Update: Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier has stated he's "heard about the two main games in development as part of AC Infinity", but neither have an Aztec setting. He's also advised that the next Assassin's Creed game will star Basim from Assassin's Creed Valhalla in Baghdad, and according to sources, it'll be smaller in scope than recent games.
Here's what he had to say over at ResetEra, and then later over on Reddit:
"Would be some wacky time travel shenanigans if Basim went to the Aztec Empire. I've also heard about the two main games in development as part of AC Infinity, and neither of them are Aztec. Maybe there's some super secret spinoff in production somewhere, but I haven't heard of it!"
"The next AC game is Rift, which is set in Baghdad. After that will be AC Infinity, and while that's going to include a bunch of different games/experiences/biomes/whatever you want to call them, I've heard about the main two and neither of them are Aztec."
Original story: We've heard bits and pieces about the future of Assassin's Creed, both in an official capacity and from reports and rumours. Officially, Ubisoft is working on 'Assassin's Creed Infinity', believed to be a live service game of sorts, although we've also heard reports of a smaller AC title inbound before Infinity comes to market. Well, whatever does come next for the series, a new rumour points to an Aztec theme.
YouTuber Jeremy Penter, or more commonly known as ACG, has tweeted out a straight-to-the-point claim about the next Assassin's Creed game, and where it'll be set.
So, we could be heading to 13th century Mexico in the next AC instalment, if this claim is to be believed. That'd be quite a different take than the Viking era seen in Assassin's Creed Valhalla! Still, let's take this one with a pinch of salt for now though, as there's not really much context here to back the claim up.
If you've not dug into any of the recent Assassin's Creed titles, Xbox Game Pass now provides a way to try one out! Assassin's Creed Origins hit the service last month, along with a 60FPS patch for Xbox Series X|S.
Any location and time period: where would you like the next AC to be set? Let us know in the comments!
[source twitter.com]
Comments 25
Didn't know Karak had that early intel lol
I don't know how I feel about Aztecs
I know hating Ubisoft is cool, but this sounds pretty great if true.
Edit: It's hilarious that in both contexts of this article, my comment fits. It does sound great either way.
Not that I like Ubi very much but there isn't a lot of middle ground in their output so let's hope it's on the good end.
I think I'd be more excited by a modern or futuristic AC game at this point.
Where Forza goes, Assassin's Creed follows 😂 FH4 and Valhalla with Britain and now FH5 and the new AC with Latin America
No more risk taking by gaming companies. Just same old copy paste with a new map.
I think this is for AC: Infinity where there's multiple settings that'll have the game last the whole console generation.
I love Assassins Creed as it is my favorite series in all of gaming. I will support anything the throw at me with a smile on my face. I have no problem with whatever location or setting they choose because it will be beautiful, fun and amazing no matter what. I have yet to have any problems with any AC game and i have played them all. This is great news and sounds like a great location! Good Work Ubisoft! You continue to be my favorite game company!
And no, I am not a paid employee of Ubisoft or anything like that, just a fanboy.
@UnusedBabyWipes I was thinking along the same lines. I personally had though Ubisoft said they weren't going to make any more single era games like we've been getting.
Sounds like a good setting if they can channel Origins into it. Although Aztecs are bloody. I mean really really really gruesomely bloody. It's an assassin's game, but it's kind of popcorn fiction. I'm not sure how much they can do with a watered down version of the Aztecs that is both not clearly fake and is also not classed as horror....
@Richnj It's called Watch_Dogs. I'm not sure that I'd get excited about that if I were you.
@Richnj an assassin's creed game, set in the future on an alien planet! And you play as an 4 armed alien assassin!
sounds pretty cool, but the Aztecs didn't have metal weapons or horses. so not too sure how Ubisoft is going to pull this one off. but I'll play it for sure.
As a historian, I've gotta say, all pre-Columbian civilizations are deeply interesting, from a cultural and technical perspective. However, as a father, I especially despise the Aztecs and their human sacrifices, which included, but were not limited to children. Ubisoft needs to tread carefully here...
@NEStalgia I quite enjoyed the first Watch_Dogs. I think I just picturing the old Splinter Cell Conviction beta expanded in to a fully fledged modernish Assassin's game, with a greater deal of focus on the current state of the Assassin-Templar war, and templar control of society.
@PhhhCough If that's what you want.
@Richnj The first W_D was rough, but cool in its own way. It kind of went off the rails after that. Instead of improving on it they mostly changed it. The newest one actually wasn't a bad game for a sandbox game, but it also didn't know where it wanted to go. W_D was supposed to be a game about the dangers of the surveillance state, and somehow it became an organ harvesting cult with kidnappings and hanging dismembered bodies that has nothing to do at all with the surveillance state other than it's association with a totalitarian military state, which still has little to do with the quiet surveillance state.
My biggest problem with W_D though is that most of the game is played on the map screen solving connect-the-lines puzzles to not get killed. The IDEA sounds cool, but the gameplay gets stale fast. If they expanded on the ideas of the original it could have been a great series. Though the same could be said for AC that was Hitman before modern Hitman.
@PhhhCough Make it a squad based online competitive assassin's game, and I think you've hit a new Ubisoft tentpole!
I'm really hoping they ditch the live service plan. I still really like AC but I'm just not a fan of the live service model. If anything they should do staggered releases between the mammoth rpg games (odyssey, origins, Valhalla) and smaller stealth focused games like the old ones. I like both categories but I feel like they are different enough to keep the franchise feel fresh.
For anyone familiar with Mexican culture you know there’s a ton of potential in this.
I hope this is true. Aztec is my most wanted setting.
As for Schreier, he isn't as accurate as claimed. He did say PS5 wouldn't have any first party cross gen games and look how that turned out. He's gotten other things wrong too.
Sounds like a great setting.
I'm all in on Aztec, Mayan and Taino historical exploration in video games!
Funny I just saw a VGC article saying the next Assassins Creed is going to be placed in Baghdad! Haha I guess we will find out soon enough when Ubisoft annouces it legitimately
Story has been updated to reflect Jason Schreier's comments that the next Assassin's Creed will reportedly be set in Baghdad.
Pre-conquest Mexico would’ve been dope.
Jeff Grubb said he heard Jerusalem in his podcast today.
@pip_muzz After all they do need a car to get there
@FraserG Baghdad. So in Iraq then
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