Call of Duty is a juggernaut franchise and has been for decades at this point, and it was the Xbox 360 era of the franchise that got the ball well and truly rolling. Annual releases became the norm that generation, but as it turns out, there were some projects — quite far along in development might we add — that never saw the light of day.
Doing the rounds on social media today are a bunch of clips from 'NX1', an unreleased Call of Duty title that was seemingly in the works around the time of Call of Duty: Ghosts' launch. Here's 10-minutes of campaign footage from the project:
That's not all though, as it turns out. This project was seemingly even further along than you might expect - it had multiplayer modes up-and-running too. Down below is a short clip of CoD multiplayer from NX1:
We're not sure on the full source of these leaks, but the timing is certainly interesting considering Microsoft just fired almost 2,000 people across its gaming division - including Activision Blizzard employees.
Anyway, NX1 isn't likely to ever see the light of day considering it was in development over a decade ago at studio Neversoft. Some of its ideas may have found their way into other CoD games though - it's a futuristic title and we got a bunch of those right after CoD: Ghosts released in 2013.