, Sparkle Unleashed and Sparkle 2, this is a relatively simple puzzler that is unlikely to stretch...

  • Review Battleborn (Xbox One)

    Not Today, Geoff...

    Battleborn is - as you probably already know and as the box art trumpets - is from Gearbox, the same people who made Borderlands. The question is, can this new game make the same kind of splash that Borderlands did? Mixing seemingly disparate elements from the world of FPS, RPG and MOBA, does it blend into a delicious smoothie,...

  • Review Hitman: Episode 2 - Sapienza (Xbox One)

    Time to kill...

    The second episode of the Hitman (Xbox One) content sees the titular assassin leaving the bright lights of Paris and heading to the idyllic Amalfi coast in Italy. The peaceful town of Sapienza hides a dark secret, as a troubled genius has set up home in a mansion in the town, and is busily creating a devastating bio weapon in the en...

  • News Dark Souls Based Board Game Obliterates Kickstarter Target

    They only wanted £50,000...

    In other news surrounding the hype of the Dark Souls III launch, Steamforged Games have put an idea for a Dark Souls-based board game on Kickstarter. The company put up a request for £50,000 - which seems a lot to regular working Joes like us. However, this idea has really caught the imagination of the internet, and...

  • Review Hitman (Xbox One)

    Enter an (episodic) world of assassination

    Back in the day, the Hitman series brought a complex mix of costumes, stealth and planning to the murky world of the gun-for-hire assassin. As the the titular Hitman - Agent 47 - you were given a target, a selection of weaponry and left to your own devices to make the hit a reality. We still fondly remember...

  • Review Teslagrad (Xbox One)

    "I Give Up, This Whole Thing's Very Russian!"

    Any game that will allow us to use a line of dialogue from the Schwarzenegger classic Red Heat as a tagline is already a long way to winning a place in our gaming hearts. The fact that the line fits the whole style of the game is just the icing on the cake. Coming from Rain Games, Teslagrad is a...

  • Review Cel Damage HD (Xbox One)

    Racing back in time

    Back in 2001, Cel Damage was released for the original Xbox. Offering a cartoony, cel shaded take on the then popular vehicular combat genre, it was an immediate hit and many people still have a soft spot for it today. Fast forward to 2016, and Frontline Games have produced an HD remake of the game, but has time been kind, or...

  • Review Ironcast (Xbox One)

    Take That, Jeremy, You Bounder!

    Ironcast is an odd beast. After a successful Kickstarter campaign by its developers Dreadbit, the game was released on PC back in May 2015. The conversion to console is now here, and we can see what all the fuss has been about. At its heart, Ironcast is a simple colour-matching puzzle game, but the strategy and...

  • Review D/Generation HD (Xbox One)

    Jetpack couriers need a trade union...

    D/Generation HD is a reworking of a fondly remembered action/adventure/puzzle game that was first released back in 1991, on PC, Amiga and ST. According to developers West Coast Software Ltd, the game has been recreated from the original source code and still contains all the original features, but has had a...

  • Review LEGO Marvel's Avengers (Xbox One)

    Assemble Avengers!

    Traveller's Tales have been ambitious with this, the latest in the chain of LEGO games which stretch back into the mists of time. Promising as it does to include content from Avengers Assemble, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Iron Man 3 and Thor:The Dark World,...

  • Review Sparkle 2 (Xbox One)

    Keep Rollin', Rollin', Rollin' On!

    Sparkle 2 is a follow up to last year's Sparkle Unleashed, both developed by 10tons Games of course, and it's fair to say that they to have been working on a policy of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." This year's offering could be termed an evolution of the original game, rather than a revolution (pun definitely...

  • Review Cubot - The Complexity of Simplicity (Xbox One)

    Simply complex...or something along those lines

    Cubot - The Complexity of Simplicity is a game that makes a virtue of its simplicity. At its heart, it is very clearly a mobile game transplanted on to the Xbox One. It's fair to say it doesn't stretch the graphical abilities of the console but are the whistles and bells successfully replaced with old...

  • Review Starpoint Gemini 2 (Xbox One)

    To Boldly Go...

    Starpoint Gemini 2 is a direct sequel to Starpoint Gemini, which was released for PC back in 2010, developed by Little Green Men Games. It's described as a "space trading and combat simulator" which takes place in the Gemini system, a large area of various interlinked regions. There are upwards of 70 individual ships to pilot, which...

  • Review Toto Temple Deluxe (Xbox One)

    Partly party

    Toto Temple Deluxe is yet another entry into the recently bulging "party game" segment of the Xbox One market. We all know the type of game that the description of the genre conjours up, with those titles generally being a bit limited in single player, but coming alive when like-minded friends pop round with some intoxicating liquor, or...

  • Review Wasteland 2: Director's Cut (Xbox One)

    Putting The Fun Back Into "Dysfunctional"?

    First released on the PC back in September 2014, Wasteland 2: Director's Cut is a sequel to the 1988 title Wasteland, a game that has been credited with providing the inspiration for the Fallout series of games. So, it has quite a legacy to live up to, and some mighty big boots to fill! The question we hope...

  • Review Skylanders SuperChargers (Xbox One)

    Supercharged ... or running out of steam?

    Skylanders Superchargers is the latest in a chain of games featuring the Skylanders, a collection of plastic figures that are transformed by the "Portal of Power" into characters you can control on the screen. So far, it's been so good. Each year, a new refinement to the formula is introduced. We've had...

  • Review Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition (Xbox One)

    To Infinity...and beyond?

    Everyone in the world has heard of Disney Infinity by now. Well, at least those of us with children certainly have! The Disney take on the formula started by the Skylanders has always had a different slant, with much more emphasis being placed on community-created content. The Toy Box mode allows whole games and worlds to...

  • News Gears of War Ultimate Beta Gets Timed Skin Unlocks

    Changes to unlocked weapon skins and more

    In a post on the Gears of War Forums, it has been announced that there will be a change to the way that weapon skins are unlocked for participants in the Gears of War Ultimate Edition beta. In their words: Hey folks, Due to many issues with folks getting into the beta due to code receiving and redeeming...

  • News New Skylanders Trap Team Figures Detailed

    Just when you thought it was safe to get your wallet out...

    According to the official website, Skylanders Trap Team will be seeing a plethora of new figures hit the shelves in time for Easter. These include: Fire Element : Small Fry and Weeruptor, two mini versions of other Skylanders; Water Element : Echo, a musical dragon Gill Runt, a mini...