
Topic: Paramount Plus Perk Disappeared

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I had claimed the recent Paramount Plus perk but it has now disappeared from my ‘current codes section’ of the Game Pass app on Series X,

I thought the expiry date was in May..?

Has this happened to anyone else?

I was looking forward to checking it out!

(Apparently my message is too short or vague so now I am writing some more details such as umm I am based in the UK.)



@itsgood2slide The code was probably still valid but I think the little holding area refreshes quite regularly, sorry friend.

I wonder if you received an email with the code also? I tend to delete emails on autopilot so can’t confirm.

Edited on by Bundersvessel

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


No, it doesn’t seem to have generated an email 😥



@itsgood2slide Unfortunate, they have run the promo a couple of times now though so keep an eye out. Sorry mate

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


ive had the same the perk disappearing it was claim by 7/4/24 and redeem by 10/5/24. annoying as i was waiting for twisted metal to go on there before i redeemed it, as soon as that goes on there the perk disappeared annoying

lesson learned i will not down web address in future so i can use it if i disappears



@trev666 Aw mate, no way! I think Paramount are fairly generous with trials, I’ve taken two with different emails on top of the gamepass perk ones. I find the codes that you can’t claim on console annoying as I also forget to claim them 🤷 first world problems eh

Edited on by Bundersvessel

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


youtube premium perk has also disappeared now after claiming


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