
Topic: The Chit-Chat Thread

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@dmcc0 Thank you! If I do get Game Pass again, I’ll give some new games a go.

Viva happy!

Also, is liking mint chip ice cream a crime?

Currently playing: Rare Replay, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Conker: Live and Reloaded

Current hyperfixation: Conker’s Bad Fur Day

Xbox Gamertag: VividSkies1778


@Pastellioli as you may know, Game Pass is regularly changing what games it offers - New Games (not always 'new' releases) are added and some games are removed so can always find something new to 'try'. Even if its not something I would 'normally' buy/play, it does offer something different to my 'Backlog'.

If you are old enough to remember Magazines with 'trials/demo's', some games you'd never have considered buying, but after trying the demo on disc, you want to play. Game Pass lets you 'demo' any game and 'if' you enjoy it, you can keep playing until you have finished - no 'obligation' to buy, but you'll also get a 'bigger' discount if you choose to buy by having Game Pass.

I don't get 'bored' of gaming or find myself not wanting to play because of the 'choice' of games I have in my backlog for example because I can usually find something that I want to play or even just 'try'. Also know that games like Hellblade, Avowed, Fable etc will also be on GP day 1 so it makes 'financial' sense to me to keep my Subscription.

Everyone is different of course and it suits me...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy

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