Tag: Nasa
News NASA Releases Another Free Xbox Game, Complete With Achievements (1000G)
It's a really easy completion!
Cast your mind back to a few months ago, and you remember "To The Moon And Beyond" - a free educational game released on the Xbox Store by NASA. Well, we've got another one now! It's called Space Science Investigations. Once again, this is an educational game in which you need to watch a few videos and complete a few...
News NASA Releases Free Xbox Game, Complete With Achievements (1000G)
Ready for launch
Yes, NASA has a free new Xbox game on the Microsoft Store! It's called To The Moon and Beyond, and not only does it include zero microtransactions whatsoever, but it also comes with full achievement support. The game is a single-player card-based title, in which your goal is to manage and build up your own space program to safely...