Over the past six months-or-so, we've been treated to a whole bunch of rumours and even concrete information that a GoldenEye 007 port for Xbox not only exists, but seems ready to go, however it has still yet arrive on the platform.
The latest update from reporter Jeff Grubb is that the release is "still in limbo because of the war", with no further information provided. Windows Central's Jez Corden was also asked about this, but advised he's never heard anything about the GoldenEye 007 project for Xbox via his own sources.
In any case, the port is definitely the real deal, as achievements for the game began popping up on the official Xbox website last month, and Rare employees have been spotted unlocking those achievements throughout the year.
When will we finally see it though? Who knows. There's been speculation that it'll perhaps show up on August 25th to mark the game's 25th anniversary, but if the report is accurate that it's "still in limbo because of the war", we could ultimately be waiting an indefinite amount of time for its release.
Will you be playing GoldenEye 007 whenever it arrives on Xbox? Let us know down in the comments.
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If that is the reason, it likely won't appear until Nintendo gives Advance Wars a new release date.
If Russia has been cut off from access to this kind of trading, why would a game about Russia be a problem?.
@Richnj same reason as advance wars was delayed. Big companies do not want to be conotated with real wars at this time. More than ever we live in a time where something on Twitter can escalate very quickly to "cancel" levels
Love all these industry "insiders" making predictions and then when they're wrong most of the time they just come up with an excuse to cover themselves.
What’s funny is this was released when we technically weren’t at war with Russia. So it was okay to kill Russians when they were just the “bad guys”. But now when they are killing allies of ours, it’s not okay? Doesn’t make much sense to me but…what do I know.
Just gonna say it:
Game's not good enough for the amount of coverage it gets/has gotten along the years.
Not sure who this is for except for people that played it 25 years ago and forgot that it isn't that good.
Whilst the idea if this was a novelty, its hardly a game thats going to set world on fire today.
As such, it doesnt really matter much when it comes as for most, its just a curiosity.
I remember the original with fondness, but have no great desire to return to it...
@Carck fr it looks insanely outdated. I know dem old players want it but I can't see a lot of current gen players pick it up.
@Balta666 unless of course it’s Modern Warfare 2.
@blockfight - spot on. How much garbage did we have before the Xbox/Bethesda showcase?…….most of it utter garbage.
Re Goldeneye on Xbox - The game is fictional - so what possible relevance does the war in Ukraine have upon its release?
@Feffster Advance Wars was delayed due to having a Russian-like commander/nation and going to war with each other.
GoldenEye 007 literally has enemies which are Russian. There’s no direct war but I guess that’s the reason they’re going with.
@ParsnipHero well it is not nintendo or Microsoft (for now)
@Carck @Cherip-the-Ripper Imma petition the Duffer Bros to put Goldeneye in Season 6 of Stranger Things just to get Gen Z to go crazy for it.
@Richnj that's actually a damn good idea. Microsoft should get on that.
I will try it if it is on GamePass. I will not go out of my way to get my hands on it
@ParsnipHero - thanks, yes - I get the fact that there are Russian enemies, but there are scores of existing games out there with the same or a Russian connotation, no one is banning those or withdrawing them from sale as far as I know. The idea that Goldeneye on Xbox is being delayed because of the war is just nonsensical to me, as I said above - it is a work of fiction.
@Feffster fair enough I mean, I don't buy it myself. "Insiders" are going to leak whatever and blog sites are going to repost those insider updates.
The whole thing makes the gaming world go round.
@Carck You have the right to have that opinion but you’re still wrong.
Frustrating for that to be the case. Like others have already said, It makes no sense for this not to be brought out because of the war when we had games before that had you shooting Russians and them being depicted as the bad guys.
The game is more than likely coming to switch and Xbox and I'm guessing Nintendo are probably the ones putting a spanner in the works, They are always over the top with these kinds of things. The fact that they pushed back advance wars due to the ongoing conflict tells me all I need to know. But come October do you think Activision will be postponing MW2?............ No chance
If it was coming in the next year surely they'd have mentioned it a the showcase they just had for games coming in the next year lol
The game still is better than most modern shooters, it just needs a technical update. In regard to Russia, it's just that the game has a part that takes place in Russia but there's no war. Now that Germany finally allows historical depictions of Nazis are we going to ban anything related to a huge country that it's not just its current wicked president? It's like banning all games involving killing, 99% of them.
From Russia With Love.
On a serious note, I know the game isn’t the best. It’s very dated and kids today will probably not want anything to do with it, but I really want to give the game another go. I’m not expecting anything good, just the chance to play it again.
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