Due to 2022's unfortunate slate of delays, we've always looked at 2023 as a pretty stacked year for Xbox Game Studios. Redfall, Starfield, and Forza Motorsport are all planned for the first half of next year, however it appears Xbox originally had a pretty packed lineup planned for 2023 anyway.
VentureBeat reporter Jeff Grubb recently guested on the Xbox Expansion Pass podcast, discussing Microsoft's upcoming slate of exclusive games. Grubb says he knew of nine or so exclusive titles that were originally planned for Xbox's 2023 slate, based on an internal 2021-2022 schedule. Here are the games mentioned:
"They had a bunch of games on the docket from like 2021 through to 2022 [revealing] where they expected to be in 2023. This is just like their internal schedule, and it definitely is subject to change."
- Hellblade 2
- Perfect Dark
- Fable
- Contraband
- Avowed
- Everwild
- InXile's next game
- Compulsion Games' upcoming title
- The Coalition's non-Gears project
"It's a lot, but you know immediately just reading that list that some of those don't pass the smell test - Everwild is not coming out next year, there's no way... I do think Hellblade 2 has a strong chance of coming out in the second half of next year, but also could easily get pushed into 2024."
"Really, what you need is like, two of these games to fill out the second half of the year. And if you get to that point, then we're hitting one game per-quarter on average at least..."
That's a lot of stuff for one year! As Grubb mentioned, however, schedules are easily shifted. He went on to speculate that the likes of Avowed, Perfect Dark, Fable and Contraband could still take another couple of years to surface yet, but "who's to say" whether we might end up seeing them in 2023 instead.
When you factor in Forza and the two big Bethesda titles for next year, 2023 is already looking pretty healthy for Xbox, so let's hope we can add a couple more major titles from this list as well. We're keeping the faith!
Which of these titles do you think we'll see in 2023? Comment down below and let us know.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 86
I dont think we will get any other first party Exclusives in 2023, apart from Starfield, Redfall and Forza Motorsport.
Games like Fable, Everwild and Avowed are easily 2-4 years away
Probably only one. Hellblade. And the only reason I expect that is because it is an acquired studio's game.
This far Microsoft has shown repeatedly they don't know how to run their first party studios. I'm not expecting a release on anything else for another other 2 or 3 years minimum.
I can't help but feel this is why Microsoft is trying to snatch up developers, so that have people that are already in established work flows in building games.
The fact that Everwild is in that list of expected games makes it pretty clear it's several years out of date. This information is about as much use as a wet towel.
Most, if not all, of these titles interests me. Not sure about Everwild, but the rest I am highly likely to play. That said, the game I really, really want, is Gears 6, not just because I just love Gears, but also because I would love to know how they are going to handle the death of one or the other main characters; is there going to be a canon death, or will it be based on your own choice? Or will there be some manner of resurrection for that character? So looking forward to Gears 6 it's frankly ridiculous...
HellBlade franchise and studio is 1st party bud
All I will say is let’s the big 3 by June 2023 and the AAA quality before we get ahead of ourselves.
As promised at their showcase.
They said Nine games, 12 are listed.
Playground Games is notorious for NOT showing games before they are ready. If Fable is ready to ship, we won't find out until 4 or 5 months before release.
All we seem to have this year 2022 and chat about on here is delays and what is coming.
Let’s see if 2023 changes this or will it be another year of empties, big AAA exclusive wise.
DeathLoop came out today and it’s first party
Starfield, Redfall, Forza Motorsport, and my guess Ghostwire Tokyo, Contraband, and Hellblade 2 will be out next year. It will be a good year next year. Plus the other goodies coming to game pass.
@Dezzy70 DeathLoop came out today and it’s first party
Chat chat chat Microsoft making games etc etc.
where are they Xbox??????????????
No release dates year for the big 3 by June 2023
Yeah a year after PlayStation.
@Dezzy70 contracts my good sir. So is Ghostwire
Seeing the Coalition move forward with a non-gears project just reminds me how disfunctional 343i has been.
InXile's new game and Avowed are my most anticipated titles until I've seen what they've done to Perfect Dark.
They are old games before Xbox took over.
Ambitious list... I don't believe most of those games will be ready for 2023. launch, and I'll adapt my GP subscription habits accordingly
Hopefully, I'm wrong and they make a fool out of me.
All studios are behind making games. that’s why 90% of PlayStation exclusives are remakes, there easier to make and have multiple first party studios making one game
Chat chat chat Microsoft making games etc etc.
where are they Xbox??????????????
No release dates yet for the big 3 by June 2023
@Dezzy70 it doesn’t negate the fact that games take a while to make. Those companies just made those games a year ago so they’re still working on whatever new stuff they’re working on.
So it takes a while for Xbox to pump out games
You think the activision merger Xbox will instantly pump out exclusives?
The next 2 years should be packed with releases.
For as bad as it is now, there will be a point in the near future where xbox has to hold finished projects so they don't release too close to other games.
Very good point what do they have not much
I think they will focus on PSVR2
and pay for game development like Forspoken etc.
It’s not about Sony and Nintendo.
It about where my big first party AAA games for my Series x Microsoft.
Sorry forget like the six years they spent on Halo Infinite to much overall disappointment
Including myself and some on here.
Right now, I’d love to believe that Xbox will make up for the barren year this year and last (and quite frankly, the last generation) in 2023. I’d like to see Xbox have a good year, a year that has better news for them than “Xbox Buying Activision” or “Xbox is so awesome bringing years old games to Gamepass Day 1 when they finally release on Xbox.” It’s about time that Day 1 Xbox Gamepass exclusives start rolling out and start proving the value of the ecosystem. If Xbox could just manage 6 big title exclusives a year, that’d go a long way. They’ve got the studios for it and the money to make it happen. I’d like to see Xbox at least be comparable to Sony in the quality of their first party output.
@Dezzy70 MMC? Plus Halo Infinite was their first open world, live service game, and the game is supposed to last for the next 10 years
Really hope you are right.
As for being as good overall as Sony AAA in quality.
Yes FH5 is the only one so far.
But probably Forza will be.
Starfield no way
Redfall no way
@somnambulance that’s asking a lot, considering that most of those studios that they purchase are small, Activision buy hasn’t gone through yet.
Come on the game is a let down
Both in campaign and multiplayer
@Dezzy70 I agree bro, but look up other live services like destiny and the division. When they first started out they were awful, and overtime They got better and those games didn’t come out during the pandemic like Halo
@Dezzy70 rainbow six siege is probably a closer example, but they didn’t even have a campaign
I think Hellblade 2, contraband and maybe Avowed have a chance. As e3 was all about up to June 23 I’m hoping the game awards see a couple of the games in the article with late 2023 dates on them.
Couple that with the Activision buyout it could be a massive year.
Just for a heads up, this is the guy that has been saying for YEARS now that Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD and Metroid Prime Remastered are “imminently” coming to Switch.
He’s full of BS.
Microsoft are full hot wind and nothing most of the time nowadays, and until they produce the goods, the below will happen even more:
August 2022 NPD PS5 Top in both number of units and dollars.
In Microsofts back yard 😂
You are high if u think half the games noted are coming out next year. We havent seen anything outside of hellblade and it was noted that perfect dark is very early on
Being honest I was waiting for the big 3 by end of June 2023, FM, Redfall and Starfield
Might do it now or might wait.
Been with Xbox since original day one, it feels like getting a messy but sad divorce 😂.
@SinfulDestroyer Exclusive-wise, Sony's 2023 so far is:
Maybe FFVII Remake: Rebirth, but I imagine that will slip into 2024.
(Edit: Forgot about PSVR2)
Given what we already know about 2023 for XGS and that Starfield will probably be delayed to avoid clashing with TotK, I only think 1 or 2 of these will release in 2023. Probably Hellblade given it got actual gameplay last year.
@Dezzy70 @Deshalu Xbox has the money to produce huge titles on their own. Bethesda is a much larger studio than anything Sony owns. I don’t think it’s asking too much for Xbox to compete with Sony and Nintendo with their first party titles. They’ve done it before, they can do it again. Also, the titles Xbox announced at the original Series X event should start to see light soon, shouldn’t they?
I feel Starfield will either be a huge hit or a massive dud. There’s no middle ground with that one. It’ll face the same level of scrutiny as Halo Infinite, so I’m hoping it’s good.
@Royalblues 😏😏😏
They definitely have enough studios and staff.
For me it’s the management of them that is maybe lacking.
Also if they want them to produce ground breaking top end AAA tiles in all areas.
Microsoft might not want them to as it does cost.
I watched the Starfield trailer, was not overly impressed, definitely didn’t have that top end Forza Horizon vibe about it, more like a Jack of trades and average.
See they did that with Halo Infinite, Jack of all trades, average at best all round and sort of incomplete and of course didn’t manage them correctly.
Time will tell, but it would be great if it was top end AAA all round. The outside environments definitely looked bad and lifeless, so far.
Inside looked very good.
As for critical reviews I think it will hit about an 8 ish overall.
Anyway supposed to be released before end of June 2023 along with Redfall and FM.
@somnambulance DeathLoop and GhostWire is from Bethesda studios, so yes they are pumping out games. I think people have unrealistic expectations. Before the pandemic Microsoft only had 5 studios. All these studios we’re working on multi platform or year exclusive before the buying of studios
Doubt they will release 9 games next year, because of the games getting pushed back like redfall and starfield, it will create a ripple effect where some games will get pushed back into 2024, then because of that some 2024 games will get pushed back to 2025 etc you get the jist.
Personally though I'd be happy with Starfield, Redfall and Avowed. Don't really care about forza motorsport, Fable and Hellblade are probably a few years away since no footage has been shown. Also wouldn't be surprised to see a Gears of war remastered collection next year, and I hope they do, recently completed Gears of war one ultimate edition but playing the second game with its current graphics is putting me off.
I think we’ll get Starfield, Redfall, Forza, Ghostwire Tokyo, Stalker 2, Ark 2 and maybe Hellblade 2 in 2023
They need to hit a sweet spot. I think a big first party AAA game each quarter would be reasonable. So 4 big games in a year. Then you can sprinkle your smaller titles around that, keep momentum going.
This is Xbox though, so I expect at most 2, 1 of them being Starfield 🤣
Xbox and Playstation won't truly get going until 2024 but I think 2023 will be very strong for 3rd party games.
@Deshalu @Dezzy70 How is it unrealistic expectations to expect MS to be able to compete with Sony and Nintendo in software? I don’t understand the logic in that. MS did just fine for itself with software for decades and started struggling in Xbox One and now this generation. To me, that’s a management issue, not a lack of resources. I’m not giving Xbox the credit for Deathloop, as the game was close to completion before the purchase, and Ghostwire is a bit of a mixed bag. Honestly, I really feel Xbox decided to prioritize Gamepass over new software and now we’re getting the results of that. With some fans, such as myself, I’m getting frustrated, with others, they love their Gamepass. I would just like for Xbox to be competitive in the exclusive space because that matters to me. They can have exclusives that aren’t AAA games too. Immortality, for instance, is, by and large, a contender for the best exclusive this year, in my opinion, battling with Stray and Arceus. I believe Xbox can generate could content or at least manicure their selection to work better than it currently does.
Starfield, I’m withholding judgement til I play it. An 8/10 would be a bummer for me, as I love Bethesda titles. I would hate to say they’ve already peaked off in my preference… though, I mean, Skyrim’s the last title of theirs to blow me away.
I never said it was unrealistic.
But let’s see how they do, hopefully before June 2023.
Will be interesting to see how Arkane do with Redfall, now they are under some sort of Xbox management I guess.
For me they are a well established studio with some great games.
Personal game preferences aside if they don’t produce their best AAA game to date, then that tells me something about how Xbox manage their studios, aims objectives and expectations.
Might also tell me if Xbox aim to create a slightly less of a AAA game for game pass.
Remembering also this is Xbox new generation only and PC and an exclusive, no Sony or Nintendo consoles to develop or think about.
@somnambulance the unreal, are you reading my comments? Microsoft 2 years ago only owned 5 studios. Microsoft’s Xbox One was not selling good, so not a lot of companies wanted to take a risk of making an exclusive for them.
Because of the pandemic every studio is behind. Sony paid money for timed exclusives, Sony is making multiple studios work on the same remake games (naughty dog, and Sony been on the last of us part one remake).
Microsoft is honoring existing contract with Sony
@Deshalu Sony is working with a lot of the studios that they have exclusives with, which is an approach Xbox could adopt instead of the buy them up mentality. Microsoft has the money to create a strong portfolio of titles and I think they can do it. Developers may be behind, but there’s never been a console that has had a more barren launch line-up than the Series consoles. Xbox should buy timed exclusives too! There’s nothing wrong with having attractive product and content on a console if the platform struggles to develop the content itself.
As for Sony, they’ve made what? One remake and that’s all they do now? I was critical of TLOU part 1 as well.
I understand that development has been delayed on many projects, but there’s plenty of studios that are making quality content at a good pace right now. Xbox has arguably the most money and power, however, so I do expect them to compete.
@Dezzy70 I agree with you a bit. I am truly curious if it’s a management issue or not with Xbox Studios. I feel like, if 2023 is a lackluster year for Xbox, that’ll tell us that. However, if there’s a good showing, then I’ll have been complaining for nothing and I’ll beg for forgiveness. Lol.
@Dr_Luigi @Deshalu I can understand the confusion with how the wording originally was. Fixed it for clarity of statement.
With all the studios xbox own plus the potential future studios, plus Xbox game studio publishing, I think they should be targeting to release at least 1 big title per month.
@InterceptorAlpha I would say HellBlade and Forza Motorsports. Turn 10 is the only home grown Xbox studio that has repeatedly shown that they aren't incompetent, and can release quality release back to back to back on time.
That is what I’m curious about.
We know Forza will be tops all over from Turn 10.
Just like FH5 was from playground games.
Now we can see how Xbox do with Arkane and also Bethesda with Starfield, though I think with Starfield we are gonna get a Jack of trades game and around average.
Seems a massive scope and a variety of game types in that game.
If it’s average then I blame Xbox management as I will is Redfall is. Then my affair with Xbox since the original Xbox will come to an end. And I will go play BOTW 2 😂
What is slightly concerning Xbox have not announced one single release date for those games coming out before June 2023.
Now they need to space them, which they should do then. Feb 2023 April 2023 June 2023
Me got a bad feeling one or more could slip yet again.
@Dezzy70 @somnambulance IMO, the only management problem XBox has is on its marketing end. 343 had management issues, and it's obvious to anyone paying attention to what has happened in the last couple of weeks that the days of forgiveness are over.
Playground has been doing excellent for years, as has the Coalition.
For the most part, HR aside, Xbox simply allows studios to self-manage. Other than 343, I don't know whom is seen as failing under Xbox games studios. I know some will mention Rare, but I disagree. Sea of Thieves has been doing perfectly fine, even if they should had never shown Everwild (I blame that to Microsoft marketing.)
Long term hope of mine is that Xbox Game Studios marketing learns a lot from Zenimax and Activision marketing departments.
Totally agree with Turn 10, Playground and Coalition.
The others under the Microsoft group now we shall see. In my opinion they should not let them manage themselves, and touch base with project reviews etc. Maybe 343 would have done a better job had they done that.
As marketing, currently they are some way behind Nintendo and Sony.
In the UK on the tv and poster boards etc you would not know Xbox, game pass and their games exist.
They are slowly but steadily slipping down to third in most big markets. UK, Europe and even USA. NPD August went to Sony on units and dollars.
As more PS5 come in stock it’s now apparent what console is selling along with the Switch.
Sell a console you can sell a game pass.
They need a better strategy, more AAA exclusives and to some momentum behind the brand.
@Tharsman Playground games released Forza Horizon and 5 with a metric ton of issues, particularly connectivity issues that didn't see a fix for months. 5 was particularly bad in that if you had any I tions on playing online, for about the first 4 months, you might as well forget. I built a whole race seat setup for this game so you can imagine I wasn't happy.
Now on the more facetious side of things: If we're comparing Playground to 343, then they're Gods among game developers. 343 is the saddest excuse for a first party studio the world has ever seen. I can't even think of a first party studio I'd call bad aside from 343.
And all the below leads reduced market share.
Along with Xbox poor PR.
August NPD.
Excellent PS5 sales for taking number 1 in units and dollars. This also marks the 3rd month in a row that PS5 has outsold Xbox S/X in the US. It doesn't look like that will change for September either for the end of the quarter.
Since Microsoft now care about sales again, this will likely shut up Nadella with his poor PR statement of being the "market leader" for 3 quarters in a row.
Totally agree.
They supposed to be having 3 big games out by January 2023 to the end of Jun 2023.
Not one release date or hype yet.
So they gonna release them all in June 2023
They have to give dates and get PR and spread them. Let each Game breath and have its moments.
Feb 2023, April 2023, June 2023 is that their plan.
What the Duck are Microsoft doing.
They almost totally self destructive at the minute and managed by that famous comedy duo Laurel and Hardy.
@Dezzy70 " In my opinion they should not let them manage themselves, and touch base with project reviews etc."
I think many of these studios have proven themselves as to not need micromanagement, but the thing is not about touching base, because they did touch base. Phil has been shown playing early alpha builds of Sea of Thieves, for instance. He goes around and touches base all the time.
As for the US market, XBox is gaining ground to PlayStation, as compared to last gen. Its still heavily bound by stock on both sides, but they are catching up. They need more XSX on the shelves. I think the Series S finally reached a point where its readily available in the US, as of my last hunt, but XSX is still hard to come by.
Some big hitting AAA might increase demand for Series S, though.
Edit: on the touching base bit... 343 dropped the bag big time early in the XSX reveal cycle, but that was peak lockdown too. I have a feeling the management really was not honest with higher up Xbox about the state of the game, but that goes back to 343 management needing big changes (lets see how they do in the next few years.)
"Subject to change"
Hellblade 2 could come out in 2023...but it might not
"Who's to say ?"
Thanks Jeff. Clear as mud.
@somnambulance Sony did build there portfolio and they bought there’s too. Naughty Dog was bought bud.
There’s also been a pandemic that hasn’t happened during PS reign. PS is in the same boat of first party studios being behind.
Microsoft is doing what every console company has done, buy developers. This includes Sega. Activision came to them wanting to sale. So did Bethesda.
@Tharsman @Dezzy70 Oh, I’ll be playing Zelda over Starfield regardless. Zelda games are a guarantee of quality. The only game that would make me sweat in choosing between titles would be Final Fantasy. Starfield went from being the game I expected to be GotY this year to not being in my top 5 most anticipated games next year, but I digress...
I wouldn’t credit Starfield failing solely on Xbox if that did happen. I mean, Bethesda has been sort of off the mark for me since Fallout 4, but, if the trend continues throughout the year with half-baked first party releases, I’ll blame management for sure. It would mean that Xbox is too hands off in their approach. It certainly doesn’t help that Xbox’s PR team is somehow more frustrating than Sony’s.
I know that others may praise Rare on this site, but Rare, to me, is an example of a studio that’s a shadow of what it was in the SNES and N64 era. And then there’s 343, who was able to burn the best mp FPS to the ground. I almost feel like MS wants to acquire Activision to have them make an attempt at bringing Halo back. Xbox has had this huge problem of overselling themselves for a long time. I didn’t realize that Xbox was outlining the entire generation with their original Series X showcase, you know? I expected those to be a launch line-up. It looked like a good one, but, in 2022, we’ve had only two releases from it come, and none more with concrete release dates. It’s concerning.
Xbox are staying third and going nowhere.
Each week and month in the major territories Nintendo and Sony sell more and therefore the gap is now increasing each week and month.
Xbox had a good start but now in 2022 are losing momentum and will continue to next year 2023.
They lost face over Halo Infinite and no big AAA releases in 2022.
If they left the gaming market tomorrow most of the UK general public would not even know or miss them.
The family Christmas lists in the UK are starting to come in and gaming wise it’s all Switch and PS5.
I don’t think they are ready at all.
This generation for Xbox has to the worse new generation in console history.
I have been there since the beginning and can’t think of one worse than this overall.
Great to hear! Since GP is basically free at this point hopefully some of them outside of FM peaks my interest!
@Dezzy70 I don’t know the UK in isolation, but last gen PS had a +258% lead on Xbox across Europe, and a 20% lead in NA.
This gen, PS has a 66.2% advantage over xbox in Europe, and a 7.9% lead in NA.
Comparing to last generation, Xbox is closing the gap. I doubt they will overtake PS in Europe, but they don’t have to. Being “third place” is not some mark of shame if you are alway within competitive distance. I would not be surprised if Xbox overtakes PlayStation in NA this generation. Real reason, IMO, Sony did not dare increase the price of PS5 in the US.
I know this site is based in the UK, and puts a lot of weight in UK numbers, but the UK is just a slice of one huge region. US is about 40% of world wide market (or at least it was for PlayStation last gen)
@SinfulDestroyer According to PushSquare alot.
Ok NPD so far this generation is as follows
For the same time duration compared to last generation.
the NPD (NA) gap this gen is 610k while last gen (at the same time) was 760k in favour of the PS5.
So similar to last generation. Now the point is Xbox the same as last generation does sell at the start because it has its fans and the same in the UK, but over the the last few months it has slowed down and the PS5 increased.
Exactly what happened last generation.
In other words the gap is now starting to grow in favour of PS5 and Switch more so over time, they are both selling more in USA and worldwide than the Xbox so the gap will increase each week. That is simple maths. And exactly what happened last generation.
Xbox fans purchased the console at the beginning and then it slowed down. Same as last generation.
95 comments with the vast majority coming from the Sony fanbase frustrated with Microsoft's first party output, predictable but who would have guessed 🤣.
How on earth are they able to play all of Sony's allegedly stellar output and still have time for complaining in Xbox articles beats me....
I was an ex-Series X owner, people are allowed to have opinions and strike up constructive criticism where they see fit. If it doesn't suit you that's perfectly fine but that doesn't make my opinion any less relevant than say yours.
Oh you are an X series owner? - well I never judging by your comments here 😅.
There is a distinction between constructive criticism and downright synthetic fanboy outrage. Your cognitive abilities should help you discern that, don't let that trouble you though..
If even half of this list sees the light of day in 2023 Xbox will have a great year. As for me and this discussion here, I sold my PS5 yesterday. For more than my initial asking price and it was kind of embarrassing and fun seeing people almost beg me to sell it to them even after I marked it as 'reserved'. No hate towards Playstation, it's just that I've had a PS2, 3,4, 4 PRO and 5 and decided it's time for a change. There's way more games on Xbox now and upcoming that will be fresh experiences for me as opposed to God of the Same, Horizon More Aloy etc. I guess it's normal when you've been in one ecosystem for too long. Having a Switch helps diversity, too. Here's hoping Xbox delivers next year.
No need to be hysterical.
The irony is rather telling, I must admit.
Hysterical outbursts here come from the emotionally loaded posts complaining about Microsoft's first party releases almost constantly ...
I mean, no one is saying that output from Xbox studios is adequate, far from it. But going on irrationally charged tirades on every topic regarding this, becomes grating. Especially given that we now know what is planned for the next 12 months post MS/Bethesda conference.
None the less, I think we took this as far as we can here, have a good day.
@InterceptorAlpha no they just need instant solution business never wait...and yeah they got problems running their studios....but remember that only 5 years ago MS had only 5 studios and now they got 24 studios (without ABK) which is huge, but dont worry they just need experience and they need to establish 2 suppoting studios to help other studios to deliver on time...
MS need experience on running studios it will come with time and also they need more auditors and observers to keep them in check (i bet most of those studios staff is hidding in corners eating donuts
Wow that is rather deep /s.
You need to brush up on your comprehension skills bud (if that is what you understood) , otherwise you are doing nothing but embarrass yourself😉
Please don't engage any further, cheers.
@Gamingforlife Microsoft has been running game development studios since the 70s. How much time do they need?
This isn't a new issue. They've pretty much had problems keeping things coming steady since the second half of the 360's life cycle.
@Dezzy70 Listing the gap in unit count without listing the total unit list is misleading. And again: we talking about the XBox One. Despite the overseas perception of its performance, PS only had a 20% lead on it in NA.
Also of note is that XBO launched with tons of good games and exclusives, but that was basically the end of their lineup. This gen will be the other way around, launched with few exclusives, but things are only going to be going up as almost all games by acquired studios will end up becoming exclusives during its lifespan.
Not that it makes any difference to me. I got all 3 consoles, and whenever there is a Switch 2, I'll get that too. Regardless who is the market leader, my preference will likely always be Switch > XBox > PS, meaning that PS will always be delegated only for exclusives, and only once they hit the bargain bin.
It’s a fun day today as I’m off to get my Xbox Elite 2 Core controller tonight.
@Zochmenos @InterceptorAlpha those are all MS exclusives, none of them will come to PS or Nintendo, not sure where you're getting that they'll come to other platforms
@ThatMusicFan PlayStation has precisely d*ck worth playing other than demons souls and god of war whenever it comes out. MS is bad at getting games out on time but their future lineup absolutely demolishes PlayStation nevermind all the third partys coming to gamepass that ps owners will have to shell out for. It's far and away the better platform now and Sony must think so too considering they copy everything Xbox does that would otherwise set Xbox far apart from PlayStation. It must be frustrating for the Xbox team to have Sony steal everything they come up with while they sit back riding the coat tails of their devs and doing almost nothing new on their own.
@Zochmenos my bad
@FreqMode Please show me where I said they weren't.
@InterceptorAlpha you said it...microsoft! not xbox ! dont mix both....gaming is diffrent and the consumer are very demanding ! dont mix it with a profissional software dev were you make a software to be used for business or communnication and thats it!!! in a game you got more than programmers! you got artist designers writers .... this is entertainment business and xbox not microsoft is the on taking charge and xbox had 5 studios that was multip. by 5 in a short time! they need to gain experience to run such a huge numbers of devs and hire people from xbox office to observe and act to keep things under control
remember its xbox devision xbox brand is a part of microsoft group and they even have their own ceo
The goal is essentially to have an exclusive game or more (first, 3rd and indie) every month. It was supposed to start mid 2022 but covid and dev kit supply issues delayed a ton of stuff people don't even know about.
So they will get there and it will be fantastic. I've found so many games through gamepass that I otherwise would have never played.
That's great and all but you can't just skip a year - it's still 2022 and I want new exclusives to play on my $600 Halo Edition Xbox today - not next year
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