One of our personal highlights of last week's Xbox Game Pass lineup was Road 96, and it seems Xbox boss Phil Spencer shares the same views, as he's been taking to Twitter to wax lyrical about the new Game Pass addition.
In his tweet, he praised the setting and the story-telling mechanic, and said he couldn't wait to play more:
"I'm really enjoying Road 96. Very interesting setting and the story telling mechanic is well done. I get a good sense of exploration and intrigue. Looking forward to playing more and finishing."
We reviewed Road 96 when the former Nintendo Switch console exclusive arrived on Xbox earlier this year, calling its story "about as close to perfect as you could ask for, and for that, we recommend it without a shadow of a doubt."
If you haven't tried it yet, you can check out some details below, along with the official trailer:
"Summer 1996, Today is the day! You hit the road. Adventure. Freedom. Escape. Run. Flee the Regime. Try to survive. On this risky road trip to the border, you’ll meet incredible characters, and discover their intertwined stories and secrets in an ever-evolving adventure.
But every mile opens up a choice to make. Your decisions will change your adventure, change the people you meet, maybe even change the world. There are thousands of roads across the authoritarian nation of Petria. Which one will you take?"
What grade would you give Road 96 on Xbox Game Pass so far? Tell us in the poll and comments!
Comments 15
I honestly thought it was really bad and bland, just a walking simulator with dialogue options. No actual gameplay.
I didn't like the politics and virtue signaling in the game either. You're character felt like a floating box as doesn't even have arms or legs.
Don't understand all the praise it gets at all but guess some people will like any rubbish, just because it's on Game Pass.
@Geezer or maybe the game itself has some value since it was much praised even before the Gamepass release...
Yeah, game had good reviews when it came out. Got an 8/10 on IGN for example. Doesn’t have anything to do with people playing any “rubbish” on GamePass. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean others won’t.
I bought it at launch and thought it was a great game. And I actually paid for it…no regrets. Glad it’s on GP for more people to enjoy.
@GASEOUS Certainly wasn't for me I know that much. If you think it's great good for you.
I cant believe much of what Phil Says. He says he enjoys alot of games but if you look at his achievement list on his account alot of these gamepass games he “plays” he has like 15 min playtime and no trophies
Excellent game, bought it in the last sale and don't regret it even though it came to Game Pass.
It's not politics ffs, it's a dystopian backdrop like so many games have - and choices around violence or peaceful resistance or just living your life.
And many choices are nothing to do with politics, just dialogue options with those you meet - and many minigames that provide more than just the walking / talking.
Short of pure shooters, a lot of that is what many games have - dystopian settings, dialogue options and different paths through the game - so to write it off due to "politics" and "virtue signalling" suggests you're reading far too much into it...
@Widey85 When some people see "anti-oppression" and think it's "politics" and "virtue signaling", they're telling on themselves.
@Rmg0731 he does it for promotion then just to get people to play those games as well and promote gamepass at the same time, but if what you say is true and he doesn't get any achievements for said games then that just shows they weren't good enough to keep him hooked, unlike destiny 2
@Geezer I just hope As Dusk Falls isn’t the same preachy type of crap.
Just finished the first story episode (I’m assuming there’s multiple characters?).
Tbh, I’m not currently riding with the whole about as close to perfect as you could ask for, and for that, we recommend it without a shadow of a doubt. …
I agree it’s intriguing. And I like the setting…although the time period seems a bit confused with itself - why is Pong so big in 96? Cassette tapes? Did I miss something?
But so far it has more working against it than for it for me.
The writing seems a bit…’amateurish’. Frankly, at times, just not very good.
The dialogue choices all seem a bit ‘moot’…dependant on your very last dialogue option during a conversation (the bus ride really highlighted this for me)
And the political message seems a bit ham-fisted/obnoxious.
It’s overall tone seems very Saturday morning cartoon… but also trying to convey some sort of serious message.
These things could easily be forgiven as there is charm and intrigue there, but…
The frame rate is pretty shocking - the engine showing it’s switch roots. And the gameplay as a whole is pretty dire - you’re either plodding around with not the most responsive controls. Or, you’re playing mini games that would be snorted at for being nothing more than ‘shovelware’ anywhere else - also unresponsive controls.
I’d love to know how the reviewer here got “about as perfect as could be asked for” out of this? But the again, I’ve only played through the first story so far…so maybe the story with the rest of the characters really carrys it. I do like how the stories been edited and paced…just held back by the gameplay and writing so far.
@Geezer I respect that lol
@Rmg0731 FYI His achievement list isn't a good judge of what he has and hasn't played or how much. He's stated before that he often plays games early, or in developer mode with achievements turned off so he doesn't spoil/announce things.
This has mostly come up when he's been asked about his Gamer Score by media. He's stated he isn't an achievement hunter at all but it would be higher if:
A) He didn't play games early, either in preview builds or dev mode with no achievements.
B) He didn't play so much Destiny
Liked the first chapter/ playthrough, will play it again and probably finish it as well. Intriguing.
It's a special one for sure. Definitely had a few teary eyed moments. The writing was on point and spoke to something I have dealt with in the past. Absolutely beautiful game.
I might have to check it out since I see people whining about "virtue signaling" and stuff.
It usually means the game actually has some sort of story that doesn't confirm to the stand here shoot there gameplay that people like that are fond of.
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